Tuesday, November 18, 2014


TUESDAY! HI! and burrrrrrrrrr! Here , it is 28 degrees under the carport! I woke up first, so I got the coffee on, went to the "hut",, turned the heat to high,, gave little Pug his morning treats, for he was more interested in those treats, for with that winter coat of his, nice and thick,, he didn't at the time even think of the cold,, he was jumping for joy!TREATS! TREATS!!!! I rushed back into the house,breathing a fog of air,,, and inside,,with the coffee made,, I heard that little female voice rising out of her sleep with coffee on the brain! Ha! and off to the "Hut" did we go.at a pace of "race" not walking,, and watching as our breath passed ,,past us in our scurry to "heat".. and now after two cups,,, back in the house , I feel like as I walked back and forth, and already remember the laughter we have already had in His world.. for even though we had already committed ourselves to Him,, (we do it together again as we start off our morning).. and it is with this that I write my inspiration of words this morning..for as I walked, I could see the breath of life, exhale out,, knowing that cold feeling of inhalation of it coming right back in , and while talking their, and the coming into here, I could not see it,, but feel it,, exhale, inhale!.......... AND SO DOES HIS WORD CARRY WITH EVERY BREATH IN US,,, AND HOW IT IS CARRIED IS UP TO US... FOR HE GAVE US THIS CHOICE.. AND AS IT IS VERY SHORT IN WORDS THIS MORNING... THINK ABOUT JUST HOW BIG IT REALLY IT IS!!!!!! FOR I WILL REPEAT........From the time of the writing of Genesis to now.. it is still the biggest way of carrying His word... and that folks is YOU AND ME, WITH EACH BREATH ,,EXHALE HIS WORD, INHALE HIS STRENGTH TO GO FORWARD! Lord, let all know , that without your living air, we cannot exist, and let all know that our job is to use this breath ,,,not to gain wealth here, but to hail to You, and to testify of Your good, and of Your love, and let You take care of the rest.. amen John HIcks Words,,,, ? Choices....? Only two....? Yes....? No.....? Him....? satan? Choice...? Yours....? Reply, Reply All or Forward | More

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