Wednesday, December 24, 2014


WEDNESDAY! The day before the greatest birth of our lives , of this world!!! CHRISTmas eve! Kids, one more day, adn POW! all those papers will be tearing open, and screams, squeals, and laughter, jumps up and down,, and all will see what "ole st nick" has left under the tree for them...BUT, let's all plan on the first thing (after the screams and squeals),, stop , and THANKS GOD FOR THE REASON of this celebration!!! The first gifts to our gift, our SAVIOR! Prayer Requests: For continue to those in that awful Tornado in Columbia Ms. last night, for they have lost all but themselves, and some even lost their love ones, so we must stop, and we must pray from our hearts for these people as we go about our warm and dry homes filled with presents to all.... From William McChargue:Update on my sister. She's doing better she was eating and laughing and watching tv today. God still watching over her. God is good. Continued prayers for Dick Hardy, as he recovers from colon problems, may God smile upon him , and heal him, and keep your prayers also on His daughter, Amelia.. to keep recovering also! For Kala Phillips' brother Jonathan , who was in a bad car accident with four others last night, please pray all are o.k.,, I will post results of wreck as I get them, but until then, please pray for them all. For that grand nephew, to get back on the right road to God's way... please pray for this young man ,,, and to give his mother the comfort that he will come through for her.. and all of his family!!! Thank you all for praying for him!!!! HOW TO BRING OUR COUNTRY BACK TO JESUS! A father wanted to read a magazine , but was being pestered by his little girl. She wanted to know the United States looked like! Finally , he tore a sheet our of his new magazine on which was printed the map of the USA! and after tearing it into pieces,,he told his little girl "put this together, and then you will see how our US looks". After a few minutes, she returned and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together! The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly?..OH!,,she said,,, "on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus, and when I got all of Jesus back where He belonged,, then our country just came together! SO WHEN WE GET JESUS BACK WHERE HE BELONGS, THEN OUR COUNTRY WILL COME TOGETHER ALSO ! Lord, we ask for all the prayer requests above, and that all will not only put Jesus into Christmas, this year, but that we will all celebrate Him first,,, and then Santa second! amen John HIcks Servant,,, story came from Wanda Hilley, one of our own writers in the local paper.. a good and great Christian lady... and we thank her for this great story, which is soooo true! May all have a great and fun MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!

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