Thursday, July 15, 2010


Thursday: Here it is,, the 5th day of creation,, and even thought we look forward to the w/E , God had not even made it on this creation day.. I wonder,, did God say,, wow, I will be glad for tomorrow, thank goodness it will be Friday? Thank about it,, and maybe, just maybe we will stop and enjoy "the daily"!


Everyone is attracted to a bright light. It draws us,, we just have to look,, to see what is causing this great light that we see.. I can just imagine the light that Jesus gave out when he rose from the grave.. the light that came from the atom bomb.. One of jubilee and life,, the other cries of doom, and death.. two completely different lights..
How about the lights(stars), thrown out in the night sky,, like a fluttering of a billion fire-flies! Each night , they are there... as regular as life its' self. Think , what a great feat this was, all these stars,, that are through out this vast universe.. God is so great!
We should all take after the stars, in worshiping the Lord God. We should be like them,, in number,,billions of us , out each day, shinning so that all can see without fail... telling all bout the word of God, about His Son, Jesus Christ. We can be just as bright, just as many,, shown to, just as many,, with just a little faith, that of that mustard seed,, so little to project so big! How about it? Will you shine, or will you wilt away under a earthly canvas , so no one can see you.. Well , we all need to cast the canvas of darkness away, and out of our lives , and replace it with the light of our lives, Jesus Christ,, Will you accept Him, and be like one of the stars in the sky, and for Him


Lord, as I look up,, all I can say is Thank You,,, amen

John HIcks
I want to shine like that biggest star, and I know that as long as I shout His word, His name,, I will shine,, to all who look at me, and especially my God..for when you have God within, He then beams out,, .. are you shinning today,, or are you just a dim , flickering light, under a canvas?

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