SATURDAY! YEA! Now God has given to you this great and gracious day.. it is up to you to decide what to do with it..please when making your decison, which is yours alone to make,, keep in mind , who gave it to you,, who will be watching, and that it will be written in a book of life,, that one day you will open with God, and this day will be remembered... so make it where when you open it to this day,, you will smile, and be proud,, will you?
Did you know that a palm tree is the tree with the most ability to with-stand high winds of a storm... It can bend almost to the ground, and most of the time, it will be back tall and straight in a few days of sunshine, with the palm leaves waving victory in the wind.
We should all be like the "palm tree", standing in the storm of sin and corruptness,,bent downward,, but when we accept Jesus as our Savior,, and proclaim God as our only God,,and believe and testify that they both are indeed alive and well.. and within us... then like the palm trees as we are , bending down to sin and corruption...they are the sunshine that shines on us, and when this happens,, we stand back tall, with our arms waving, our legs walking, our mouths testifing of both, Jesus and the Father... we are tall , straiight, strong again, and with the promise of no more bending breaking strorms that we cannot handle with them ,, at our side,, yes shout to all,, you are the victor over satan ans all sin,,, your are theirs. for now and ever, and ever.. so go ahead, accept Jesus as your Savior,, and plant your feet in solind ground against all storms, and be like the
Lord, thank You for giving us the chance to put our roots down, in the ground with Jesus as our anchor,, and being able to with-stand the wind of sin, that satan blows our way at all times... we thank you for Your scarifice in giving us Jesus as our sin barrier..amen
John HIcks
I serve only one master.. for if you try to serve two, as Jesus said , you will love one, and hate the other.. who do you serve this moring, this day? Make a choice, for you can serve only one.. and againg,,, I choose loudly,, Jesus.... make
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