Sunday, March 18, 2012


SUNDAY! Good Morning to this great Gods' Day! Be glad of the good tidings of this day,, that you are free to live at your choice , and to worship Him, because of His love and grace... be then HAPPY, and be THANKFUL to HIM! O.K.?

Good decisions come from experiences and experiences often comes from bad decisions!


I know you all have heard this one before,, they even adopted it for our schools. The government tired this on our children,, they just moved them on to the next grade,, they forgot to train them, it was just a political slogan to get votes, nothing about real truth, nor real improvement for the children.

Now , the elite U.S.forces who use this, is as serious as serious can be ,, on this,, "NO ONE LEFT BEHIND". They are the proud! If you ask one, he will tell you, it is something they believe in ,, to the death! They train, and retrain,,, no mistakes,, for if one is made ,, it can cost a life, completely dedicated to oneself towards each other...

How abut us? What are we dedicated to? When traveling down the road of life,, do we want to "leave anyone behind"? Are we concerned,, that someone is not keeping up,, do they have warmth, shelter, food,, the map,,all of what we have? Just what are we concerned with as we go forward? How about their spiritual well-being?

Have we stopped ,, and went back for our fellow man,,, our brothers and sisters,, who are walking with satan in a road of sin.. in need of the word and spirit of God.. are we back there delivering this message from God? Are we really good Christians on this road of life? Are we leaving some behind as we go down the road of life,, Do we profess to the ones who are walking with us ,, that we are Christians,, even as we hear the screaming of help from our fellow man,, left on the roadside,, behind us? Are we indeed turning around and reaching back, and giving a helping hand to these souls,, these who are in need of knowing God and the opportunity that we can give to accepting Him.. those with an extending outstretched hand ,, reaching for us as we walk on? Are we seriously Christians,, and trained by the word of Jesus?Can we claim this ? Are we real, or make-believe? Can we really say ,, yes , we are Christians,, and we have


God, I pray that we all carry our fellow persons,, the ones who are stumbling, who need Your word,, Your way,, that we reach out just as You did to us.. and leave no one behind on a road to death and sin.. amen

John HIcks
When I am on the road,, I do look back ,, and I am guilty also, of not going back ,, not reaching as I should ,,, but today,, I will not only look back, I will go back,, as long as I can... Today, again, I make a vow,, I am going to follow Jesus,,, I am for Him, even unto death,,are you,, will you turn a head? Or are you afraid it will cost you something,, or your time, or someone may see you, being a Christian? be not afraid, nor ashamed, ever,, for He is with you at all times!

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