Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Thoughts For This Day-Wednesday-11/30/11

WEDNESDAY! Middle week-day, "hump day"! Are you ready? For the slide to the week-end? Ready or not here you and I go! I grabbed my "have a great day" pass,,, did you? Where was it? Right there beside you,, don't you see Jesus! and it is a "forever pass",, and not a stamp,, but something that will stick with you ,,,, wherever you go... reach out,, grab, before you slide,, there is plenty of "have a great day" passes left.. and Jesus is having a ball passing them out.. flip Him a smile and a thank You, as you grab,, have a great slide! Oh, He goes on with you pass this day, and all the days of your life , once you choose Him! Have a great Wednesday, and life, slide!

The Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. Ephs. 6:8 NIV


Are you today, a slave? If you look around on T.V. movies, other habitual services of this new age... you would have to say,, there are a big percentage of "slaves".. yes to the above,, and not mentioned , but to the two biggest,, which go together.. wealth(the love of it), and greed!" This is a sad awakening! How do you feel about yourself, and when you answer , include all you believe in, what you usually do daily, your treatment to all,, the love you give to the most.. the one you depend on the most.. what can you do with, and what can you do without.. what are your addictions......quiet a list,, huh? and it goes on, and on. so when you say the words, "what am I a slave too,, nothing at all, that I can think of", re-think, and if you are just clear of all the above,,, think hard,, for we all are ,, a slave of something,, and that is why we pray for forgiveness to Jesus , for our "sins",,, yes that is the "slave of us all".. sins.. and we all are sinners,, under the whip of satan, and are doomed,,, unless we come forward and except forgiveness from Jesus Christ ,, and if you call out to Him,, and ask for this forgiveness of all your sins,,, and your acceptance of Him,, then and only then will you be completely


God, thank You for the pass of freedom , from You to us,, Your Son,, Jesus Christ! amen

John HIcks
Slave? Daily, I ask for my freedom,, and forgiveness ,, for I am a sinner, and saved by the grace of Jesus Christ..and he repels satan and the chains of slavery,,, Now where do you stand? In chains , or do you walk with a full stride?... You know the rest,, whether you do or not,, is strictly up to you... so make the decision,, for walking with a full stride is better.. believe me,, I have walked with both. Will you join the "freedom walkers",,,,, today?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


TUESDAY! When those feet hit the ground,,, praise God for giving you this day,, than thank,, just what can I do that will make others smile today,,, make it a "for someone else day", instead of a "my self only day",, it just might put a bigger perspective in your outlook,,,, that is ,,, after you do it! You just might want to do it again, and again, for there is nothing like doing something for "somebody else other than thyself"!

PRAYER UPDATE: Little Joseph has taken a turn for the worst,,, He is having major respiratory problems, and seizures,, they have taken him to the Lady of the Lake Hospital, in Baton Rouge. Please continue to pray for this young man, he is a fighter,, and with Gods help, he will win this fight.


Yes, today,, start your Christmas celebration.. with the reason for it all.. the birth of Jesus Christ. Make this celebration all about Him,, and not the "physical things of this world" , nor the parties,,, Forget the gifts that you must buy, just to make someone happy,, but remember the ultimate gift that was given to you , to me, and all those in this world of His Fathers,, yes,, believe me,, as much as you claim it,, this is not your world, but a loan of it,,.
My son, Rick said in a message,, "let's get out and enjoy this time, ,,this time of Christmas,, let's go look at the celebration of the lights, the great decorations,, and forget to cheapen our Holiday with "things".. Yes it is alright to buy gifts for Christmas,, if they are given in "love and affection" , and not in , look at what I got you,, and guess how much I paid,,, maybe not in words ,, but sometimes that is the look you see on some faces when you get it... but give so that when you are looked at,, the smile is genuine, and there is fun in giving,, really ,, if from the heart,, it is!
So, celebrate,, and don't make it a dark cheapen Holiday,, make it a real one,, to remember.. not forgotten the next day,,, will you do this ,,, at the early start of our celebration.. of "THE REAL CHRISTMAS SEASON"... will you , with me,,


God,, thank You for the birth of Your Son,, Jesus,, for without Him, we would be doomed of a death, and not of a reborn-ed life.. amen

John HIcks
When I write some of these things that I write, I first pray,, and you know , things come to me by mail, computer,, that when I read them,, are high-lited by my maker,, then when I am at a stand-still for something to write,,, He takes the keyboard,, then I am not at a standstill anymore,, words and meaning come,,, and you know what,, I believe just that,, and if you do or not,, is really up to you,, just as accepting Jesus as your Savior,, it is strictly up to you , and only you.... have a great day, and don't forget to carry God with you on your daily quest of this and all other days of your life....o.k.?

Monday, November 28, 2011


MONDAY! I woke up excited today... first , I woke with the Lord,, and His saving and forgiving grace,, and then I walked into the kitchen and their came through the door to get her morning coffee, non other than my bride of 47 years ago today... and then there,, I knew that God had been so great to me.. for this was His sending a saint to help a sinner... and all through these 47 years , she has had her hands full, but by the grace of God,, she has been there for me.. and I give her an applause for the love she has given out to me and my dear, dear children... THANK YOU LIBBY FOR JUST BEING LIBBY AND MY WIFE! and may God continue to bless you and me for many , many more years together!


I guess we all have our days or times of "wishy , washy" in our life time... but,, we do , almost all, come back to stand straight,, walk with truth and justice for all... not superman, but as close as our limits will allow..
What we need in this nation,, is first to clean out our own house,,, make sure it is in order , then we can talk about our leaders ,,, is that a good word "leaders" in Washington, and talk about them , I do, and will,,,, I served to have that right.. and this is the USA,, and you all have that right to talk,,, and even those elected have a right to talk.. but they need to understand,, they were elected under a campaign,, of promises to the American people... and when they are elected,, if they do not honor these promises, then these promises turn into lies.. and then they must answer in the end to God almighty for them... Do they understand this? NO, I do not think so.. I think they talk of what we want to hear,, then go to Washington,, eat, be merry, and collect all they can,, then start writing promises for the next round... yes more lies.. you just show me the ones in Washington that is really trying to turn this nation around... are you still rubbing the back of your head and saying "duh! come on,, give us a better test than this one.. it is hard!"
What is this all about? It is about us,, taking a step ,, a step to elect good people , so they say,,,,then set back and talking about the job they are doing.. and not taking a stand. How do you take a stand, you write letters ,you vote them out... you don't let them rule you... for you have a choice and the power.. so why not do something.. why? Is it , that you might not be political correct in the eyes of others?
Now answer this..After you have read this,, thank of this nation,, as one nation under satan! A bold statement? Yes it is.. but my brothers,,, my sisters,,, if we do not take a step or commitment to God,, take Jesus to the voting booth with us,, with prayer at our side , instead of political correctness.. ask not once but daily with prayers, to the only one who can rule this nation,,, we will ultimately loose it.. so
I challenge all ... to do your daily prayers,, and to do with earnest , with no gain, but earnest and honest humility before the God that made you ,,,, and will judge you... let's regain America,, with God,, and not without Him... Let's put Him first,, and the "regain" is started and here.. before you know it... so as I write this ,, that you have to read deep for the meaning of both .... with me ,,,let's



God , lead us,, care for us,, give our leaders the right answers that are Yours, and for You, and Lord, give us the courage and the strength to stand up for you in all we do,,, and ask for Your will , instead of ours.. amen

John HIcks
I pray for this nation,, and I have the faith, that it will always say "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", for I believe that God gave it to us,,,and I believe that the Christians of this nation, will come forward,, with God in their hearts and on their tongues,, and then,,, we will prevail..BUT THIS MUST BE DONE! Will you be one of these ,, with courage , and strength and faith in the Lord to be on the army that saves this nation,, Your choice!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


SUNDAY! and ,yes on this the day He had finished making it, the world, and He rested, so unless you have an ox in the ditch , then you too should rest. Do something that is resting,, you do not have to just sit down, and do nothing, He rested and relaxed,, so do what is resting, and relaxing ,, but do in remembrance of Him, and those with the ox,,,, He knows ,, so don't stress,, for He made it , and He planned it... just love Him and pray to Him... have a great day to all, and may God bless you as richly as He has me.

Prayer Request: Christy Hicks, still having problems with her stomach adjusting,, still in the hospital.. so keep on praying.

