Sunday, April 13, 2014


SUNDAY! HIS!!!! As all others are! Well , we woke to coffee already made,, cups empty, just waiting on us to fill them, sip, and give our thanks,,, so up,,off to the coffee bar,, pour, mix,, on to our own little "hut" ,, we both,, take our cups, toast the Lord who gave us this day, this breath of air, this flow of blood, gave us life from the beginning, and to this day... then , yes we sipped, and took a deep breath, and folks it was soooo gooooood,,, we re-toasted God, for wow,was that a good sip!!! Now who did you have your "drink" with this great day,, His, and on loan to us? Prayer Request: For Libbey, Katherine Christine's' friend in Rome , Ga. , who will be having open heart surgery Monday.. please pray for Gods hands to become the surgeons hands and do this operation,, and success will be great, and the healing fast! THE PARTIES! I am heading this up with the word "parties",, and all will first think of the get together of group of friends and neighbors, with drinks, food, and loud music,, then off to the home with smiles(if you were drinking what you should be drinking!),, but today I am talking about the "two party" system we have in our government,, and yes , for right now, it is still our government... but I am here to tell you, we are lead by non-Christians, no matter what they say,,, and if you doubt me,, then look at the prices of food, gas, reality, clothes, and yes forced insurance,, and your income,, and then look at theirs!! They have expense accounts, free postage, more parties with abundance of free food, gas allowances, THEIR OWN INSURANCE,, their own gym(that even a reporter is not allowed to see the inside),, their government issued security, and these security carries guns,,that shoot real bullets... and then there is that smug smile,, as they tell us these three lies l. they are telling the truth, 2. they are there for you and I, and 3. they are Christians... and more...but I will not go into this. I know you are asking why is this guy witting with such force this morning on our leaders, and is so down on them...,, well somebody has to be a "Paul Revere",, and ride the streets of this Nation, that was set up as a Nation under God, and shout ,, "LOOK OUT satan is coming!" We must realize that God will adhere to His proclamations from His Constitution, the Bible, and as He let us become the greatest Nation on Earth,, that this Nation was set up with His laws to support it,,, written according to His book,,,and folks ,,, our so called leaders are not standing on this box, but the box they are standing on, is smoking ,, as they are letting this NATION UNDER GOD,,, burn to an anarchy!! So pray for the people of America to come to their senses, and find another party,, saddle up, climb aboard, and ride with me,, cry out loud,,,,, and vote,,, GOD FIRST, JESUS WITHIN, AND TRUTH FOR ALL, PRAY FOR ANOTHER PARTY, AND THAT IS IS A GOD STANDING PARTY! God be with us as we trod down the roads of Your world, and may we proclaim You, worship only You, and testify of You,,, and live as You wish us to do... amen John HIcks Fed up! How about you, or are just going to keep on setting on your butts and let satan over-run our country? or do we return and call on our one and our only God, who is over satan in case anyone forgot,,, satan does report to God!! Thank about that for a while!!!!!

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