Monday, April 16, 2012


MONDAY! W/E over! For all you who have jobs to go to...thank God you do this morning, quit complaining,,, there are plenty who will take it for you,, so if you don't want it, make a call, and let those who are without ,, take it.... God gives, and God takes away,, so be thankful for what you have , no matter how dark it seems now, if you have Him,, there is a bright light ahead,, I guarantee it, so keep your faith,, He will deliver!

Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but
it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.


We have a great gift from our maker... no matter how hard we try, we can't make another world, like this one...we can improve on things , by His wishes, not ours,, for He gave us a mind, in which we only use about 15% of it.. so you see there are still a lot of dummies out here.. me included...

Now back to trying to be "god",, we can never make it, so why try? We are made by Him ,, we are not even close to being Him.. so let's just go ahead and enjoy this world,, worship Him, do all we can to spread His word, be good ambassadors of Christ,, to those who do not know Him, and folks , there are plenty here in the good ole USA, you don't have to go outside of our borders(yes , what borders with our current administration?) do you agree, quit trying to be God, quite trying to act like a God... for even when you do,, people know better, so quite making a ,, (words I just can't bring myself to use), but quit being one!... and get on the ride to telling the good ole story of God, Jesus, and that road to Heaven,, if you will just accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,, and then walk around with a big smile on your face,, as you travel this life through


Lord, thank You for this great gift of this world, and Your greatest of gifts, Your Son, Jesus,, just for us! Wow,, thank You God, thank You! amen

John HIcks

Enjoying my world,, given by my Master,, The one , the only living God! Will you come join me? Ask Jesus , and He will come to you and with you also, and then you will enjoy.. even better,, so go ahead, make a choice!

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