My niece, Toni,, who is having many troubles, and can sure use the prayers of all for her to have some help and that God will touch the situation, and give this young lady some relief.

Sam, My brother,, still having some weak spells,, so please pray for him to get back to that up and att'em ,,that he has always had.


I ask this question,, when Moses got to the Red Sea,, if he had just stood and stared at that great rolling water of the sea,, then the Israelites,, would still be in Egypt and still be slaves.. but,, Moses had God standing beside him, and when God told Moses what to to,, He did it.. and as you know, they all walked across dry land, and when the last one crossed,, and pharaoh started his soldiers,, and when they got nearly to the other side, then they were drown. Yes, Moses not only listen to God and had faith,, and as all the people , thousands were hollering and already condemning him for leading them to the waters edge,, knowing that it was God who led them,, but in a crisis ,,they condemned,, Moses and God.. but Moses with the faith as our Father instructed him... did not just stare at the sea,, but he acted as God told him,, raised his staff, and parted the waters... and all under God walked on dry land,, then again , there was praise... How does God do it.. help, and forgive nations (back to back)as Israel,, right then and there,,, and ours , the USA, daily ,, and on, and on... ?
Yes, it is a matter of being saved by faith,, and if we as a nation,, do not profess, fall on our knees and pray for forgiveness or this nations sins.. and if we all don't start living like it,, not just a few,,, but from the top on down,,,there are not going to be any parting of the seas in our land,, but only pharaohs,, governing our body of land,, and we will still be , unless we have the faith ,and the change, and do the praying to and of our God, ,,,then,,, yes,, we will


So, don't stand and stare, but kneel and pray!

God, thank You for showing us the way across the seas of life ,,, by having the faith, and then letting you show us the path to take,,and being able to open our eyes and see. amen

John HIcks
Yes, I have been on the sand of many beaches,, and not knowing which way to go.. back or forward, and I thank by accepting Jesus as my Savior,,, I kept forward,,, and although my faith ,being so small,, I got my feet damp,, but I have never drowned,, thanks to the hand that keeps me above the water.. no I don't stare anymore, I walk ahead,,, will you accept Him, and come walk with me.. oh what a journey you will have.... really!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Thoughts For Today- Saturday-11/26/11

SATURDAY! You are lying in bed, your eyes open, they flutter, then open wide,, you sit up, get your bearing, stand, put on a rob or whatever, go get some coffee(that's me) or something to wash the sleep out of your mouth,, you stretch,,, you yawn again , and again, then you realize,, as you reclose your eyes, and say,,, wow! God thank you for that great night of sleep, and thank you for this new day,, and the opportunity to have another ,,,, to serve you with each minute of it.... now folks ,,that's the way to start a day,, and of course there are others.. but this morning,, this is the one I pick,, which one did you pick,, all that matters out of this pick,, is did you state ,,, to serve you with each minute of it! Well?


Well, there are "aftershocks" from earthquakes,, why not "after thanks" from Thanksgiving? I am thinking,, of how we all treat each holiday.... We start walking toward a holiday easy,, with all kinds of plans.. then as it gets closer,, we start to build up a little steam just a little faster,, with each day.. until we realize it is only a few days ahead,, and then clear the road of life, for here we come,, wide open, faster that the speed of sound,, we are approaching landing, and sometimes we do crash... and then we just make the best of the best... ha.. but that is an American with moderate to wealthy means... must out do the last holiday,, why? for someone might visit and you want good tidings to go out to all they see, or someone might just come by your house and the more the cars. the better,, might even be tempted to go rent a few... yes I am over doing this site, but why? Just to show that when it is coming we work to make it work,, to the fullest.. then after the sun goes down on that holiday,, it is the usual... most of the time....
Yes, guilty from all... right after the good times, the good feelings,, the "after-thanks" kicks in... yes they do.... unless you really and truly took or invited God to your holiday,,, and kept Him with you later,,after the day,, and right on into the rest of the days.... for this Thanksgiving,, I received more blessings, than any one could deserve,, surprise visitors, whom I really and truly care about, a phone call of wonder to me... and the thoughts of all my relatives.. and guess what ,, we didn't beat up too many.. ha... where are we going with this today... it is just a reminder, that we just came out of a holiday,, and headed into an even greater one,, and already,, on T.V.,, I see the not walk slowly, but the bull rush of some looking for bargains, some for greed,, maybe you don't see it.. but stop, look, and go into this one coming,, with humility,, love of the reason,, and that is the only reason for this coming holiday of Christmas..
I hope all of you read into what this was all about this morning.... by re looking at your


God, thank You for these days and times of holidays for us,, and may we realize that we celebrate you each and every day... and that is more important of all holidays to us... thank You God for life its-self. amen

John HIcks
Sometimes, we all get off the track , but thank God,, He can "re-track" by just a prayer to Him,, if you are of track, and need to get back on, try it,, that is prayer,, it works... I know for He has His hands full just "re-tracking " me.. Have a great day.. and don't forget to pray, at least once a day!

Friday, November 25, 2011


FRIDAY- The feast of food is over,, hope all had a great day,, many, many thanks went out.. now is the time to realize,, that we live in a free nation, and that our thanks should include a big thanks for the meal,, but also a big thanks for our Freedom, ad those who have given it to us, and those who continue to do so today,, on this Friday and ....


What do you do to top the next day after Thanksgiving? The thoughts of the big meal.. the great feeling of the love ones that you were with.. missing those who were not with you on this day, of thanks,, the feeling of ,,, Gosh,, God is real, He is so good, look at what he has done ,, since our ancestors first had their Thanksgiving,, one of family and new found friends.

We need to , after this great day of yesterday,,,, go forward with this day, and continue to give thanks to the One who gave it to us to rejoice and have fellowship with each other,, pray together,, and be thankful this day and all those to follow,, by following the example of a typical Thanksgiving day,, and that is upon receiving each meal of every day ,, do the same,,, at home,, in public, at McDonald's, or a four star restaurant, where ever ,,, with all looking on.. proudly ,,bow your head and


Yes that is one of the things we do,, on the day after Thanksgiving,,,,, and the day after, and so on......

God, thank You,,, for You! amen

John HIcks
On this day after Thanksgiving,, and on, and on.. with my God at my side, and my Jesus leading the way... that is what I am doing! What are you doing on this day after? Huh? I can't hear you? "...............!" oh!


Thursday, November 24, 2011




These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU!,, Have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have... may God bless our defenders in uniform, and may we show our love back to Him,, and may I repeat..




John HIcks
Thanks to you all for reading each day and being here for me, for I am here for you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


WEDNESDAY! The slide to Thanksgiving Day, and time off to eat, set back, and be with family and friends, is just around the corner! Today, will begin also the work of the women of this nation.. preparing the start of tomorrow's feast, for their families.. and some will not have this big meal, nor friends or family.. and then their are those who are defending our nation,, our freedom, our flag, our way of life,, and some will eat with friends in the mess hall,,, and it is good. but not like home... and then some will be eating dust from close encounters of bullets... or eating when they can.. but still defending,, while we eat.. that is something my friends that we need to be thankful for.... our defenders of this nation... praise God.. for them, and those women who work the kitchens also, and I ask God to feed the world.. amen

Prayer Request and Praise at the same time: Our Christy has had some set backs,, the doctors say that she will be o.k. She is having a very hard time,, with pain, etc.. please pray for her to get well, and back into God's work... Pray for husband Paul, sons. Sammuel and Luke..
and please pray for the sister-in-law, Molly, who has given her time , from all,, and came to her side to help being there, with her, and kids.. Pray for the strength of this family , also as my brother whose these kids are his sibling's, and he , recovering from heart surgery... we love you all, and prayers are in full for you all...


