Thursday, July 19, 2012


THURSDAY! Waking up, throwing the covers off, sitting up, smiling, because I feel the rush of life going from rest, to consciousness, the life of God that wakes me up, and flows through my veins, making me anxious to the adventures of His, and my day, again! How did you wake up , with or without Him?

PRAYER REQUEST: Karen Bates, who will be having ankle surgery today, please pray for this young lady, and the doctors who will be preforming this surgery, and her recovery to be real soon.


There are things about Him that people cannot see .. But since the beginning of the world those things have been made easy to understand by what God has made. Romans 1:20

Nature is God's first missionary! Most all denominations of the belief in God, send out their missionaries,, all over the world.. carrying the message, "God is real, Jesus is real, and both are alive, and God is the one, the only God"! Yes, the Bible tells us all to be disciples of Christ, send out and spread the word, and we do, most all ,, that is... but do we ever use God's creation , as an example...for that is"NATURE" ... It is a direct statement , from God, that "YES, I AM REAL!" AND REAL , HE IS!

Can man make a tree,, no , but he can plant one,,, who made the seed? Can man make the rain,, he can make a fog ,by running hot water in a room, but no, he can't make it rain, look at the droughts,,, can man make the air we breath, no ,,but he can ruin it,, can man make the body, or duplicate a fingerprint,, or the dirt we walk on? No! Do you remember hearing this said, "better buy that land, they don't make anymore!"? Well why don't they? They can't, they don't know how,

God made it all!!!! Now use it to wittiness of God, use it to bring the lost to the green pastures of His ,, for there food will abound, water will be of no use, for thirst will cease, use this nature to show people how great He is, to have created so much,, and all for you, and for me... and then ask the big question, "who made this all,,


God, thank You for the earth, and all that is in it, and I pray that You will give us the knowledge to stop tearing her down,, and start enjoying her bounty, for I know if we will just have faith, You will provide, and I ask that all know this.. amen

John HIcks
Love nature, and in that love , you will love your God.. so stop!,,, look around you,,, and see HIM!

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