Friday, August 13, 2010


TGIF-Friday the 13th,, WOW! A day of good/bad luck,, Luck is how you live,, what you make, what you plan for, and WHO YOU PLAN IT WITH.. for nothing is possible,,, WITHOUT HIM,, so you could have some bad luck , IF you don't plan Him with you this day ,and all the days of the rest of your life, SO CHANGE ! GRAB HIS HAND! NOW!!!!


In California,, in 8 days, anyone can say "I DO". This will be a time of choices by many, many people.
Godly things will change,, my opinion! Here is a small short story to read,,, then just set,, and think about it.....

My mother,, my father, your mother, your father,, were the only four people left on this earth,,, and God said go and re-populate the world,, and your mother , and my mother said "I do", to each other, then left to go to China.Your father, and my father said "I do", to each other, then left to go to California..
There they lived, our mothers in China, our fathers in California,,, never to see each other again,,,
NOW,,, you would not be reading this, nor would I be writing it, nor would there be anyone on this earth.. Gods' will would not have been carried out... for without is to be without!!!
Now ,if you keep your vows absolute, male to male, and female to female,,,, there will be no "Yours" ,, no "OURS"!!!!,,, after you step forward and say

I DO !

God, Thank You for Your plan, and may we all have the faith to follow it through,, and be ambassadors of Your word.. amen

John HIcks
Opinions , we all have one,, beliefs we all have,, just who we believe is a choice of now, and to be accountable for later.. are you preparing for later, or now?

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