I have seen the look in the ones as they accept Christ,, the look they take on standing at the altar.. have you? Do you still feel that feeling , when you walked the aisle? It is a feeling of none other! I see others, in the audience,, smile really big.. and chests stand out.. people stand straight, as if at attention.. they take deep breathes. and tears flow. of happiness! and I ask now,, why not a big round of standing ovation of "applause",, and you say ,,"be quiet, and be reverent of the Lord's House!" Why not applaud? They do when they make a touchdown, or a home-run, and this is better than those!
Well, I will be in reverence of His House,, I always am.. and will never do anything to hurt that house.. the church and the temple,, both are in reverence to me! BUT,, I ask,, this question,, when someone walks that aisle,, or kneels down anywhere, and cries out.. Lord,, Lord, Jesus ,, I accept You as my personal Savior. and ask you to forgive me of my sins.. I give You, my heart and soul,, I am Yours! do you think that Heaven just sits around with just a smile? No,, I think if you were there you would hear cheers, fireworks.. and you would see all standing and


God, I want to thank You for taking me as one of Yours. and I do applaud all those who walk that aisle to Your Son, and give their all to You, and I do it loudly and publicly ,, amen

John HIcks
I think that when one accepts Jesus, their should be fireworks bigger and better than the fourth of July, or New Years.. and also,, that it would be so much going off, we would have to create new jobs , just to make fireworks.. here in the USA.. now that is two blessing in one.. how about it?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


TUESDAY- With this day,,,two days till the big feast day.. are you ready,,, lots of cooking, lots of planning.. lots of anticipation.. and the , most of everyone, four days off.. unless you are in retail, and if so,,you are trying to get some rest for the crazy shoppers out there,, anyway,, start today on the thanks of the gifts you have received, for by Thanksgiving day, you will still be making your list , for Yes, God is that good... and ...

My Cup Runneth Over!

My cup of life is full and overflowing,, I am so blessed by my God! What more could I want?Being a human being,, probably if I had pen and paper in hand, I could fill a book of wants,, that is not at all essential with my life of need? No, I actually need nothing! That is hard to believe, but if one will stop and look around them ,, and actually count their at hand blessing,, they might feel the same... maybe not.. but my Lord and Savior has accepted me, and that is the top,, and really only, need I have ever had,, and it cost me nothing, but gave so much.. how about you,, what do you not have , that you need to sustain this life, is it Jesus, love, food, shelter, clothes, cars, any motor vehicle, warmth, cool, money?

The only real need is the first one named, for that is the only need that will get you to where you are actually going.. and He is the only thing that will get you through that eye of that needle! Now, thank about life again, and see as you look down into your cup,, do you see life overflowing out of it, and with Jesus holding the handle of that cup.. or do you see, doubt, smoke, sin, dirt, mud, greed, not even half full and satan holding the handle of that cup? If you have accepted Jesus , really accepted Him,, then you will see


God, thank You for my "Cup" of life,, Your Jesus, amen

John HIcks
As I walk this road of life, I lift up my eyes to the one who gave me the feet to walk this road, and I need not have to say a word, for I already know, my cup runneth over! Does yours, if not , call out to the one who can pour pure love into it, and make it run over, in an instance,, go ahead and call out!!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

MONDAY! TGTD- What a W/E! How was yours? Now to start this day ,, an early slide... for it is only three days for most, for that big feast,, the day we all give our very special thanks, not that the daily is not special, but this one day,,, the nation does it at the same day, the same time , according to their time zone,, it is noon,, we thank God, so get prepared,,, cut back on the eating, so you can dig in and fill up.. with all the goodies,, and start praying today,, that with all the blessings that this nation has had God bestow upon it,, that ALL will eat this day of Thanks,, and I mean all. Do you know anyone who will do without,,, then invite them in.. or take them something,,and say to them,, thanks ,, for they are STILL important to God, even if we do not know why,, they are His,,so let's treat them like they are His.. o.k. good start, then,, now slide, slide!

Prayer Updates: My Brother , Sam,, is still weak, but gaining,, so keep praying.

Christy Hicks, is still in the hospital today.. could go home as soon as today.. surgery went very well,,,


This morning, I want to ask again, what I have asked lately,, and before in the "thoughts"...just how much faith do you have? Jesus, asked for as little as a mustard seed... and it seems we can not get that much for Him.. nor for the Father, for as I say,,, I see mountains move,, but they are moved by God,, I have not seen any,,, moved by man, and I know that IF we had that little bit of "faith" that Jesus said if we had , we could move mountains... BUT
we have faith in man,, faith that when we hit the light switch,, it will come on,, at night when the temp. drops,, automatically,,, the heat will come on... we open our fridge,, it will be cool, and full,,, when we need a big hug,, someone will be there to wrap their arms around us..(for Jesus is always there),,, and if you go to the grocery store,, there will be groceries,, and on the way,, you drive that car,, that will start and run,, when you turn the key,, and then you get on the road,, and on a two lane road,, you drive with on coming traffic,,, only sometimes a foot apart from a head on? Yes, we seem to have put all our faith in man.. and in our inventions.. when we should be on our knees and putting our faith back into the INVENTOR,, you know who HE is... well I am still looking for that one who has enough to move that mountain over yonder... and the reason it still sets where it is,, and satan in working so hard,, is maybe ,, just maybe,,,,


God, I pray for all to ,, including me,, to pray .. and to pray from the heart,, and let's make mountains of sin, dis-appear.. and be no more,, and that we all walk tall with You ,not behind You God, but up beside You. amen

John HIcks
Walking and telling my stories of God... will you walk up front with me... and be a mover of mountains also.. for if we can just stop one sin,, help one to receive God,, and leave satan.. we have moved a mountain!.. what do you think? What is your oppion of a mountain? Interesting ,, huh?

Sunday, November 20, 2011


SUNDAY! As I woke,, I said, Thank You God! for: last night's sleep, this morning awaking,, to be able to serve You, and only You,, all my sins still forgiven.. nothing required from the One who is giving me new life this morning, breathing His breath of life in me, for He owns us all... did you realize that when you opened your eyes, yawned, & took that deep breath,, just where did it come from,, did you.. or did you just get on up and ignore Him,,, once more? I hope and pray,, "NOT" ! Oh yes the breath is free!

This morning, I want to touch on something that is so important to me... a story of a little man, who is now a big man! I first saw this little man on a stage a few years ago at my granddaughters school and have seen him since at birthday parties,, and this man has always been a bundle of smiles, and plays with all his heart,, you should just watch him.. he is cool... Now what makes him so much more cooler today than then? Big man, Luke Johnson,, six years of age,, accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, His very own,,oh how proud can the two parents be,,, Kristen and Craig... to see this, and realizing all that God doing in and out of their house,, the circle of God placed around this young man,, would this day,, have him ,,, knowing exactly what he was doing,, and walking into the waiting arms of the Lord.. asking his wonderful love, and saying those words,, yes Lord, I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, congratulations. Luke Johnson!

THANK YOU! For Tommy's heart pacer surgery being succesful , and he is home... praise God for hearing prayers.. may God bless you Tommy!


When we are conceived,, our life is owned by God... yes at conceivement.. we are a living soul! My opinion. We are then delivered into this world,, and we start our journey,, Now this journey is a one way trip... there is no turning around,, there is no I wish in the next day, for we live in the present , even without the guarantee of a yes we are a "one way" trip,, down that highway of life,, just sailing along... with a destination of two places... and it is to these places that is planned by you.. sanctioned by God.... this is the only thing that you can change, that will guarantee you a future,, yes contrary to the above statement... how does this now happen.. as I said this trip on this one way highway,, is sanctioned by God.. so there is the choice,, the destinations.. "one way" is satan and hell. the "OTHER ONE WAY" , is Jesus Christ and a guarantee that you will live, though you die, you will live in the glory and blessed Heaven with God and all will be provided of your choice, rather you choose the other way, of satan, and all is provided for you by satans choice, fire , brimstone, screaming, gnashing of others teeth,, yes enough enough.., as Luke did in the paragraph above, take the "one way on high ground",, the "Jesus Way" and live from the day of accepting Him forever and ever! How about , have or do you need to make that bold statement,,, come Jesus, ,, yes come Jesus into my heart and take my soul in your hands, forever. and put me on your highway of


Lord , thank You for all your blessings we receive this day, thank you for giving us the choice of Your Son, and His street to You as we travel through Your world.. amen

John HIcks
I am His,, and I challenge anyone to come join me , if they have not,, and accept Jesus as their personal Savior,, and walk this road with all the rest of us.. come on,, It is your choice and if you ask,, satan cannot intervene when you ask from the heart,, for remember who is in control of this world! Yes,, God Almighty.. and don't you forget it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


SATURDAY- Today, as you wake,, get up and breath deep,, deep within your lungs, thank God for that air,,, for you are starting your day off with Him in two ways , right from the get go.. first the gift of life to waking up.. second the breath of life of air, to breath in.. now He is two up on you,, the least you can do, is by thanking Him for this day, and asking Him to accompany you through this day.. will you? Great!


