Wednesday, December 17, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Yes, as we awake to the day of the"camel",,, we all need to back up a step or two...and realize jokes are jokes, and we all know that this day is God's , only loaned to us for a day? We make plans all during the day, and days of our lives,, , BUT, He says , Do today and do not worry about tomorrow!,,,, and when asking, ask only when you enter, "if it is Your will" ,,, (meaning, if it is God's will, for those who don't interpret some of my writing!) So, let's start out today, with a big shout, "THANK YOU GOD FOR MY DAY, THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!" Now we are ready and off to a day of meaning.. for without Him, there would be NO meaning, nor NO day!! Thank about it!!!! Prayer Request: For all those survivors of that large massacre of those 142+ children,, and may God deal with those who are responsible as He will do , in His own way! WRAPPED AND READY? Well , it is the season of seasons...the starting of the birth of our Savior! and will end with the finally at Easter! We will have our present of 'Life Eternal" ,, that no one else can give except our God Almighty!!! Why the heading this day? Just a question that is so simple, HAVE YOU ACCEPTED JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR ,, WRAPPED YOURSELF IN HIS ARMS, AND IF CALLED BY HIS, AND OUR HEAVENLY FATHER ,,,READY! So simple, so why not are more doing it? Lord, I accept You, I am ready, for I know once I have You, there is a way to my Heavenly Father,, and no one can stand in the way,,, amen (satan, you lose!) John HIcks Servant, and so very thankful for my God and all He has given to this man, and to this family!!!! His love abounds,, just as ours does right back at Him! Where have you pointed your love?

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