Saturday, December 31, 2011


SATURDAY! Last day of 2011! Well are you prepared for a great New Years Eve? Ready to exit the old, bring in the new? Sometimes it is hard to let go of the old.. as the new does not come as we wanted, anticipated for , or prayed for.. but on it comes, as long as He, God, decides.. and one thing to remind each of us all,,, as we celebrate the calender of a New Year,, just don't forget to celebrate it each day of a sun rising, for only He gives us this start of life for another day, month, year, or years, so give thanks to Him and I pray that you celebrate sober, with the ones you love or at least with their memory in mind, and that at the stroke of midnight you just utter these words with your HAPPY NEW YEAR... and that is THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS NEW DAY, THIS NEW YEAR COMING!


Thank you for receiving these thoughts each day of this past year, and reading them, and thank you for your questions, prayers, and your reflections, all comments are enjoyed and helpful,, and for this upcoming year, I challenge all,,, to just send me one yes, yes just one name to add to this list.. can you ,, or will you?

Yours in Christ,
John HIcks

Friday, December 30, 2011


FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! As I awoke this morning, I thanked God for it, did you? Why not? I opened my eyes to Him, did you? Why not? I got up,, walked to my coffee,, and thanked Him,, for all that I had.. and it was more than I needed... so why did I play the lottery.. greed... and now I ask , forgive me Lord,, and I accept all this that I already have, a fortune ,, in You. Have a great Friday, and may God bless you!

Prayer Request: Pray for Pam Burnettes Dad, who is very sick, also for her daughter, and also for her little pup, who had a stroke last night,,, you know , dogs are all so forgiving,,they are there wagging their tails ,, even when you have been gone, left them in the cold, or not fed.. so pray for this little pup.. and for it's masters...


God shows His great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:28

"Can anything make me stop loving you?" God asks. "Watch me speak your language , sleep on your earth and feel your hurts.... You wonder how long my love will last? Find your answer on a splintered Cross, on a craggy hill. That's Me you see up there, Your maker, Your God, nail-stabbed and bleeding. Covered in spit and sin soaked. That's your sin I'm feeling, That's your death I'm dying, That's your resurrection I'm living, That's how much I LOVE YOU!"


Lord, the answer to that question from me, and I pray from all who read this, and a prayer from me also that all do.. and that answer is , with all my heart and soul. I love You, my living and wonderful God. amen

John HIcks
Humble , but loudly vocal when it comes to testifying of the wonders and love of my living God... Just how loud are you? Open wide as the dentist says,, but I say it, for the Lord God, and let's together ,,, tell the world.. Both lives,, Jesus , and the Father , my God! Say it to someone today, will you.. be that bold?

Thursday, December 29, 2011


THURSDAY! Open your eyes, blink once,, and see if you can see who was keeping you through the night,, yes sitting right beside you all night, with a hand upon you to make sure , YOU had a nice, relaxing sleep, and to protect and keep you through the night,, and now,, is bright eyed,, waiting on you, to walk with you,and protect you through His Fathers day.. yes, given to you by the Father.. are you ready, and do you feel real special,, I do! He just does that to people!

PRAYER REQUEST: For Haley Waites who is a 17 yr. old senior at Valdosta High School, in Valdosta, Ga. She went to ST. Judes yesterday, to start treatment on a brain stem tumor just recently discovered. Please all, pray and ask Jesus to heal her. Also her mother has recently lost their family business to very difficult circumstances and her daddy just passed away in May of this year. They need help that we can ask for and God can do in His mercy and graceful LOVE, ask God to put His hand upon each of them.