What is a foot-hold? It is something that a person can stand on and be secure,,,it can be climbing a mountain, a tree, a rope, or in the water...something you can comfortably stand on and know you are safe.
Have you ever been swimming, and get in the deep part, get a little tired,,, feet are far from the bottom,, If you touch it , your head will be under water, you will not be able to breath. You quickly swim to the side, grab hold with your arms or you swim to shallow water, put your feet down for that " foothold"...If you are in a lake or a stream, and this happens you look for that "foothold",,,quickly,,,so you don't drown....this "foot-hold" becomes the most important thing,,, the center of your life, for without it, your are lost,,dead!
How about when we are walking in the deep sea of sin? We walk, and we are constantly going into deeper,,deeper sin,,,we are going over our head and it spells sure death,,,,we are looking feverishly for that "foot-hold" of salvation and life!!! Reach your foot out ,, you just can't find a foot-hold, it seems as if it is close , but just out of reach,,, then you raise your head toward the heavens, cry out with a scream,Lord, Lord, help, me , forgive me of my sins,,, I want you and I accept you as my Lord of Redemption and Salvation,,I give you my all,,,please accept me into your fold,,,save me,,,save me,,,,all of a sudden,,you feel the solid pressure on your foot as you become stable , no more sinking,,,but the feeling of rising above this sea of sin and satan....yes,,,He answers just that quick, for He is watching and waiting,,, to pull you to safety.....yes you have just found the


Lord, thank you for holding us all in the palm of your hand and keeping us up and out of the sea of sin...ame

John HIcks
Holding to my permanent "foot-hold" of the Cross,,,and to the one who paid for my sins,,,Want to hold on with me,,,,looking for that foothold,,just ask Him ,,,He is waiting and wants to give it to you!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


FRIDAY! TGIF! Yes, it is here! For those working, your prayers are answered, as soon as you get off work this afternoon, or whenever your shift is over... Did you all(including the non-jobbers, the non, for whatever reason) , go down that two person slide on Wed. ? You know the one , the one you can take someone along with you on the slide of life... you had two choices,, satan or Jesus>>>, don't you remember?,, surely you do!,, if not , just shoot a glance of who is that is on your slide with you as you are now sliding through this day to the week-end? If you made a mistake on who you choose,, you can still change ,, but do it right now... of course the pick is still up to you, as to who you want to be associated with, so good choosing! Have a great day!

Prayer Request : Tommy Mullings, heart surgery did not work, because of calcium build up .. he will have a pace maker put in today.. so please keep those prayers to the Lord coming..


Have you ever been walking barefooted, and stepped on a match that someone just dropped, or stepped on a bee or wasp? Yes, I know most folks have shoes now.. ha! I still feel like there are some who still go barefooted.. but in case there are not.. just close your eyes, and remember that little burn,, or sting, and relate it to the bottom of your foot, for believe me,, it is worst, and it lasts for so many steps,(not minutes nor hours, yes steps) you remember it for a long time.
You could kick that person that dropped the match, or squash the bug that stung you... so why not stop right now , while it is so vivid in your mind,, and think, and think real hard,, "do I want that burning , that stinging , for not minutes or hours, nor steps, but forever?"
Now that you have thought about it,, I know how to keep this from happening, ever again! There is a pair of sandals, that you can get , that are burn proof, sting proof,, and you don't have walk barefooted anymore... If you would like to have a pair.. or maybe you are the one walking without the limp from the burns, or stings, and have a pair already.. I hope and pray that if you are barefooted that you will stop in your tracks,, and ask Jesus to come to your side.. He is the one with the sandals,,the sandal-maker of the non-burn, non-sting, live forever sandals.. and they are free,, He has already paid for all costs.. so if you have not gotten a pair,, or yours feel a little too worn,,(I mean by worn, they have been put in one of your closets to many times) call out to Jesus, He will come like a flash, for He has a pair in His hands, and guess what,, they are just your size,, how about that.. now.. not only everyone else has shoes,, but you have a very special pair,, they are


Lord, I pray that all will rush to Your Son and get those sandals of forgiveness and repentance of their sins,, and walk with You and Him forever. amen

John HIcks
Have I ever walked and felt that burn from a match, yes, and I have also walked with that burning in my heart, without the feeling of Jesus, and I never want to walk like that , ever again.. for when I asked for Him He never hesitated to give me my sandals ,, and He forgave me in an instance! Now I will have to admit,, He has had a time ,, keeping those sandals on my feet.. but you know,, He is a miracle worker, and He has kept them tight and solid,, all these years.. Thank you Lord for being at my side.. who is that with you?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


THURSDAY! Up and atta em! Get out of that bed,, and start to work , exercise,, make some movement , don't just lay there! Unless, you are on vacation, retired, or rich, then you can... yes, rub it in a little,, for God likes to have fun,, and hear laughter,,the genuine kind, that does ones body good,, not hurt someone.. so keep in mind,,,when you laugh ,, laugh at yourself more, than others, and you will really have a great time this day,, and don't forget as always,, take your best friend with you to all the places,,, and let Him go with you past the hat and coat rack.. have a great blessed day to all of you!(by the way, I am rich, retired, and on a kinda vacation(goes with retired),, for I have Jesus as my savior, God as my God.. can't get any better than that! Right?)

Prayer Request: Christy Hicks,,, who will be having surgery on her colon this morning at 6:00. Pray for her and for the surgeon... we love you Christy! From all the family!

Tommy Mullings: who is having a heart procedure today... Lord please be with Tommy and that surgeon, and get Tommy back on the healed side,, He has been through a lot.. and Lord be with the family as they stand beside him..


How many of us really know exactly what "believing in God, and accepting and believing in Jesus means? What is this statements demand,, this statement of , Yes, I am a Christian, I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, I believe in God? Re-read the above , Mark 8:34. It is a belief that must be , even though we are human,,, but must be practiced,,24/7 and taken very seriously,, not in jest, nor in haste. It cannot be done at random of choice, for the choice is in the statement from the words of Mark above... now the big question for you to carry with you starting now... and you MUST ANSWER this, for if you are a true Christian, you cannot let it go unanswered,, for if the answer is yes, then you must answer the one below also,,,,


God, I accept You, I accept Jesus,, and I ask that all who reads this,, to do the same,, even if they have already professed You as God, & Jesus as the Savior,, I ask for them to repeat this commitment, this very moment God,, right after they read Mark 8:34.

John HIcks

I read it,, and I can hear Jesus tell the disciple, come follow me.. and when they said , let us go and tell our family we are leaving.. He said , no, follow me now... and that is the question to answer in this day, and in this time.. will you follow now.. you can keep your job,, your house, you car, your family.. and still follow Him.. but you must put HIM first and foremost.. can you, and most of all WILL YOU? A choice given by God to and for you to make,,, and only you can make it.. so,, what are you waiting on,, this is a "no-brain-er" right?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


WEDNESDAY! SLIDE DAY! Yep, today is "hump" day,, the top of the camel week day! You have probably got most of your week-end planned.. and ready to hit that slow slide down to that start up of your w/e. Now , just which slide do you use,, which one did you book passage on.. the shinny one.. the one that beckons , with that little wiggly finger,, come on, come on,,all the flashing lights,,the games, and all the goody things on this slide, the one that the guy with the little horns sticking out, and a wicked little wink of the eye,,beckoning,, come on,, come on, OR,,, did you choose that one that is just a regular slide , that carries truth, and real fun,, the kind that doesn't kill you,, the one with the Guy with the red dots on His hands, and feet, and a crown of thorns on His head... His slide will let you down easy,, and at the end of even this one , the w/e He will catch you at the bottom,, then He will walk and slide with you forever,, you just have to pick the right one...for it is your choice of which slide...Now , will you,, have a week-end full of doing things behind closed doors or will you pick the one that slides into the open sunshine with Jesus?

A choice to be made this day of the "camel" ,,or just any day you can come to Him,, He accepts 24/7... This can be YOUR day if you have not,, to come to the Lord,, and accept through this "slide of life" ,, for when I say "LIFE",, I mean forever and ever! And if you have slide already with Jesus, give it another slide,, called re-dedication! Have a great Wednesday and a great life!

