Thursday, August 12, 2010



Thursday- As I woke this morning,, I thought of all my friends,, and I thought of how blessed I am, for friends include so many,, then I stopped! I realized without going any farther,, real friends ,,, become to us,,, like,,,family ! Thank God for Good Friends! Have a great God's day,, "many friends"!


How, when, where, I pray is of a personal nature,, between me and my God,,, but I do not try to hide it, so to speak". I like to talk to my Lord in private,, but don't mind if I get "Caught"...It is like talking to myself and someone walks up,, they have two choices to make,, one, I am talking to myself,, second, he is crazy! Oh yes,, not really a third, but if I am answering myself,,then number two definitely comes into play.. Praying is something one should do when they feel like it.. need to ask God for something,, which is usually the first choice of when most pray.. but to also thank Him ,, Surprise Him and just pray each day and do nothing but thank Him for all He has given you to date.. no use in naming it all, for you can only live so long.....can you just pray a day of nothing but "thanks"?
Praying in public places,, pray from the heart , not for or to the audience,, for they cannot get you to Heaven by listing and you wailing out all you can conjure up to say as a sweet savor to their ears.. what you think they wanna hear... Pray from heart ,, not time .. pray to God, and not just wailing.. when someone is praying, not matter their prayer, be thoughtful of them ,, and listen, be still, and not making their prayer non-audible.. be patient and faithful to the one they are praying too..
Teach your children how to pray,, change up blessing,, let them pray at night,, or anytime,, Would it not be nice to hear an adult sometime say to a child, hey, let's go say a prayer of thanks to God,, not ,, hey wanna go to the ice cream parlor or the game room while I go shop,, just a thought!!!
Enough about praying,, all the above is strictly my thoughts, my feeling of how I pray, and I perceive others praying,,, when I should be praying for forgiveness for judging other prayee's... so pray the way you feel like,, from your heart, your mouth, wag your tongue to God,, your way,, your thoughts, just one other thing , I want to emphasize and emphasize boldly,,


and be thankful for what you have!

God, I pray this day for Your forgiveness of sins of all who read this, and I pray for the knowledge of how to pray to You and not to me,, amen

John HIcks
I pray today, more than once, and to God, not anyone or anything else, how about you, do you pray,, "really pray"?

The above is my opinion, and mine only, if anyone is offended, I am very sorry, but I stand behind my opinion,, anyone who does not want to receive these thoughts, just hit delete when they pop up,, or just let me know,, I hope you enjoy them.... May all be blessed by the Almighty God , that we all serve,, or do we?

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