Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wednesday- the day of the "hump",,, we all climb during our life time,, but to do it hastily & weekly is a waste of days.. look at the middle of the week , as a day of the creation, and the start of the day of the rest of your life.. go forward, improve on the behind,,,,, then as you slide down through this life, you will do it more impressing,, doing it the right way,, and that is with the creator beside you , not behind you,, so enjoy each day of this precious life He has given you!


To find the meaning of a word, we have a dictionary; to find out about history, we have books of records(defining what has happened in the past), to find out about the history of religion, we have the Bible for the Christians, and other books for other beliefs.. there are recording being put on discs of total definitions of all things,, as good as man can do.. but all in all ,they are definitions of "things" .
How abut the "brain"? Is there a dictionary for all that it contains. Webster defines it, Brain: cranial nerve tissue.
We can have a physical meaning, but not what it actually has with-in, the past , present, & future! Only "one" has all that is recorded in our brains, and every thought, dream, out-burst, good things and bad things,,, ALL,, stop and imagine, every thing that comes by our brains , is recorded.. and can be re-played by one , and only one.. and also this "one" gives us a choice as to what we put in this brain,, and also this "one" , holds us accountable for what we put in ... and there is no denying when we hear it replayed to this "ONE", who is "GOD ALMIGHTY"! When you are called and asked for the definition of you to be read, yes your life,,,then you might want to take out this filter in this life.. before....To insure that all your recorded information that is put in from now to then,, and can be defined as good, then you had better get that filter,, the Son Of Man, Jesus Christ,, the one who will be, on that day of judgment, standing by you... if you have requested Him prior.. and then He will give the definition of your life to God when summoned for a reading.. and will say in your place......


Then your recordings become blank, no more definitions of your life, you are forgiven, and given advancement!

Lord, thank You for Jesus, and thank You for giving us the choice to make to recieve Him with-in for the walk through this life. amen

John HIcks
Defined, by some as not so good, by others , not so bad,, but by one, as forgiven and accepted and now good, my Jesus....

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