I was watching a piece on T.V. that inspired me to write this .... I can also attest to the reality of the wonders of a young boy, back in that time and mine, of so little communicating with the outer world.
The preacher was telling this boy of about 10 of the Star, that shone so bright over the Shepperd's, and really over the world,, in the East that great night as our Savior was born. He told of the Multitude of the Heavenly Host, (with the Angel that bore the message of the birth,, that came down from Heaven) and the host of angels sang from the sky to the Shepperd's as they appeared to them.
The little boy asked this question,, "What is a host ?",, The preacher explained,, "A host is lots of people gathered together" The little boy asked ,, "How many was in this "Host of Angels" on that night?" The preacher said, "Millions of angels praising and saying,, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth , peace, good will toward men". The little boy was amazed and eyes so wide you could see within this picture, of this "Host of Angels".. He protrayed it as I envisioned all small ones, then doing the same.
Yes, this was a small actor.. but I remember being told this story , over and over, and even now, as I have seen millions in one place from a camera in the air.. it gives me "goose bumps" of this picture from Heaven on this one of Gods' most precious acts of kindness and love to us all,, the birth of His Son! I felt it when told at a young age,, when there was no satellites.. no Internet, no I-Pads.. none of this,, but I still could close my eyes and let the imagination of my mind, go wild,, of this picture of God at work... and the hearing of it, and the seeing of it in my tiny mind.. what a picture, what a song!
I wonder,, yes, I wonder ,, if by chance that the little ones of today,who know by ten years of age , what a host is.. I just wonder though, if they don't , as I did, and millions and millions of other boys and girls, and yes even gown ups, don't close their eyes and see this great picture also,,, of on that night,,, even today,, that great and glorious..


God, thank You for the way of closing our eyes, and seeing Your wonders.. and Lord , I ask a special prayer for those in the prayer request this morning. amen

John HIcks
Yes, close our eyes and see things of greatness ,, I can still, as an adult , close my eyes when reading the Bible, or telling a story from it, about our God, and our Savior, and see the events of what the words are describing ... can you get this deep into Him and His teaching.. It is not for just children, my friends , it is for us all,, so don't just blink,, close them for a moment, and see His wonders... as He will reveal them to you.. have a great day, and I pray ,, God be with you all...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is hump day today,, the time of climbing to the middle of the week, done,,,, now for the journey to the Week-end of the New Year! As you slide,,, make some resolutions of the up-coming New Year,,, before you make the ones for the coming year,,, Make sure that you plan your celebration to be in a safe place,, a sober place, a good place with other good people.. watch the fireworks in wonder of what the new year will bring,, planning,, of good things, not how much you can drink, or any of satans celebrating.. but the celebrating of thankfulness of what is to come........ and if you have to be intoxicated,, be that of the "spirit " of the Lord.. good planning for this important slide from now to then.... make a good and wise one!

Prayer Request: For all those unsaved souls,, that they may open their eyes, and see Jesus,, and call out to Him,, and be saved by His good and great grace of forgiveness and love,,,, and may God forgive us all, and those who have sinned so great, and that you and I find the time to forgive also. Will you pray with me today?


Did you see the news on this question? Yes,, our "Representatives" , the whole Congress are ,(well 95%) millionaires or almost there!

Not all was , but are now,, some self made before, some inherited, some married into.. but money, they have,, "sense" they have , for look at their jobs, compared to ours. for they play on our money .,, to make more... maybe we should have a new re-vote.. and have only a few debates, and no other ad's,, but only personal reports. of religion, worth, charities, history of their morals...and are they actually honest or just liars....

I have asked this question , "how do they make this much,, with so low a salary?",,with the answers already in my mind,, why is it that you see someone who is elected,, (95%) that is not rich,, become rich, married who become married more than once , or have some-one on the side for vacationing with... and I know the answers... and I know the why.. but can they not go to work for the people and not for themselves? Can they not join the club of


God , please continue to bless this nation, and forgive this world, and may we all help keep this nation , UNDER YOU , GOD, AND ALSO MAY WE KEEP ISRAEL AS FREE AS WE ARE! amen

John HIcks

Yes, being a millionaire might be great, I don't know, but being a Christian, is more wealth than one can really expect , for it just flows and flows, and the more you "spend the reason",, the more you make.. so, come with me, and be a Christian, it is so easy to come,, but the road after is easy,, only if you hold the hand of Jesus from the start to the end.. will you come walk with me through this club ,, of millions? Ragged or in a suit,, it does not matter,, what matters,,is on the inside!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


TUESDAY! Who is that shaking you awake? Do you recognize Him? Isn't it the one you laid down with, when you went to bed? Sure it is,, wipe those eyes and great your Savior,, yes that is Jesus standing , smiling , welcoming you from sleep to awake,,, waiting for you and Him to go spend another day together ,,, as you always do,,,, right? Oh My?

