Monday, May 20, 2013


MONDAY! Good start of a new morning of a new week! My wish is that all will have the day, week, of their wish!,, and how do you start this wish? With a prayer to, and an invitation for God to join you in all you plan, and in all you do. Now, lets bow our heads and start this extraordinaire week! When fear knocks on your door,,,, send faith to answer it! Prayer Request: Paula Turners Aunt Teeny.. who fell and is in the hospital. ONLY YOU CAN DO IT! Yes, only you can make the decision to be a Christian,,, or not to be! It is your choice,, given to you, by God, whether you believe in Him or not, He gives each, a start of life, with no sin, at birth, and then at the age of accountability, He gives you the chance to make the decisions of life, and those decisions will have some sins in them, how many,,, that is up to you also... for we all sin, and come short,,, but the greatest thing He gives us all ,,, is Jesus Christ , His Son, who died for these sins... and that is when the biggest decision you will ever make comes in,,,, You either accept Him(Jesus) as your Savior,,, or you slide on through life with satan,,, and instead of gliding up... you fall down, down, into a pit of fire! Scary? Oh yes it is, unless you like burning,, and I have not found a sane person yet that likes it.. have you? This a thing that amazes me, why are all the people of this world not falling down on their knees , and calling out to Jesus? A decision like this can be made at any time , any place, but after death, it will have been made, and will not be changed! Now , make this decision now... for we are not promised tomorrow! ONLY YOU, AND ONLY YOU CAN MAKE THIS DECISION TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR! God, I ask that You give all a little more of a nudge to make the decision to Jesus,, and also give us all the words upon our tongues to also carry Your message to all we encounter. amen John HIcks I have accepted, I travel the path of Jesus,,,, and yes, He has to reach down, and back ,,,at times and grab me, drag me back up,, to keep me on that road,,, and why does He do it? For I had faith when I accepted Him,, of a road to Heaven, and that faith keeps me on that road,,, as above ,,,it is this faith that answers that door every time satan knocks... Have a great day,,, and don't forget to ask God to come along with you.. O.K.

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