FRIDAY- Last day of this work week , for some! The day you have sought for,, now to just get through it, and then the W/E. and all those plans you have made , and dreamed of are about to come about.. just finish this day,, yes , just finish this day..and there it is, like magic.. it came about..Well no magic, was all planned before you.. Now look back,, and ask yourself this question,,, am I satisfied with what I did this last week? and then ask this question,, if I was before God Almighty, right this moment,, would He be satisfied with what I did last week? Now that is the real question, that we all need to think about on this "TGIF"... WELL? What was your answer,, might would like to change a few things? Maybe plan the W/E ,just a little different?
Prayer Request: Marshall,, Joni's son who has diabetes,, please pray for him to improve more and more. He is taking four shots a day,, and as Joni says,, he is one of the bravest little boys you would see... maybe let's change that to little man.. and please pray for his improvement.
Millie , who on the 2nd had eye surgery,, pray for her continued health & healing.
Prayer Update: Shannon, out of the hospital,, 300% better breathing now..
Laurie and Frank of Williamson , VA.-Laurie is awake from her induced coma.. they feel like they got all of her cancer...Frank is still growing worse.. please, let's keep the prayers for them rolling and may God shed His mercy upon them both.
Little Joseph, had IV's and put some fluid back into his little body, and made him feel better..but still no word on exactly what type of treatment will be done, if any,, pray for mercy from God , for Little Joseph,, so little ,suffered so much.. pray that God will have mercy on this little boy.. and give the answers to his parents.
We all say,, we have faith, and yet we all question sometime in our life,, it is because we are "man". Jesus was and is the only one that knew and worshiped His Father, without question,, never losing faith ,, no never... even being spit upon , dragging a heavy cross, so thirsty,, the devil all around Him,, yet , he cried only love for God.. then a dreary, horrible death on a wooden cross, between two thieves,, with mockery going on at His feet,, KILL! KILL!,, yet His faith was so great and so perfect.. He not only forgave the one on His right, that very instant.. but cried out for His Father to forgive us ,, as He was persecuted to an extent of horror.. yet His faith was 100%,, to the end...
Now, it is our faith that will let us rise up after death.. to the Father, just as Jesus did... but the question,, is ,, do we have that faith,, that we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, in our hearts,, and public,, cry out His name, and tell others,, we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior,, and we have the faith ... that yes we will be with Him , and with God in the end... we will stand before God, and Jesus will be at our side , He will be our lawyer,, and He will accept our sins,,, right there ,,and we will be free.. thank about it and if you are not saved, and you know people who are not saved,, it is our duty to testify to them.. will you? Will you have the
That Jesus Christ, is the only way to the Father and to Heaven,, He is the one who will take our sins from us in the end.. If you believe in Him.... do you have it, FAITH?
God, Yes I believe, and I pray for all to come to Your Son,,, and accept Him as the Savior of this world,, and have the faith, that He will raise us all up , and stand with us before You... that is my prayer for this day. amen
John HIcks
I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in God,, and I hope all who reads this , also believes .... and I will stand tall , and I will stand firm,, on my belief,, will you stand with me.. and with me lean,,, on the everlasting arms of Jesus?
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