Sunday, December 14, 2014


SUNDAY! Awake, an thankful to Him ,, first and foremost... my gift of JESUS CHRIST! What is your first "awoken" thankful to God,,, of this morning? Prayer Request: For all those who are un-saved by Jesus Christ this very moment, this hour, this day,, that all of pray that they will come unto Him, accept Him as their very own Savior, and worship none other than the Father! AND WHAT DO YOU WORSHIP THIS DAY? If we all would ,, and I say we which includes me,,, would pick up our Bibles and read it, as much as we pick up our cell phones, read all our texting replies, and can't wait to reply back,, and as each of you I see holding these devices,, have a certain smile on your face... I don't own one, so I cannot say that what you are looking at is wrong, mine is still the ole flip phone! I laughed the other day as I handed it to my daughter to call her sister,, and she said "Oh gosh, I think I have forgotten how to operate these!",, then I also laughed, for it seemed just like yesterday, it was the "pager"...remember? I am not downing progress, but I do down progress that is more important than religion, talking to a person face to face.. listening to them eye to eye and not looking down , moving your thumbs as you are talking! Maybe I am old fashion,, but I still know the reality and the love of a conversation, even if I do talk a little too much! but at least I do talk to the person, and I do look at the person.. when in a doctors office, or other places, like your church, all phone are requested to be turned "on vibrate, and texting while the sermon , or prayers is happening! so, I say this morning ,,after all this "crap" as you will call it, ,is exactly where "he" wants us,, something to camp out, hunt for , give to our young who can operate one before they can recite a Bibical verse,, am I wrong? or not? You may and are invited into this one!!!! So , go ahead and hit the reply, the comments, for I write from another.. you be the other judge,, AGREE, OR DISAGREE, You cannot live without your cellphone? Lord, lead us back to You , first and foremost in our lives, and let open Your Book as much as we open our phones, and live by Your word, and hear Your ring, before it is too late! amen John HIcks Had nothing to say this morning , until I started to write, and here it is ,,,like it or not,,, but I still stand by the word,, and I stand tall, straight , and first for my God,, and I only ask who is your god?

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