Sunday, May 5, 2013


SUNDAY! Good Lords Day! Give Him thanks for it, as you take it , and go with it as you see fit. Most of the times of this life, we take for granted , and as time goes on, we start giving thanks , more, because we are getting older!,, So start now, not later, for yourself, and don't wait until later in life, for there may not be a later in life! Now if if you are going out on the lake, it is better to wear a life-preserver, is it not? So wrap Jesus around you and ask Him in,, give Him yourself,, and then give God The Thanks for giving His Son, your Savior, your personal life-preserver , o.k.? Prayer Request: Brenda Jarriel's mother who was rushed to the hospital yesterday with her brain bleeding.. please pray for her recovery! For the Homecoming of the Yatesville Baptist Church , here in Yatesville, Ga. WHAT ARE WE DOING, PAYING THIS AMOUNT? When we pay an athlete an enormous amount of money, not a million per year , but million upon millions of dollar per year, and I am one who does not feel like this is worth the money... good money, yes but not that much,, for if something happens to you ,,, like a break-in, someone shots at you, or your family, someone steals your car.. or sets your house on fire, or your house just catches fire.. maybe you get sick, need a nurse,, someone to take care of you or your family, maybe they are in a nursing home, or how about those who are cold, and need shelter, and food,,, and then there are those who are in our armed forces, fighting daily.. well, just how much are they paid, per year, as they all strive to fight for you, and for me, and also raise their family,,, how many soldiers come home to foreclosure?,, our law enforcement officers also put their lives on the line each day they go on duty, and even off duty, the fireman who crawls into a burning building... a nurse who stays up an extra 10 hours , and then goes home and clothes her kids, and cooks the meals... well,,, just how much are they WORTH TO YOU WHEN YOU NEED THEM,, FOR YOU CAN'T JUST TURN THESE PEOPLE ON WITH A REMOTE, AND LISTEN TO "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN" OVER AND OVER!! NO, THEY ARE ON DUTY ,,,,, 24/7,, NOW TELL YOUR CONGRESS, YOUR GOVERNORS, AND PRESIDENT? Lord, I ask for your blessings on those who are protecting us,and those who are nursing us, doctoring us,,, and for those who carry those heavy packs, to guide them and their feet.. and Lord I thank You for them. amen John HIcks Thanks to all of you out there in that above category!!!!

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