SUNDAY! As I woke,, I said, Thank You God! for: last night's sleep, this morning awaking,, to be able to serve You, and only You,, all my sins still forgiven.. nothing required from the One who is giving me new life this morning, breathing His breath of life in me, for He owns us all... did you realize that when you opened your eyes, yawned, & took that deep breath,, just where did it come from,, did you.. or did you just get on up and ignore Him,,, once more? I hope and pray,, "NOT" ! Oh yes the breath is free!
This morning, I want to touch on something that is so important to me... a story of a little man, who is now a big man! I first saw this little man on a stage a few years ago at my granddaughters school and have seen him since at birthday parties,, and this man has always been a bundle of smiles, and plays with all his heart,, you should just watch him.. he is cool... Now what makes him so much more cooler today than then? Big man, Luke Johnson,, six years of age,, accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, His very own,,oh how proud can the two parents be,,, Kristen and Craig... to see this, and realizing all that God doing in and out of their house,, the circle of God placed around this young man,, would this day,, have him ,,, knowing exactly what he was doing,, and walking into the waiting arms of the Lord.. asking his wonderful love, and saying those words,, yes Lord, I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, congratulations. Luke Johnson!
THANK YOU! For Tommy's heart pacer surgery being succesful , and he is home... praise God for hearing prayers.. may God bless you Tommy!
When we are conceived,, our life is owned by God... yes at conceivement.. we are a living soul! My opinion. We are then delivered into this world,, and we start our journey,, Now this journey is a one way trip... there is no turning around,, there is no I wish in the next day, for we live in the present , even without the guarantee of a yes we are a "one way" trip,, down that highway of life,, just sailing along... with a destination of two places... and it is to these places that is planned by you.. sanctioned by God.... this is the only thing that you can change, that will guarantee you a future,, yes contrary to the above statement... how does this now happen.. as I said this trip on this one way highway,, is sanctioned by God.. so there is the choice,, the destinations.. "one way" is satan and hell. the "OTHER ONE WAY" , is Jesus Christ and a guarantee that you will live, though you die, you will live in the glory and blessed Heaven with God and all will be provided of your choice, rather you choose the other way, of satan, and all is provided for you by satans choice, fire , brimstone, screaming, gnashing of others teeth,, yes enough enough.., as Luke did in the paragraph above, take the "one way on high ground",, the "Jesus Way" and live from the day of accepting Him forever and ever! How about , have or do you need to make that bold statement,,, come Jesus, ,, yes come Jesus into my heart and take my soul in your hands, forever. and put me on your highway of
Lord , thank You for all your blessings we receive this day, thank you for giving us the choice of Your Son, and His street to You as we travel through Your world.. amen
John HIcks
I am His,, and I challenge anyone to come join me , if they have not,, and accept Jesus as their personal Savior,, and walk this road with all the rest of us.. come on,, It is your choice and if you ask,, satan cannot intervene when you ask from the heart,, for remember who is in control of this world! Yes,, God Almighty.. and don't you forget it!
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