Wednesday, April 10, 2013


WEDNESDAY! As you climb out of bed, start your day,, stop , for just for a few seconds.. not long, right?,, and just say , "Thank You God, for this day,, all my gifts of this life, (whether big or small), and please come with me on this my day,, from You, for as You give it to me, I would like to share it with You! Will you? or will you just open your eyes, and get up ,, and business as usual? Prayer Request: For Little Bo, who fell and hit his head yesterday,, pray all is well with Him. A NATION OF EQUALITY! In this nation we are all equal,, if you dis-believe, just ask your congress or your president! In God we are all equal,, and you don't have to ask anyone! Is this not a great statement? for with God we are His, and He loves us , no matter, BUT, as for us to love back, is up to each of us, and it is not left to a vote, nor what we pay in tax, but by choice and example,,, that only!!!! Don't you wish our government was really run by the people , for the people,, Well, that is what God had intended for it to be,, and He gave us that choice. Now I ask , do you think He is really satisfied with what He sees in this Nation, and in this World? Few equalities: You need to get permission for a teacher to give your child an aspirin by your request.. but not to get an abortion; the want of the government to ban more than 20 rounds of a reload on a rifle,, but give jet fighters to a crazed government in the middle east; children are removed from good parents who give their children spankings, and leave others in drug , and filth related homes with both parents being addicted to those drugs; where a woman from young to old, has to be stripped searched to get on a plane but a woman in a hi-jab, is only searched around her neck and head; and many, many other equalities we are handed out by our piers! Not with God! As I said before, the only thing you get bad, is what you ask for , for in the now, and in the end we are all treated equal in His eyes... even if you don't see it personally, nor feel it as you live now, you will see it in the end,, and you will understand then, that indeed, GOD IS TO ALL,,, EQUAL,,, IN ALL THINGS! For remember, He did create you! Oh no, you did not evolve, nor did you make yourself? He did it all,,, think about that, even you, yourself!!!! Lord, I pray that all will come to you FIRST,,, and LOVE YOU, back as much as You love us, amen John HIcks You may think I am down on my Nation, I am not completely down with it, but I am very concerned with the thousands of laws that give to the wrong, and take from the not wrong, the giving to the lazy,, and taking from the workers... other than that and drifting from God,, I am O.K. with my nation, yes mine, for I served her, with pride.. but I serve my God with shield and His word,, and will do , forever ,, and ever!

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