Sunday, June 15, 2014


SUNDAY! Yes, today is Fathers Day,, and I wish a happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there! But let's all remember our Heavenly Father who gave us our all.. and since this is a special day to all our Earthly Fathers,,, He is is our all, ,so let's all include Him in a HAPPY FATHERS DAY GOD! God thank You for my all , and all those reading this,, amen John HIcks I have so very much to be thankful for, great family, great friends, my great relation with my God, and all the great things I have encountered, and emerged from with God going in with me, being by my side at the time,, and coming out with me... and even only He and I will know what this is all about, it is still the greatest tribute I can give to my Heavenly Father, for You have always been there for me, you have held my hand, you have lead me, and you have hugged me , many , many times! May all of you have a life as I have had,,,,, great, rich , and blessed!

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