Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Tuesday: Hey,,guess what ? This is your day! Get up,, and grab it and have a great day!! Enjoy, enjoy!!!!


Are you one of those who is hanging on to life by the tips of your fingers,, or as some say by a thin string? You are not alone if you feel this way,, but at least you are hanging! Some just give up and turn loose, and fall,, into that never ending pit of fire and brimstone.. sounds heartless doesn't it? Well it is , and it is a useless fall, for it can be stopped,, and life can go on, without that feeling of hopelessness, that feeling of emptiness under ones' feet, but a feeling of living,, now and forever,, yes forever! As you feel this hopelessness,, this feeling of nothing matters,, that even though you have friends, there is still the feeling of lacking,, the feeling of real security. Money doesn't help,, just temporary , not solid, not real. still missing that something,,that feeling of solid land , under ones' feet, nothing to stand on.
This is how you climb back up from that endless,, bottomless cliff that you have your fingernails dug into. You just yell out, "Yes Jesus, I accept YOU,, I give YOU, my heart and soul to do as YOU want me to.. I ask You to come into my all.."
That is all you have to do,, so simple! When you do this,, then you will , instantly, feel the ground under your feet, the warmth within your heart,, and soul,, you will see the shining light of His love, as He comes within and all around you. You will feel something you have never felt before in your life.. Yes it is called salvation,, the saving power of Jesus Christ,, the barrier against satan and all of the angels of hell.. and the start of the life of eternity,, the way!
When you do this ,, you will feel it ,, and if you already have done it,, then do it again,, it is called , "rededicate" .. and feel that rush ,, that rush of earth and heaven beneath your feet, and the end of


Almighty God,, I pray that more and more will call out to You and Your Son, for that invitation of acceptance of You, into their lives,, amen

I am His, He is mine,, Have you given yourself? Is He yours also?? Your answer? Your Choice!!! Make it now!

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