Monday, March 25, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning to all,, and I hope and pray that all will have a great day, and will invite your God, to your day... OUR DAILY PROTECTORS, OTHER THAN GOD God Bless our Armed Forces, and our Law Enforcements, who stand in harms way for all of us to have the freedom we all enjoy so much. We do not always take the time to ask God to bless all of the above.. Without them, I really do not want to think how our country and lives would be. So when you see someone in the Armed Forces,and Law Enforcement, stop and say, thank you , for when they are there to put their lives on the line for us, it can be too late to say thank you, so let's all look to them with a hardy and admiring wave and a kind word NOW.Each day, bow your head and thank God for our freedom and the ones who guard our lines, abroad , and here on the home front. I say to all GOD BLESS THESE SOLDIERS AND LAW ENFORCERS! Lord, I ask that you continue to walk and to hold close, these men and women who protect us and give us the right to worship you, we pray in your name. amen John HIcks Thankful , for God, Country, and those who really and truly protect us, daily, hour by hour, with God at their side,, those mentioned above! Today, get on your knees and pray for two things, first their safety, and all a pay raise, for they are definitely under-paid for what they do...agree?

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