Thursday, June 6, 2013

THURSDAY! Opening my eyes, and first thing I realize,, God is awake, and has prepared His task that He intends on me doing today, and as I rise ,,, I think ,,, isn't it good to wake up with good in my heart,rather than plan of hurt to to others.... sounds crazy,,, but we never know what we will wake up to ,,it is in God's control, so when you lay your head down, do it with Him,,,for He also plans the night,, and your tasks are always His,, but it is your choice to accept them...that is what God is about,, giving you the world, but the choice of enjoying it with Him, and not with just greed! So, how did you awake this great day of His? PERSONAL REFLECTION! Today, I feel like it is time for us all to just stop! Clear our minds, and have a heart to heart talk with God! We all think we are the sin free, almost the chosen ones... but folks we all need to pray, talk to God daily, and I recommend more than once a day.. if you feel the need, or the want.. foe I truly believe we live with, not around, beside, but with our God, and He loves to talk..and if you listen ,, you can hear Him back? No, I am not crazy, but you have to believe, and have faith, but He does talk back.... Now you think,, you have done so many good things, and you walk around ,,, and you are all along,, people are passing you by, not even nodding , or giving you any notice,, other than a get out of my way glance,,would you not be lonely? Well, with all that God has, and all the creations HE has created, He has created "man" i His own image,, doesn't that tell you something, in His own image,, so He must have wanted us to communicate with Him back,,, what do you think of your relationship with your Creator? STOP,, DO A PERSONAL REFLECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL LIFE,,,,,, AND ALSO YOUR PUBLIC "LOOK"! Lord, I do reflect on my life, and I must confess, I need forgiveness, and I ask You to forgive me, but I also ask forgiveness of my fellow ones who have sinned against me , as I forgive them first.... and Lord , I ask that you forgive this world of their deeds.. and put us all back on track , as You would love to have us on,,,and that is YOUR track...amen John HIcks Knowing that only a few reads this, but if just one comes to the Lord, all will be worth the words, the work, for all my work is for Him... just who do you work for? Did you include that in your personal reflection?

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