God, please, give all who reads this, the will to take the slide with Jesus standing next to.. and leave the other slide of satan... to satan, and his... and that once they make this decision of Jesus, that they will all shout to the world, the wonderful world of "LIFE" with Jesus.. also Lord, I ask and I will also, pray for the safety and guarding of Israel..amen

John HIcks

This morning,, as I started to write the introduction,, I just could not stop on the "slide" ride of the week-end, and the slide of the rest of ones life... with just a small message,, for believe it or not.. I write what I feel is the one who guides these fingers.. not mine or anyone else... some will believe, some will smile, some will say,, just trash,, but sometimes my trash is worth more than your trash... what do you think,, what do you believe...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


TUESDAY! TGTD! Wake up,, put on your sandals of faith. Yes , they are worn, but they have trod over many , many miles,,, many, many roads... many,many nations... walking and saving ,,, a job with the mind of man,,is a hard job,, Walking is easy, but dealing with us.. wow, that is a job no one else would have, But Jesus accepted it , with no regrets, nor no rejection of job from the Father, so those sandals you are wearing,, in your heart and soul,, are worn.. but still capable to carry this world,, so don't worry about stepping on a sin or two.. they will tread over them just like new.. so go ahead and take your daily walk with Him.. put them on, wear them well!


You know,, God gave us this country,, this land of milk and honey.. so why are we not using it to survive? Oh we are? Yes, on imports, made in where-ever! What kinda wash is put on our foods,,, to keep them fresh, how much gas shot through our meat to keep it fresh.that we and our children eat? How much junk on our clothes,, that we and our children wear, the irritation, the new bugs, the new allergies,, but we still buy, we still wear,, imports more than made here!

What is wrong with us... are we going total "retail"? It is time we start looking at the "where made " labels,, and start buying "Made In America",, before we are buying in what ever this country will be called.. Just what do we all think our troops are fighting for,, another Walmart or two,, who sells more imports than USA made products? or cereal made in Korea.. China,, or down Mexico way,, South America,, Canada? Just where does it stop..?,,, first .. it stops at our House of Representatives, and our Senate.. & the president, we do have one don't we,,, for our other House, & Senate elected,, act like they are from another land,, maybe it is called "a land of their own, only" and it is our money, not the Nation.. the other place to stop it,, is the docks of America,, as one container is let in,, then ship out another container with American made,,, it should be 10 to 1,,, 10 shipped out,, 1 in.. and we can do this,, if we elect those who are Americans,, I mean,, real Americans not "Washington Grown" ! Elect the ones, that have been raised with God in the home, God in their meals. God in their schools,, God in their work place.. and God at games, and allowed on the streets also... and I know ,, the question,, "would you like to have a Muslin teach and pray in your school".. and I answer this with,, the same old answer,, NO! YOU, WHO ASK THIS, STAND UP, AND HEAR ME,, I SAID BUY IN AMERICA, PUT GOD BACK IN AMERICA BY CALLING OUT TO HIM,,,, AND THE GOD I AM TALKING ABOUT IS THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS,, AND SO IS THE PRAYER, AND THAT IS THE GOD WE NEED TO PUT BACK IN AMERICA,, YES DO YOU REMEMBER THIS SAYING,,,



Let's get off our backsides, and all of us put on those sandals mentioned in the start of this today! o.k.?

God, forgive this nation of it's sins,, and please , I beg to re-instate us,, the USA,, as "the nation of God", with Israel also included... amen

John HIcks
Sometimes,, I see the stack of empty shipping containers,, the stack of full ones,, at our docks waiting to be delivered to our country... and I just have to ask,, why is there stacks of empty ones, with owners begging to sell them to us,, the public,, it should be,, we need containers,, please make more for overseas shipments.. so you agree?

Monday, November 14, 2011


MONDAY! Now , you have survived the w/e... did you do all you wanted to do, or are you already planning the next one? Did you take Jesus with you, or are you looking back and saying "I wish I had" ,, and if that is the case,, I just hope that none have to look over one day, and have Him say to you,, "I wish you had".. and then just stand there and look at you as you stand in front of that throne. Yes,, it is your choice... and yours alone,, something no one else can do for you.. well?


This is a statement that is uttered in this nation,, this world, millions and millions of times each day,, maybe even each minute,, what do you think? My children say it all the time to us, to others in the family,, friends,, and they really mean it.. not just words... and it does mean lots to me... for the word LOVE,, is a precious word to me. It seems that God has overloaded me with it,, and to receive it back it just wonderful.. Here follows an unusual story of yesterday......
We go to stores,, to restaurants, quick grill, carry out,, pick up,, food outlets.. and does anyone every say that to you, then do something to show you they do... well here is one quick story of a young man who did just that, to me and my wife,, upon picking up pizza.. yes, picking up a pizza,, never had seen this young man,, about 16 to 18 years of age..
My daughter had called in a pizza order... for her, and one for us.. as she was here , getting ready to go home,, hubby on his way home from work, so she had ordered,, got the prices for her, and for us.. She had instructed us to go first,, and pick ours up,, as she had instructed the people just how to fix the order for pick up and that we indeed would be first.
Well as we backed out of our yard,,,, she took the lead,, and stayed in the lead,, and as a daddy will do... I griped all the way,,, to my wife,,, as to how am I going to get around her... with money griped in my hand,,,,don't worry was my wife's words.. well as we pulled into the pizza place,, she stayed right in front... o.k. I said ,, one order ,, mixed up... we will have theirs. they ours...(you know us older dads),, but she kept talking to the young man,,,, then drove off, I pulled up,, there he held two pizzas in the window,, a smile on the young mans' face.. as he made this statement ot us both....
"Your daughter has already paid for these pizzas.. why did she pay for them? ,,, she said for me to tell you both that she loved you both very much, very much! Now because of this, I told her I would give her a 15% discount on this order ,, why? Because ,, I love you both too! and thank you for coming by"...
startled we drove on to the window next to our daughter,, and with a big smile,, I didn't even argue with her,, why? ,, because of that statement from a young man who did not even know or had never seen us two old goats.. but was such a big person with a big grin, that made our day.. with the free pizza.. and the free heart jump!
So , you see, it does not have to be someone you know, to just put out a little love.. and you know ,,, we believed him ,,on the terms of his expression on his face..... and the way he said,


God , thank You for an experience we don't get very much, when we shop anywhere ,, but yes,,,we know by You,,, that good is out there,, not matter what you read,,,see ,,,, we know even more than before,,, You are there! amen

John HIcks
More Young Christians showing up all around,, Yes,, I think we are winning... more or less.. we have God, and I call that a winner,, right up front,, and I ask for God to bless that young man.. who cheered up two seniors on a quest for pizza.. for I just believe he is a about that story on this Monday morning!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


SUNDAY! Welcome to the day,, that God, had just finished making this world,, and than kicked back and rested. I wonder,, how does God look upon us today,, as He rests,, we go about our business as usual.. tearing down more and more of the world. You cannot destroy matter , but displace it.. then I guess instead of tearing down the word of God,, more and more are "just displacing it" for a less of a conscience of guilt!


You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32(NKJV)

We all have, and will tell, what we call "little white lies", and some of us will tell a big and outright "lie", an untruth! I have done this in my life, and I pray I don't utter these type lies ever again...we all have. Why? Most times it is to get out of a jam, a threat of body harm, to hurt someone,, or just to get ahead with a job, or for the impression to another... I hate to say that peer pressure,,, is the one lie, we use most of all,, to just keep jobs...yes ,,think about things you stand and say , just to keep that job,, and to please another indiviual or

How can we beat this pressure, and how do we keep lies out of our vocabulary? By accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior,really believing, and having the faith,,,will change the words before they exit the mouth..

Lord , I pray that the words from my/our mouth , shall be only the truths,, just as you have commanded us to do. amen

John HIcks,,, lies,, this is one of the , and if you will admit,, one of the hardest to control of all sins..

Saturday, November 12, 2011


SATURDAY! Welcome to one of seven,, of God's days! Yes ,, they are all His,, just on loan to you and I! Did you not realize this? I feel like more than one,, believes that they "own the day" ,, it is all built around them,,, but I have a great announcement to make,,and it is the statement above of whose they are and will be.. even as we leave these days,, God is the only one whom still owns, those, past, present , and future,, for He is the beginning and the end! Now ,, have a great Saturday,, with Him in it,, since it is His to start with.. pay a little "interest"!