Prayer Reports: Ruth Mullings is home,, waiting for an appointment with a Neurologist,,,and Tommy's eye surgery on one eye, went well,, he can see some better.. pray that all goes well for these two..


How does one get their wings? It sounds like ,, how does one get their merit badge,, their badge of courage? Well it is sort of the same way. I think when you walk the aisle of confession to God, of your sins, and you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.. and ask Him to be with you for the rest of your life,, and you also profess to live under the rules of God the father.. that , right then and their you get your wing sprouts... yes wing sprouts! You are like a seed planted,, now that you have entered into the blessed soil of the garden of Jesus,, you must grow.. for yes you are accepted with His all.. but you have an entire life to live.. and live you will , but you will fall once in a while and He will have to pick you up... and then you will re-new your faith from time to time in prayer of asking forgiveness,, and for thanks, and other things... with all of this you are growing... growing more and more of a Christian.. for Christians, I believe grow from acceptance of Jesus , until they meet the Father, with Jesus by their side. Of course , this is my opinion.. but how can you make your sprouts grow,, except in the presence of Jesus ,and in acts of you to Him...

Have you seen an eagle fly,, or a hawk,, and see the wing spread of a young , vs an older one.. the wing spread is sometimes doubled in width,, and I think yours also grows as you continue to walk with Jesus and the growing is due to the good you do.... well ,, it is an opinion... for you know being a Christian,, opens up all kinds of great and good visions.. and those visions are much , much more beautiful,,, than a pile of burnt ashes,, what is your opinion... of the width of


Lord , thank You for the Wings of Jesus , and our wings , so we can fly along with Him over the sins of this world,, as we travel down this road we have chosen... amen

John HIcks

I have to fly over lots of obstacles of sin, for one, I am a sinner,, saved by the grace of Jesus,, but still I stubble , and I need that lift up and a way to overcome those sins.. and that is to just grab hold , and then flap those wings given, and I am over another hump, and you know what ,, He still loves me and still forgives me,, and stays by my side, night and day! Who do you have with you?

Monday, December 26, 2011


MONDAY- I hope all had a Great Birthday Party yesterday.. and gave lots of gifts... and received the one sent to you!


I want to know why a pair of shoes can cause a person to hurt someone else, stomp a child in a stampede, fire a gun in a mob... yes a mob of idiots? You may disagree with me,, but when we get to the stampedes of un-composed crowds that I saw this year at "black friday", and "sales", I say idiots! What is worth your life for to buy and give on the birthday that was meant for a gift of love, from the heart,,, and came in a stable with no crowds,, and no mob pushing the door down hunting little gifts like that,, it would have made more sense to have a crowd of thousands come forward to see Christ, than buy a pair of sneakers..? Oh well,, I am from the old school, who does not think 250 million dollars is good for anyone who buys another human,,, I think no one is that important in any sport... but that is me,,, now off the soap box of human trading to be the owner of a championship,,, and back to reality...
I am a member of the greatest championship team,,, even though my owner, and coach walk barefooted, and give love and forgiveness for rewards of goodness.. I work harder for them , than any other thing, or person, on this earth, or beyond, they are my life! Now it is up to each individual to set back,, think about their worth,, in dollars,, what they strive for each day, and see,,, would you trade your way of life ,, and give all and walk with your Savior, barefooted?


