Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Tuesday--Well , here we are heading for that slide,, and wishfully, already looking for the w/e.. STOP, enjoy the now! He did not want us to rush ,, but to enjoy it with Him as we walk through this gigantic land of His!

Prayer Request: Tommy Harbur who has pancreatic cancer, he is being treated in Houston, and holding his own.. been "floating" down the Flint River numerous times... pray for Tommy and that he will continue to have that "True Grit" and continue to improve.


We all walk down a street,, or a road,, and we do not thank that much about the advancement of that road and the things that run up and down it.. I will give you a quick example of my long treks of walking in my youth, and how it "used" to be in country Alabama.
On a Sunday morning,, at the age of 6, my mother would pick me or my brother, Sam, to go to Vinemont and get the Sunday Paper, and the mail , if any.. the post office opened from 6 to 8 on Sunday morning and if you wanted your mail,, come and get it! With only a radio,, the paper was out standing on news and the "funny paper" (the comics) were even greater. for my mom would read them to us.. and we would laugh at some and heed the mystery of others... back to the roads..
I would ride that bike down that dirt road, and for that 3 1/2 miles,, I might see one, no more than 2 cars on it.. it might be just scraped and be smooth ,, or it may have ruts as deep as 10 to 12 inches,, and a car could still clear them and go down the road at a fast rate of 15 to 20 miles an hour, and if you were walking, you could hitch a ride on the running board,, if there were more than two of you, they might let you ride on the front fender , with your legs around the headlight.. Now, they are so low to the ground , look out for a bump in the road,, no running boards, and the lights are sunk into the fender.. wow, they took the good times of a ride, on a summer day , right out of the makings... and you know, I have hung onto a mirror on a running board in the winter,, almost frozen to the bone, but making those 3 1/2 miles quicker to the house and that "Warm-warmer Heater" burning hot with that coal.. no furnace bowling hot air, but from that heater, we had heat, even some in the bedrooms. ha.. I remember, and I can hold these things of old in my heart, but I do not want those "country conveniences" again.. but I do want the reverence, the belief, the support,, the testimonies, the life , of God, and with God,, and all started with God, from the morning blessing, to the start of school, the noon meal, the Supper meal, and the bedtime -time.. yes all was started with God, and we all carried Him with us everywhere we went, and WE DID NOT HIDE IT.. how about today? Well enough today, maybe too much.. for some,, but come join me as I still carry that old time , yes , that old, old time of religion,, as



God, thank You for the memories, and the work of a great Mother and Father , who taught me who to walk with, and who to grab a "hitch " with.. and the strength to still walk and ride with,,,, You.amen

John HIcks
I reminisce alot, why? For not only the memories, but for the guidance that my folks taught me,, the right and the wrong, and that there is but one God, and that He lives today, and forever.. How's your memories, are you reminiscing, or living them,, or both? Both. I pray!

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