Monday, November 14, 2011


MONDAY! Now , you have survived the w/e... did you do all you wanted to do, or are you already planning the next one? Did you take Jesus with you, or are you looking back and saying "I wish I had" ,, and if that is the case,, I just hope that none have to look over one day, and have Him say to you,, "I wish you had".. and then just stand there and look at you as you stand in front of that throne. Yes,, it is your choice... and yours alone,, something no one else can do for you.. well?


This is a statement that is uttered in this nation,, this world, millions and millions of times each day,, maybe even each minute,, what do you think? My children say it all the time to us, to others in the family,, friends,, and they really mean it.. not just words... and it does mean lots to me... for the word LOVE,, is a precious word to me. It seems that God has overloaded me with it,, and to receive it back it just wonderful.. Here follows an unusual story of yesterday......
We go to stores,, to restaurants, quick grill, carry out,, pick up,, food outlets.. and does anyone every say that to you, then do something to show you they do... well here is one quick story of a young man who did just that, to me and my wife,, upon picking up pizza.. yes, picking up a pizza,, never had seen this young man,, about 16 to 18 years of age..
My daughter had called in a pizza order... for her, and one for us.. as she was here , getting ready to go home,, hubby on his way home from work, so she had ordered,, got the prices for her, and for us.. She had instructed us to go first,, and pick ours up,, as she had instructed the people just how to fix the order for pick up and that we indeed would be first.
Well as we backed out of our yard,,,, she took the lead,, and stayed in the lead,, and as a daddy will do... I griped all the way,,, to my wife,,, as to how am I going to get around her... with money griped in my hand,,,,don't worry was my wife's words.. well as we pulled into the pizza place,, she stayed right in front... o.k. I said ,, one order ,, mixed up... we will have theirs. they ours...(you know us older dads),, but she kept talking to the young man,,,, then drove off, I pulled up,, there he held two pizzas in the window,, a smile on the young mans' face.. as he made this statement ot us both....
"Your daughter has already paid for these pizzas.. why did she pay for them? ,,, she said for me to tell you both that she loved you both very much, very much! Now because of this, I told her I would give her a 15% discount on this order ,, why? Because ,, I love you both too! and thank you for coming by"...
startled we drove on to the window next to our daughter,, and with a big smile,, I didn't even argue with her,, why? ,, because of that statement from a young man who did not even know or had never seen us two old goats.. but was such a big person with a big grin, that made our day.. with the free pizza.. and the free heart jump!
So , you see, it does not have to be someone you know, to just put out a little love.. and you know ,,, we believed him ,,on the terms of his expression on his face..... and the way he said,


God , thank You for an experience we don't get very much, when we shop anywhere ,, but yes,,,we know by You,,, that good is out there,, not matter what you read,,,see ,,,, we know even more than before,,, You are there! amen

John HIcks
More Young Christians showing up all around,, Yes,, I think we are winning... more or less.. we have God, and I call that a winner,, right up front,, and I ask for God to bless that young man.. who cheered up two seniors on a quest for pizza.. for I just believe he is a about that story on this Monday morning!

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