Tuesday, August 17, 2010


TUESDAY-As you wake up this morning and hear your cell phone blasting out an alarm telling you , there are messages waiting on you,, word from your friends,, love ones.. messages of inspiration, of daily "doings". I ask you to stop, before you answer that alarm, START your day off with answering that other alarm..don't you hear it,, just listen, pick it up! open it,, and listen to your mind start talking , get your most important message to start your day... It is the Bible,, ringing to be read.. go ahead ,, pick it up AND OPEN IT!


How far can you reach around someone? Yes , it is according to just how big that person is. But a hug, no matter how far you reach around someone,, is a great way of showing someone how much you feel for them. We don't go around hugging everyone we see... no sadly to say,, it is just not American... we hug only those,,, relatives(that we like), real close friends, and always babies from 0 to 10, then after that, you can get arrested..
The Orient, bow to show their feelings, and it is how low the bow , as to the respect the greeting is... So how can we give a "hug" to all we meet? How do we get that glow we are carrying, to transfer to others,, make a person feel good ? Just give them the other "HUG",, that big ole smile, that goes for a mile, and watch them almost take a deep breath of drawing in, just like a hug.. and then there it is as it comes back,, yes,,, that


Lord, thank You for giving us alternate ways to say , "Hey, Have a Great Day", or just "Hey".. that big loving smile, that you gave us all,,and may we use it more often, than not often.. amen

John HIcks
My family is a hugging family,, It has been a custom since I was old enough to remember, and that is a long time, but our family, from moms to dads, brothers , sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, distant relatives, some who were friends but turned into family by fate.... we hug each other everytime we see one another,, how about you,, have you hugged any one lately, and that can be just a big ole smile hug!!!!! Well? Have You?

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