Thank the Lord because He is good, His love continues forever. Psalm 106:1


Who wrote this? John Newton did.. when and where? On a slave ship,, he was the master of the ship.. and as he sailed... he was compelled to write this song,, from God.. for this ended His mastering of another slave ship... You listen to the words,, and today you listen to what was interpreted on that ship at the very time it was written.. we are all still slaves,,, to satan,, if we have not come to the Lord Jesus for our victory over sin,, our release from satan.. the chains of bondage broken forever,, released into the true Masters hands...
I wish I could put the music to this song this morning for you to hear, but I think all of you know it .. so start humming it now.. over and over.. close your eyes.. see a slave,, chained , not able to speak to his ship master. for the tongue was not the same.. but even though taken out of the jungles of Africa.. this slave had a tune in his head,,, and he hummed it , slowly and so low.. but John Newton could hear it! It was a tune that he could not only hear.. but words came,(from the Lord) and he begin to write ,, what God had brought together on that dark but shinning sea,, he and that slave,, John was writing this accounting,, he wrote,,,, Amazing Grace, how sweet it is,, to save a wretch,(a very unhappy, miserable person), like me. He was writing about this slave, and at the same time,, his own self,, and now this song, with this very tune has been passed down.. from generation, to generation... and the one who wrote it, is in my belief still singing it in Heaven,, and so is that slave who was humming it that very night,, and gave John Newton the tune.. yes folks,, John Newton wrote it.. but a slave from another world hummed it.. and hummed it in a language Newton could understand... now God works wonders.. as He did on this slave ship...
Do we have that faith to hum, when satan is holding us down... hum as we know , with the faith of a true believer,, that God is going to save a "wretch"(my definition, is slave to satan), and the faith of "we are also going to be singing this beside those two great men, when we get to Heaven?



You may go to the Library of Congress and look up Amazing Grace, and it will tell you,, written by John Newton... Music by unknown.. yes it does!

Lord, thank You for working on this great song, pulling these two, completely from different environments, and working your miracle in giving us yet another way to sing and testify to You, for you are my "Amazing Grace".. amen

John HIcks
As you can guess ,,, this is my favorite song of all songs.. and I know you have yours,, but I just came upon this little history lesson,,, and felt like it is one that needed to be told... have you made your commitment to break your chains of sin, and come to Christ... That slave, and John Newton did, and I have,, come on if you have not, and pray for those who have not,, if you already have..

Friday, November 11, 2011


TGIF-YES! IT'S FRIDAY! Now for all those plans today, you have them to do.. the w/e,, did you get a three day weeker this week with Veterans day? Did you thank God and a Veteran for your freedom today... you need too! With those plans,,, don't forget to take Jesus with you..o.k.?

To all my fellow Veterans,, I commend you for serving,, and I can not commend enough or share words of endearment to the ones who fell for our freedom,,, we are the lucky ones for their gift, of their life... they paid the ultimate price, for now they are guards in a better place,,, this day!

Prayer Report: My brother Sam,, doing great , suppose to go home today. Thanks for all the prayers.


Faith,, how much do we have? Evidently,, not enough,, for we still move mountains with machines!


Lord, give us the faith,, for we evidently , do have near enough.. amen

John HIcks
Short today, but is it true,, we do , but should not,, depend on machines, and others to move our hearts, and our envioroment,, when we have the ultimate of all machines,, our God! True?

Thursday, November 10, 2011


THURSDAY! Wake up you sleepy head! It is a new day! "Another" gift, A DAY, has been given! From God Himself! So, don't waste it on worry, hate, hurting on self, or someone else,,but jump straight, up,, smile, thank God out loud,,, THANK YOU GOD ,, FOR TWO THINGS THIS MORNING,,, JESUS, AND A NEW DAY FOR ME TO COME TO HIM! Now ,, that you are a wake,, "what will it be," said the Master,,, "A good time with me today,, or just a good time? Well??????"

Prayer Request: My brother Sam, as he has his heart surgery this morning, early,, and may God guide that surgeons' hands.
Prayer Report: Steve Maguire, out of surgery , yesterday,, and doing good at last report. Praise God,, for all the credit.


There once was a man, who wanted to be closer to God,, He thought about it long and hard. He watched people praying to God,,, and they not only lowered their head, but also raised it towards the sky. All his life, parents, preachers had told him, Heaven was up,, and all had pointed or indicated, Heaven was up up in the sky, somewhere. Jesus , ascended , that is up , to the sky. So we know that Heaven is up,, that is a fact , to me, also to that man..
He finally made a decision,, he wanted to get close to Heaven, so when God called, he would be right up front, just as someone calling you in a game of sorts, to be called first, for God could see him easier. He did not know that God was already watching him very closely.. He had heard all the things about God, and Jesus, but he had not given his soul to Jesus, not accepted Him as his personal Savior.. the only way to Heaven, whether you live in the basement or on top of the mountain,, for when you accept Jesus, you are as close to God as you are going to get here on this earth,, and you are in the eyesight of a glad God.
So ,don't worry about how far God is from you, just worry about where your soul stands in the book of life.. and make sure you have accepted Jesus as your Savior.... for even as the man who climbed to the top of the mountain to live , and live closer to God.. all he had to do, was at the bottom , before the climb ,,,was accept Jesus.. and he would have been higher than he could have ever


Lord, I am thankful to You, for our way to You , and our final home, Heaven.. I now ask for all to reach out to Your Son, and cry out the words,, "Father, forgive me of my sins, I accept Jesus as my Savior".. amen

John HIcks
I am thankful that I reached out, and my mountain here has been climbed,, now all I have to do is live as He wants me to do, and know that the rest of my trip has been booked to the right place.. Have you made your reservations?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Are you ready ? For the W/E? Planning starts now,, I mean serious planning,, for you are now on the tilt of downhill slide,, and you want to slide into a good plan... so plan the next days to the w/e with Jesus, and the ones of the w/e , starting now,, and then you can insure that the w/e will be a good w/e! Right?

Prayer Requests: For all to start their prayer for my brother Sam, who is going back in the hospital on Thursday for a heart repair.. pray for this surgeons hands to guide and reconnect that lead on his heart.
For David Chipman, who lost his mother Penny, of 73 yrs old. Also pray for David who is suffering from cancer .. pray for God to put his hand on thiS man.
As many of you know, Dana Tarter is the deaf young woman, mother and wife who attends church at PVN and is a special ed teacher at Model High School. Dana always has a smile for everyone she meets. You may not realize she is deaf because she reads lips so well and speaks so clearly. Her eyes allow her to continue to communicate. She has been told in the past month that she will go blind in the near future. The same thing that attacked her hearing 20 years ago when she was 18 is now attacking her sight. We are praying for God’s divine intervention and asking Him for a miracle on behalf of Dana. Please join with us as we pray for Dana. She has another doctor’s appointment at Emory today. The God we serve is still in the healing business and He can heal Dana. Please petition Him with us for her healing! Ask all those you know who are prayer warriors to please pray as well.
Frank and Laurie,, Laurie is going into treatment, 5 days a week for the next 7 wks. Frank is not doing real good,, he is weak, but getting around some.. continue to pray.
Little Joseph is doing better for now,, playing and some improved strength.. pray for him until the next step is taken on his treatment... maybe in Texas for another type with another hospital..


