Thursday, March 7, 2013


THURSDAY! For all of us, as you read this, when-ever,, morning, or afternoon,,, stop & say, "Hello God, thank You for all I have, for I know all comes from you,, and ends with you!",, Now have a great day of what part is still left , and then do it,,, first thing each morning as you wake up, and end the above saying with , "Also come, accompany me where-ever I go, for I want to show You off!" After this, the day belongs to You as His gift,, and I am sure , you will enjoy it much better and so will He! Then at bedtime, tell Him of the wonderful time you had with Him, with a big ole "Thank You God for my all!". Prayer Request: For Frank in MD., who is still not doing good. They have discontinued his chemo, and he is at home,,, with good spirits,, so to speak... and needs your prayers as does his family! For David, Joann Samples husband, who will be having back surgery today, please pray,, for God to guide the surgeons hand, and David will be recovered and home before too long. A TIME TO THINK, AND A TIME TO RE-THINK! For all of us to think is going on full time,, what we think sometimes is uncontrollable,,, some is controllable.. this morning is an un-usual writing, see if you get the real meaning! Uncontrollable,, something that happens around your hallo of hearing or sight, and you make an uncontrollable thought of what is happening,,,,, Controllable,,, something you control as you hear or see, or make a statement,,, Now if you see an explosion, you think,, get out of here as quick as you can! If you see satan at work ,,, why not the same? If you see Gods" works, which is all around you , how can you not think of Him, and not "how was this or that evolved?"... this is one time you control not only what you think, but where you wind up in THINK ABOUT THAT, AND IF NEEDED, WHICH IT SHOULD NOT, RE-THINK AND MAKE A DECISION! Lord, may all think of You before they think of all else,, amen John HIcks Thinking is tricky, so you and I need all the help we can get ,, so ask God for help, and guess what, if you have just thought of that,,, it is a "think",, so have a great day, and keep up the "good" thinking!

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