Friday, July 6, 2012


FRIDAY! TGIF-TGED! As I awoke this morning, I got up thank God for being there with me, went and made the coffee, then I stopped, listened, and guess what I heard? Nothing! I thought, this is what God made the night for. To go out and listen to the night sounds , outside, then into the night , the quiet for our rest,,,yes our rest. His? , always awake, caring for the world, for it is not rest all over the world,, for the sun shines somewhere on this great planet at all times, so God cannot rest,,,Is it not wonderful to have this cool , quiet time of life, to just close our eyes, in faith, and sleep, and when our bodies are ready, His automatic wake up alarm goes off in our mind, then our hearts picks up its' rhythm, bamn, bamn,, , our breathing picks up, we feel the air expand into our lungs, and our chests are full and lifts upward as it is filled with the precious air of life,,, , and then we exhale,, and then, our eyes open, ready , for another day...Now,, is God not only powerful, but is He not the best of "good" ever? Yes He is,!, Now with a deep sigh,,, smile real big,, and say a big ole ,,,"thank you God" ,,, as you get out of bed this morning, on this,,, another of His days..! If you read the above, think about it today as you go about your business, and reverse the time, and think , Hey!,,, He is also caring for me , during the day also, just like the night, and is always here no matter,, even.. when no one else cares,,, He is there always..right beside you! YES, HE IS A GREAT AND LOVING GOD, NIGHT OR DAY! AND HE IS MY GOD! How about you? Do you lay claim also? God, thank You for being just , well God, I love You, and I pray that all who reads this,, will have the courage to stand publicly, and also declare their love for You.. amen ohn HIcks I never know what I am going to write, ,,but I do know whom it is from, beleieve it, or not, your choice, and accepting Jesus as your Savior, is also your choice and yours alone, to make or to not! Have a great Gods' day!

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