Tuesday, December 30, 2014


TUESDAY! A very good morning to all,, and I pray you woke up with God beside you,,, by your request and not just by chance because He is always standing by, waiting on your voice saying, "Good morning God, thank You for this , my day, and I ask will you accompany me through it, and the rest of my life?",,, Now, you and I are ready for our day,,, right? Alright! Prayer Request: For the family of Maggie Vaughn, who passed away 12/28/14, 86 years of age... She was a resident and neighbor of ours here in Yatesville, Georgia, and we ask for your prayers to all the children, grand-children, and to the rest of all the family! For all those families who lose love ones on that AirAsia Jet crash! May God bless them with His arms wrapped around each of those who lost someone! PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR, SIR! If you have been a veteran in the armed forces,,,you have heard this every morning for quite a while, especially in "basic" or after an alteration with the enemy! If not a vet... the you have heard it in many movies... and it is very, very important to be able to say , this statement,, for if after an alteration with the enemy, to say this , means you made it through alive,,, and then you listen to those who do not answer, and the nerves of your brain, heart, and body,,,, wavers as you listen to that silence, especially if that silence is a great friend of yours.. for that kind of lost is one,, that no one can explain that feeling , except the one who does not hear the reply!!!! Now, I want each of you to stop and read this very slowly, and realize what this is saying....o.k.? Now , there was a man, a special man, His name was Jesus. He was born of a Virgin, and born for you, and my sins, lived to teach us all , even now in this day and time and how, well later,o.k.? This man Jesus, was a "KIND" of soldier,, one against sin, against satan, for our freedom to eternal life, and love of all mankind! Yes, so He walked this earth, as Man learned, and some judged for , and some against, but He walked on,, until He was arrested,,,tried, and sentenced to death! He was given a Cross to carry to this mountain,,, where there was a hole already dug to stick this cross in.. and there were soldiers there just to nail this man, Jesus to this Cross, with spikes in His palms, and in His ankles, cut His side open, placed a wreath of thorns upon His head, let that Cross fall heavy in that hole,, thug!!! OH, HOW THAT MUST HAVE HURT, BUT HE NEVER CRIED OUT!,,, and they let Him hang, and bleed to death.. and as He was dieing , he looked up, and called to His Father in Heaven, GOD,, 'IT IS FINISHED", He then died! THEN ,, as the third day came,, the cover of His tomb was opened by the Angels from Heaven, and HE STOOD BEFORE HIS FATHER,, AND THIS IS WHAT I FEEL LIKE HE SAID AND THE REPLY! PRESENT! AND ACCOUNTED FOR , SIR! (yes, He was alive and well, He had survived then and is alive today,, for you and for me! ) REPLY FROM GOD! WELL DONE , MY SON!!!! God, thank You for this reply, for with it we all can at one day, say the same thing to You,, amen John HIcks Servant to my one God,,, and to my Jesus, ,, both ,, ALIVE AND WELL,, THIS VERY DAY! Comments! Now, you understand the part of "well later, o.k.? right?

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