WEDNESDAY! SLIDE DAY! Yep, today is "hump" day,, the top of the camel week day! You have probably got most of your week-end planned.. and ready to hit that slow slide down to that start up of your w/e. Now , just which slide do you use,, which one did you book passage on.. the shinny one.. the one that beckons , with that little wiggly finger,, come on, come on,,all the flashing lights,,the games, and all the goody things on this slide, the one that the guy with the little horns sticking out, and a wicked little wink of the eye,,beckoning,, come on,, come on, OR,,, did you choose that one that is just a regular slide , that carries truth, and real fun,, the kind that doesn't kill you,, the one with the Guy with the red dots on His hands, and feet, and a crown of thorns on His head... His slide will let you down easy,, and at the end of even this one , the w/e He will catch you at the bottom,, then He will walk and slide with you forever,, you just have to pick the right one...for it is your choice of which slide...Now , will you,, have a week-end full of doing things behind closed doors or will you pick the one that slides into the open sunshine with Jesus?
A choice to be made this day of the "camel" ,,or just any day you can come to Him,, He accepts 24/7... This can be YOUR day if you have not,, to come to the Lord,, and accept through this "slide of life" ,, for when I say "LIFE",, I mean forever and ever! And if you have slide already with Jesus, give it another slide,, called re-dedication! Have a great Wednesday and a great life!
God, please, give all who reads this, the will to take the slide with Jesus standing next to.. and leave the other slide of satan... to satan, and his... and that once they make this decision of Jesus, that they will all shout to the world, the wonderful world of "LIFE" with Jesus.. also Lord, I ask and I will also, pray for the safety and guarding of Israel..amen
John HIcks
This morning,, as I started to write the introduction,, I just could not stop on the "slide" ride of the week-end, and the slide of the rest of ones life... with just a small message,, for believe it or not.. I write what I feel is the one who guides these fingers.. not mine or anyone else... some will believe, some will smile, some will say,, just trash,, but sometimes my trash is worth more than your trash... what do you think,, what do you believe...
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