TUESDAY! When those feet hit the ground,,, praise God for giving you this day,, than thank,, just what can I do that will make others smile today,,, make it a "for someone else day", instead of a "my self only day",, it just might put a bigger perspective in your outlook,,,, that is ,,, after you do it! You just might want to do it again, and again, for there is nothing like doing something for "somebody else other than thyself"!
PRAYER UPDATE: Little Joseph has taken a turn for the worst,,, He is having major respiratory problems, and seizures,, they have taken him to the Lady of the Lake Hospital, in Baton Rouge. Please continue to pray for this young man, he is a fighter,, and with Gods help, he will win this fight.
Yes, today,, start your Christmas celebration.. with the reason for it all.. the birth of Jesus Christ. Make this celebration all about Him,, and not the "physical things of this world" , nor the parties,,, Forget the gifts that you must buy, just to make someone happy,, but remember the ultimate gift that was given to you , to me, and all those in this world of His Fathers,, yes,, believe me,, as much as you claim it,, this is not your world, but a loan of it,,.
My son, Rick said in a message,, "let's get out and enjoy this time, ,,this time of Christmas,, let's go look at the celebration of the lights, the great decorations,, and forget to cheapen our Holiday with "things".. Yes it is alright to buy gifts for Christmas,, if they are given in "love and affection" , and not in , look at what I got you,, and guess how much I paid,,, maybe not in words ,, but sometimes that is the look you see on some faces when you get it... but give so that when you are looked at,, the smile is genuine, and there is fun in giving,, really ,, if from the heart,, it is!
So, celebrate,, and don't make it a dark cheapen Holiday,, make it a real one,, to remember.. not forgotten the next day,,, will you do this ,,, at the early start of our celebration.. of "THE REAL CHRISTMAS SEASON"... will you , with me,,
God,, thank You for the birth of Your Son,, Jesus,, for without Him, we would be doomed of a death, and not of a reborn-ed life.. amen
John HIcks
When I write some of these things that I write, I first pray,, and you know , things come to me by mail, computer,, that when I read them,, are high-lited by my maker,, then when I am at a stand-still for something to write,,, He takes the keyboard,, then I am not at a standstill anymore,, words and meaning come,,, and you know what,, I believe just that,, and if you do or not,, is really up to you,, just as accepting Jesus as your Savior,, it is strictly up to you , and only you.... have a great day, and don't forget to carry God with you on your daily quest of this and all other days of your life....o.k.?
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