How many of these things have you filled out in this life already? Wow! I can guess,, on me ,, a million? Maybe not quite that many, but sure feels like it... even going to new doctor,, fill out this applications,, yes , two or more,, for they call them information sheets.. but it is an application to see just how you are going to fare in that office... and all those others are really finding out,, just how do they feel about you,, and if you will work there,, get healthy there,,, are allowed to go "there",,, join a club,, get a credit card,,, do away with a credit card,, yes , some have applications to do away with things,, ha,, more applications than mail some days...the only thing that overpowers those are bills,, and they are the result of prior applications... Now do you get it,, about applications ! Want to find something , that does not require an application of any kind,, it is free, it does not need anything in writing,, only a voice message,, how simple can that be? Just stop ,,, think about it.. you already know what it is,, and for those who don't ,, just a reminder,,, bow your head ,, or look up,, with eyes closed,, or with eyes open,, you see ,,HE,, does not stay on a soap box crying out,, He made us,, gave us the choice and sits patently , with pen in hand to hear us ask for His Son to save us,,, by us accepting Him as our Savior,, then your (our) name is written in the book of life.. it is done,, no other "things" to do, nothing else to present,, nothing to prove,, just the simple statement,, "I am here Lord,, take my soul,, and my heart, and I accept you as my personal savior,, please forgive me of my sins". Again, it is done,, and God does not care if you are standing,, bending, laying, kneeling, looking up, or down,, only what is in your heart... that you know and accept Jesus,, and the one thing , He does not need,,, is for you to fill out an


Lord , I pray that you hear each of us, and take us under your extended wings,, and give us the forgiveness of our sins,, as You have we forgive those who have sinned against us,, amen

John HIcks
I have asked ,, received Him,,, I profess my belief without fear,, and I stand on it with my life,, how do you feel and have you committed,, really committed? Think about it,, really!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


TUESDAY! Wake up,,,, get out of that bed, smile real big,, stretch out those arms,, take a deep breath,, look around,, stand up.. sigh real loud... then open your mouth with words,, words of "Lord, thank You for this great day!",, Then ponder in your heart ,, just how lucky you are.. to live in a nation, that will let you worship whom-ever you please.. so be thankful,, and say it,,,to yourself, and,, out loud...o.k.?


Ihave touched on this before,, you have to make it yourself.. I am going to give a test this day,, you can take it or not.. but again, it is your choice!

Take a match, light it,,, touch it to your finger for five seconds, then blow it out! No? Why? Because the burning fire is too hot? Right? Throw away the match, pick up satan,, much, much hotter,, burning forever,, no suave, no water, no help, once their, burn forever.

Now the real deal! The real choice,, pick up Jesus, cool , loving, caring, thirst no more,, never burn, but a life of wonder and laughter forever, and ever! Now , just that simple, I need not say anything else, except

re-read at least once ,, if you fail this test of picking second, "the real deal".. there are just no words to speak, if you picked satan, and not Jesus,, no,, none.. think real hard.... before making your


God, I pray that all have made the decision,, to pick Jesus, whom you sent to sooth us, care for us, and most of all save our souls from a burning hell fire of destruction.. For those who have not reached out for Jesus,, I pray for their change of minds , now. amen

John HIcks

I have been burned by a hot match, I did not like it! I sure don't want to be burned by the fires of hell,,,do you? Think of the higher degree of burn!!!! Ugh!!!! I made my choice, Jesus!

This is just a no-brainer!! Right?

Monday, November 7, 2011


MONDAY! I hope all wake up to a great and lovely Monday morning to start off your new week! Just remember who put you to sleep, and who woke you up this very morning, then who will be accompanying you around and through the day,,, He is the one in white,,, without the horns ,,,, I know , it is a shame,, that some will make the other choice... will you point this out that the horned guy is the wrong one? I mean really ,, will you?

Prayer Request: Steve Maguire ,, who has a broken shoulder,, pray for the operation he needs and will be getting soon..


When we go through this life,,we should be so thankful the we have it.. for it was made by the greatest of all,, our God. He gave it to us to love it, live in it and enjoy it to the fullest... not worry about the things that we do not control.. but the ability to do things, that will re-turn the bad ,, to good. Oh ,yes, you can! By prayer, real prayer,,, not wailing to all who can hear you here,, but prayer to the one who can hear you there.. got it? This type of praying is praying with faith and heart,, prayer from the heart.. have you ever heard that before? I would bet you have.. plenty of times.. now did you"take it to heart" ?,,, or just listen and that was that?

I am hear this very day as a reminder.. that when you pray,, pray to God,, and to God only ,, with thanks and


God, I pray to You from heart.. to thank You for all I have,, for all I have is from You, and I give You all the credit.. for You are truly my best friend.. amen

John HIcks

When you pray ,, do you pray for you, for your reason,, with absence from the heart, or do you pray to Him,,, from the heart? THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE OF HOW YOU PRAY!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


SUNDAY! Welcome to one of God's days.. When you open your eyes this morning,, stop to think,, that He was there and about while you slept.. watching, and wanting to be there when you wake,, just in case you want to thank Him, or just want to talk to Him ,,about any subject you want to talk about... No one will think you are crazy if you wake up and say out loud,,"Good morning God" or "Good morning Jesus",, both are there,, yes,, faith,, of them being there, and faith that they are ready for another one of your days,, here on earth! Are you ready to ask them to come alone with you today?


I think today,, would be a good day to just say to someone,, yes I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ,, I have accepted Christ as my Savior,,, totally, and I don't mind doing it publicly, and indeed, saying this to one,, publicly! Now , will yo do it,, to one person,, and then why not,,, if you are excited about being proud of being a believer,, say it to more than one! What do you day? Will you,,, are you a believer?, and will you publicly


God, I acknowledge You ,, in writing, and will do so in sound,, publicly to more than one.. and also that of Jesus, not only my belief, but my acceptance of Him as my Savior.. I pray that all will come forward and do also. amen

John HIcks
I am His ,,, and I am proud of it,,,, I stand for God, Jesus,, and I do it publicly and out -loud,, come join me ,,, will you?

Saturday, November 5, 2011


SATURDAY! YEA! Now God has given to you this great and gracious day.. it is up to you to decide what to do with it..please when making your decison, which is yours alone to make,, keep in mind , who gave it to you,, who will be watching, and that it will be written in a book of life,, that one day you will open with God, and this day will be remembered... so make it where when you open it to this day,, you will smile, and be proud,, will you?


Did you know that a palm tree is the tree with the most ability to with-stand high winds of a storm... It can bend almost to the ground, and most of the time, it will be back tall and straight in a few days of sunshine, with the palm leaves waving victory in the wind.
We should all be like the "palm tree", standing in the storm of sin and corruptness,,bent downward,, but when we accept Jesus as our Savior,, and proclaim God as our only God,,and believe and testify that they both are indeed alive and well.. and within us... then like the palm trees as we are , bending down to sin and corruption...they are the sunshine that shines on us, and when this happens,, we stand back tall, with our arms waving, our legs walking, our mouths testifing of both, Jesus and the Father... we are tall , straiight, strong again, and with the promise of no more bending breaking strorms that we cannot handle with them ,, at our side,, yes shout to all,, you are the victor over satan ans all sin,,, your are theirs. for now and ever, and ever.. so go ahead, accept Jesus as your Savior,, and plant your feet in solind ground against all storms, and be like the



Lord, thank You for giving us the chance to put our roots down, in the ground with Jesus as our anchor,, and being able to with-stand the wind of sin, that satan blows our way at all times... we thank you for Your scarifice in giving us Jesus as our sin barrier..amen

John HIcks
I serve only one master.. for if you try to serve two, as Jesus said , you will love one, and hate the other.. who do you serve this moring, this day? Make a choice, for you can serve only one.. and againg,,, I choose loudly,, Jesus.... make

Friday, November 4, 2011


FRIDAY- Last day of this work week , for some! The day you have sought for,, now to just get through it, and then the W/E. and all those plans you have made , and dreamed of are about to come about.. just finish this day,, yes , just finish this day..and there it is, like magic.. it came about..Well no magic, was all planned before you.. Now look back,, and ask yourself this question,,, am I satisfied with what I did this last week? and then ask this question,, if I was before God Almighty, right this moment,, would He be satisfied with what I did last week? Now that is the real question, that we all need to think about on this "TGIF"... WELL? What was your answer,, might would like to change a few things? Maybe plan the W/E ,just a little different?

Prayer Request: Marshall,, Joni's son who has diabetes,, please pray for him to improve more and more. He is taking four shots a day,, and as Joni says,, he is one of the bravest little boys you would see... maybe let's change that to little man.. and please pray for his improvement.

Millie , who on the 2nd had eye surgery,, pray for her continued health & healing.

Prayer Update: Shannon, out of the hospital,, 300% better breathing now..

Laurie and Frank of Williamson , VA.-Laurie is awake from her induced coma.. they feel like they got all of her cancer...Frank is still growing worse.. please, let's keep the prayers for them rolling and may God shed His mercy upon them both.

Little Joseph, had IV's and put some fluid back into his little body, and made him feel better..but still no word on exactly what type of treatment will be done, if any,, pray for mercy from God , for Little Joseph,, so little ,suffered so much.. pray that God will have mercy on this little boy.. and give the answers to his parents.


