SUNDAY! and ,yes on this the day He had finished making it, the world, and He rested, so unless you have an ox in the ditch , then you too should rest. Do something that is resting,, you do not have to just sit down, and do nothing, He rested and relaxed,, so do what is resting, and relaxing ,, but do in remembrance of Him, and those with the ox,,,, He knows ,, so don't stress,, for He made it , and He planned it... just love Him and pray to Him... have a great day to all, and may God bless you as richly as He has me.
Prayer Request: Christy Hicks, still having problems with her stomach adjusting,, still in the hospital.. so keep on praying.
My niece, Toni,, who is having many troubles, and can sure use the prayers of all for her to have some help and that God will touch the situation, and give this young lady some relief.
Sam, My brother,, still having some weak spells,, so please pray for him to get back to that up and att'em ,,that he has always had.
I ask this question,, when Moses got to the Red Sea,, if he had just stood and stared at that great rolling water of the sea,, then the Israelites,, would still be in Egypt and still be slaves.. but,, Moses had God standing beside him, and when God told Moses what to to,, He did it.. and as you know, they all walked across dry land, and when the last one crossed,, and pharaoh started his soldiers,, and when they got nearly to the other side, then they were drown. Yes, Moses not only listen to God and had faith,, and as all the people , thousands were hollering and already condemning him for leading them to the waters edge,, knowing that it was God who led them,, but in a crisis ,,they condemned,, Moses and God.. but Moses with the faith as our Father instructed him... did not just stare at the sea,, but he acted as God told him,, raised his staff, and parted the waters... and all under God walked on dry land,, then again , there was praise... How does God do it.. help, and forgive nations (back to back)as Israel,, right then and there,,, and ours , the USA, daily ,, and on, and on... ?
Yes, it is a matter of being saved by faith,, and if we as a nation,, do not profess, fall on our knees and pray for forgiveness or this nations sins.. and if we all don't start living like it,, not just a few,,, but from the top on down,,,there are not going to be any parting of the seas in our land,, but only pharaohs,, governing our body of land,, and we will still be , unless we have the faith ,and the change, and do the praying to and of our God, ,,,then,,, yes,, we will
So, don't stand and stare, but kneel and pray!
God, thank You for showing us the way across the seas of life ,,, by having the faith, and then letting you show us the path to take,,and being able to open our eyes and see. amen
John HIcks
Yes, I have been on the sand of many beaches,, and not knowing which way to go.. back or forward, and I thank by accepting Jesus as my Savior,,, I kept forward,,, and although my faith ,being so small,, I got my feet damp,, but I have never drowned,, thanks to the hand that keeps me above the water.. no I don't stare anymore, I walk ahead,,, will you accept Him, and come walk with me.. oh what a journey you will have.... really!!!
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