Thursday, August 5, 2010


Thursday- Welcome! Take a deep breath,, look around you,, now exhale,, let your eyes roam all over,, Your heart beats a little quicker,, as you see all,, taste the breath of the one who made it all ... a breath of good clean air! Yes He made it all ,, just for you,, and for me... our God Almighty! See,,, feel,, and inhale His goodness!!!!

Prayer Request: Amanda Newby, who will receive a pacemaker today.. that it makes her feel like new!
Libby's' Aunt Etta Crews,, 94 years old, in bed , can't turn over,, having numerous problems.. very, very serious.. Pray for Gods' continued touch on this great woman.


When you look out over the world,, what do you see,,really see? Do you just see?,, or do you really see? What I am asking,, is do you just go about your business just seeing,, and not letting anything in that same ole daily picture that is not unusual? Sometimes, I believe,, God throws some interesting things right in front of us.. whether we choose to see them,, or just step over them,, is our choice(there is that word again!). Whether it is different or not,, use your eyes to look at Gods' "wonderment"! You can look each day, at the same picture outside your window,, and you will see something different ,, even if you look out of that same window for a life time.. now is that not a miracle in its' self? Yes , God is a painter of all times,,, He is always using His paint brush ,,the brush of your, and my life,, so what is the picture you see today? Is it different , or the same as yesterday? Well ,, for me , and for you,, it can be many, many different things, if we look from the heart, and the mind! Looking with these two things ,, determines just


God,. thank You for giving us our eyes to see what you have given us, and not what we want .. amen

John HIcks
Looking ,, and having to revamp daily also,, to see just what God has given me this day.. and I see soooo much.. have you looked lately.. I mean really looked beyond oneself?

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