We all say,, we have faith, and yet we all question sometime in our life,, it is because we are "man". Jesus was and is the only one that knew and worshiped His Father, without question,, never losing faith ,, no never... even being spit upon , dragging a heavy cross, so thirsty,, the devil all around Him,, yet , he cried only love for God.. then a dreary, horrible death on a wooden cross, between two thieves,, with mockery going on at His feet,, KILL! KILL!,, yet His faith was so great and so perfect.. He not only forgave the one on His right, that very instant.. but cried out for His Father to forgive us ,, as He was persecuted to an extent of horror.. yet His faith was 100%,, to the end...
Now, it is our faith that will let us rise up after death.. to the Father, just as Jesus did... but the question,, is ,, do we have that faith,, that we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, in our hearts,, and public,, cry out His name, and tell others,, we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior,, and we have the faith ... that yes we will be with Him , and with God in the end... we will stand before God, and Jesus will be at our side , He will be our lawyer,, and He will accept our sins,,, right there ,,and we will be free.. thank about it and if you are not saved, and you know people who are not saved,, it is our duty to testify to them.. will you? Will you have the


That Jesus Christ, is the only way to the Father and to Heaven,, He is the one who will take our sins from us in the end.. If you believe in Him.... do you have it, FAITH?

God, Yes I believe, and I pray for all to come to Your Son,,, and accept Him as the Savior of this world,, and have the faith, that He will raise us all up , and stand with us before You... that is my prayer for this day. amen

John HIcks
I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in God,, and I hope all who reads this , also believes .... and I will stand tall , and I will stand firm,, on my belief,, will you stand with me.. and with me lean,,, on the everlasting arms of Jesus?

Thursday, November 3, 2011


THURSDAY! one of God's days,, so get up and start celebrating His greatness,,, and the life He gave you!


I would bet that we all have heard this statement,,, "sugar-coated".. It is used to explain a statement of fact and when used , it is usually used as a referral of what you are about to hear , is not good... maybe not a complete disaster,,but not good news.. or it is something someone wants to make sound good and is not usually all the truth to the statement. The person speaking will usually tell you,, "what I am about to tell you ,,and I will not sugar-coat it...etc. or just tell you something with a little extra added to make it set with you a little better.
I guess the feeling we get from friends or relatives are usually good, and most are probably real,, but some are surely "sugar-coated", and hard to read between the lines,, just have to have that faith, they are real, if not stated as "sugar coated".. I would say that chocolate with a sugar shell coating is better than plain non-sweet chocolate,,, well ,, again that is my opinion,, where is this going,, on,,, and on... NO,, I just want to say to all who are reading this,,that you have but one choice in your life , that you will have to make,,, and only you can make it,,, You may say that I am too blunt with the statement,, but either you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior,,, and live by Gods' rules,, or you don't,, then one of two things happens on your choice,, you go to heaven or hell.... just plain truth,, and folks this is fact, and it is not


Lord , thank You for giving us the freedom of choice,, for some don't have this, and I pray for You to give them this ,, and I pray that all will make the choice of You,,, first and foremost... amen

John HIcks
Today,, just felt like saying it like it is,, for we need to be more blunt with our statements of our God,,, and our beliefs,, and quite hiding behind society,, like cowards,, for Jesus gave His life standing and hanging on a cross,, at least we can speak,, I will,,, will you?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


WEDNESDAY! WELCOME TO NOVEMBER! How many missed the big mistake of months , other than Christine? WELL,, it is the first "hump day" of , yes NOVEMBER! Now that you are on the day of the slide to the w/e,, just how and who are you carrying with you? It should be the one who got you here in the first place.. for He made you and He gives you a choice of having Him next to you , saving you, or having Him extended , letting you(by your choice) free-fly! and folks,, "free -flying" , puts you in a nose dive to a place of a very heated crash,, so please, choose the side- the slide side.. and His on say that three times,, fast.. Have a great and smooth slide from here to there!

Prayer Requests: Pray for the families of Robert Smith, and Hartford Pryor who has passed on to the Lord.. keep these families in your hearts, and prayers, for God to give them relief from their grief, and comfort them that He has them now.
Continue to pray for Laurie, and Frank, and Little Joseph... I will update as soon as I hear something, but pray in the meantime...
and also as Christine has said,,pray for my memory,,, especially the calender part! Must have humor, for I would imagine,,the Lord laughed just as much as I,, for I like to laugh,, even at myself.. it is good for you, welcome November, welcome!


I don't know of anything that will get your clothes whiter than this one over the counter chemical. In textiles , we used a combination of chemicals to get our materials , "as white as snow".. (as it is falling, for in this day,, once on the ground, it does not have a chance to stay white, thanks to man!), and we most of the time achieved a great white.. but was all man made... but as we walk through this life ,, we look for this type of clean,, a pure and wholesome "clean". Bathes make us clean, but not pure in heart, nor white as snow... it only makes us smell better and on some look better. Then what? Make up? Beards? Mustaches? Fancy clothes? None of the above helps , when it is "soul cleaning time"... not Clorox. not chemicals. nor make-up, hair, non-hair, fancy clothes.... no ,,, only



Almighty God, thank You for Your Son,,, and for the choice you gave us.. to be washed in His blood, by accepting Him, as our Savior.. and that He is as pure as You.. and only can we have that, by choice of Him. amen

John HIcks
We wander through this life with no guarantees of anything,, but life,, for as long as He gives us;. but He does give us THE CHOICE.. the choice of accepting His Son,, accepting Him as our Savior.. and one of the only two guarantees that God has given us.... the Rainbow, and His Son.. once you have the Son, you need no more... so come on over to Jesus,, how, just by asking,, He is there, standing, waiting, but it must be by your choice. to become pure as our Savior with your chosen choice...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


TUESDAY! FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER! Whoa! What happened to October? Yes,, flew right on by! Now let's all make a big step,,but make it in a small stride.. let's just slow down,, realized just what we have in hand,, how most of us are so blessed,, we can't stand anything else or it would burst open our house,, or car.. let's think about others this month, Give to someone who needs you,, talk to someone who needs you.. be a crutch for someone who has more than they can stand up for themselves.. yes,, let's slow down,, put God first in our lives,, and be the good Samaritan's we are supposed to be... yes care for our brothers/sisters.. as He has said ,,, we should, and must do... how about it? Will you?

PRAYER REQUESTS: For my nephew Shannon,, who is having an operation for severe sleep apnea.. so he can breath.. pray for the hand of the physician to be guided by God, and that Shannon will be breathing better today!
Little Joseph. who they have found the lessons have spread to the frontal lobes of the brain and are growing.. the doctors are looking at the new scans and will determine what treatment. Please pray for this little boy to have the hands of God personally touch him, with a route out of this suffering.. he needs all our prayers real bad...
This is for two of the same family, Laurie, and Frank Williams . Frank has pancreatic cancer.. being treated for this,, told it was doing better.. Laurie found a knot on her neck,, and decided to wait to go to he doctor until Frank got better, so off to the doctor she went.. and found out she had cancer,, and they had to operate at once.. it is in her lymph nodes.. and they have had to put a tube in her throat so she can breath, and then put into a planned coma to stay alive.. so she sleeps ,trying to get well,, which is a long battle,, and Frank is also battling with news of not so good..for he has found out ,, his is spreading faster... Pray for these two that God will show mercy, and take care of both as He has in all of the lives of His people,,
May God continue to do His will,, even when we don't understand the outcome,, the sufferings,, we may say why? But my friends,, we must also continue on our faith, that God's plan is His plan, and has a reason,, although we don't know why nor see.. but all we need is faith that our God is there,, and has His had on all of them, and us... pray to Him that His will be done!


Then you will know the Truth and the truth will make you free. John 8:32

Sin put you prison, Then Jesus came and paid your bail..He served your time, He satisfied the penalty, and set you free.
Christ died, and when you cast your lot with Him ,,, Your old self died too. When Jesus died, so did your sins once you believe in Him , and accept Him.. Accept Him,, be sin free,, be where we all should be.....


God, thank You for Jesus,, and for His salvation of all of us who come to Him, and You,, and may you look at our prayer request and may Your will be done. amen

John HIcks
It is hard for us to follow Gods' path when it is a sad happenings to us,, we tend to celebrate the good..but we need the faith,, both times... dark, and light,, for He is the beginning, and He is the end.. so have the faith,,,and fall to your knees and let's pray for all above. and our churches, and our nation also. Will you join me,, thank you.