Sunday, April 14, 2013


SUNDAY! Good morning to all on this this great day of God's,,,, may you enjoy it , and reverend it! Have a great one! Prayer Requests: For the Family of Ruth "Babe" Russell, who went to the Lord yesterday. Keep the family in your prayers, daughter, Phyllis Russell Franklin, and her Son, Grandson, Brent Franklin and his family. For the family of Cathy Watson, who went to the Lord Yesterday also, her Son Jess, two sisters, and one brother. Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing! A CUP OF LOVE! We all have our own "cup" of something we like to drink , our own vice,, no matter if is is an ole soda pop, that is bubbling all over when we open it... or shake it...(as my little grandson does mine, when I am not looking) , or that cold glass of "southern sweet tea",, and of course that cup of real java,,, I so have to have first thing each morning! We not only have one cup of our liquid drink, but several,, until we are overflowing! Now, how about your love of another? Yes, not yourself, but another, others.. plural, yes many, many! Do you, or do you hold it in to just one, a few, three, or lots, to large lots? "God so loved the world , He gave His only Son, not to destroy the world , but to save the world"! and with no price, His love has been free , since the creation of time, and the world(and yes, He did make the world),,,, Can you say you have this kind of love? How about being like the Son, Jesus, for He gave His love, His life, for us,, on that Cross... wow, love so abounding , given out to us all, with no holds, free for the taking, just ask Him, He is here. in the now, yes right now.... His Cup Runneth Over, with love to you, and to me... then why do we accept His, and not GIVE AN OVERFLOWING CUP OF OUR OWN LOVE, OUT TO ALL? God, thank You for Your love so overflowing, so pure, and given with abundance to us all. amen John HIcks Giving out LOVE!,,, reach out and grab yourself a handful, and then give some of it out of yourself, for love is free, but it must be given from the heart...for love is that special! How about you, are you giving it out,, by the cup and in abundance? Have a great and "lovely" day!

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