Friday, April 6, 2012


GOOD FRIDAY! The day that God started our Salvation...

On this day, long ago, man hung a man on across,, between two thieves,,, an Innocent man, the only one that has ever been completely sin-free! This man was JESUS, the SON OF GOD,,, put into this world for you, and for me, so that our sins could be forgiven,,, by Him giving His life, shedding His blood, for our sins, for HE was perfect, completely Innocent, sin-free, perfect of a man! This is how much God loved us, and how much Jesus loved us also.....
Think, after much lashes of the whip as Jesus struggled with just the carrying of that heavy cross up to the top of the hill , and the soldiers placed Him on that cross, nailed his hands through the tendons, with 8 inch spikes, and then his feet also.. with this done , a spear wound in His side, a crown of thorns pushed deep down into His forehead, then they picked Him up and dropped the cross into a hole, made for holding crosses.. already dug,, and let it drop, bamn , to the bottom with a thug.... when it hit, think of the pain Jesus felt , even over the spikes, the wound, the crown! Then given vinegar to drink, being mocked,, by the soldiers, and proably more.
And as Jesus suffered, hanging there on that cross the love of His words ecohed across the universe... as Jesus said these words,,, "Father , forgive them, for they know not what they do." Can you believe this, a man suffering as Jesus, still called out to His Father , "FORGIVE THEM FATHER!" , when all He had to do was ask God to remove this misery, this hurt above all hurts of man.. and God would grab Him in His arms and stop this Crucifixion, but no,,, God loved this world so much,,, that He gave His only begotten Son, ..
For on each side o f Jesus , two thieves hung on cros that day also.. and one thief called out "if you are the Son of God, save Yourself and us,, and the other one said , we are being done just for our crimes,, for we are thieves.. and we are guilty.... this Man has done nothing, and to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into Your kingdom",, and Jesus said unto Him "Today, you will be in paradise with me!"..
Now at about the sixth hour,,, the darkness came over the whole land,,, until the ninth hour,,, the sun stopped shinning, the curtain of the temple tore in two,, and Jesus called out with a loud voice,,,

FATHER , INTO YOUR HANDS , I COMMIT MY SPIRIT!" and with this, He breathed His last breath!

Yes, on that , this day, long ago, Jesus died , for my sins, and for your sins, and the sins of this world!

But wait for three days and see the conclusin of this great love of our God, and His Son!!!!


But,,,,, He has never let us down, NO, NOT ONCE!....praise be His HOLY NAME!

Have a great day of remembrance!

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