Lord, thank You for the Gift of life,,, and Your forgiveness of all sinners. amen

John HIcks
Humble , a forgiven sinner,, and a follower of Christ, to the end. will you travel my road,, you may have to leave your shoes!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


SUNDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS, AND MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! Today, I wish for only happiness and love from one to the other... and that God will continue to bless us.. as He did ,, 2011 years ago...

Thanks be to God for His gift that is too wonderful for words! 2 Corinthians 9:15

I've seen you searching for a gift.. I'm not talking about the obligatory gifts....I'm talking about that

extra-special person , and that extra-special gift.... Why do you do it? You do it so the heart will stop!..You do it to hear those words of disbelief,,"You did this for me?"...

And that is why God did it!.... Next time a sunrise steals your breath in the morning as it did us yesterday morning,, or a meadow of wildflowers leaves you speechless from their beauty.. and you remain that way!

Say nothing,, listen as Heaven whispers so low,, but so loud....


Yes the gift of gifts...



John & Libby

Saturday, December 24, 2011


SATURDAY! CHRISTMAS EVE! and all through the house , not a creature was stirring , not even a mouse,,,,, or are they,,, little ones, so full of excitement,, they are crawling around the trees... looking, about to bust, the excitement of the coming of the day,,, when ole Saint Nick will slip in and out,, eating the treats,, and smiling of the good will he leaves behind, then with his magical dust,, he "ups" through the chimney,,, on to another to leave the same.... oh? you don't have a chimney? Not to worry, for my granddaughter, Anna, let me in on the magic and the secret of all times,, for Santa has a magical key,,, that fits all doors.. so now I know just how he use to get into our old farm house,,, Thank goodness for the little ones. with such a great I.Q.(that's imagination for all under 12 year of age) .. to have known all this.. Now for all to remember,, the day of Christmas is for celebrating the birth of Jesus,,,and for the children of this world,,, for He loved the little children!

Prayer Request: For all to honor God, and celebrate the birth first, then may all have a Merry Christmas!


Just think,,, the ride of a pregnant women,, on the back of a donkey,, at the height of her term,, the time at hand, her designation at hand,, and no bed,, no place of privacy to lay her head, and give birth, when at last,, a stable,, hay,, a manger,, the birthing, no doctors.. just a lonely stable,, with animals of all kinds.. husband,, and then a newborn baby... how would a modern day woman, handle this.. I can not even guess! But in this one instance,, this wonderful woman,, this wonderful husband, had obeyed God.. and when the time came,, they had the greatest of hosts.. the greatest doctor of all times, for He never left them,, this was His plan,, and all was according to His plan... the shepherds, the wise men,, the warning from God to leave.. save this precious baby.. the birth complete,, now for the rest of the plan...

for now this part,,,had come to pass,,, our Savior , our Jesus ,,, was born, to this , now Mother,, Mary ,, a virgin,, on this , the


God , let me the first to say, thank You, for this gift, that we received from You on this night of the birth of our Savior , Jesus. amen

John HIcks
I look forward to this day,, and I hope all of you do also, and that you have the greatest of times,, and that we all keep our Savior out and in front of ALL OUR THOUGHTS OF THIS DAY, AND NOTHING ELSE! God bless each of you this day, and for all your days!

Friday, December 23, 2011


FRIDAY! Two more,,,, and Santa comes! As I woke this morning, I gave thanks to my Lord, and I smiled , smiled of how the little ones are building so full of joy, and anticipation of Santa coming soon.. them going by the trees and looking at the presents,, little question marks popping up in their little minds, "oh, I wonder what is in this one, and that one... will I get this or will I get that.." yes , America, and some other countries, we are blessed to be able to see this,, and even in our own country,, I also stop , and I will pray hard for those who will have no tree, no presents, and those who will be just thankful to have a meal,, not meals, but a meal, and warmth.. will you , while you celebrate your wealth,, stop and pray for these also? Please, for they are just as precious as you are in the sight of God's eyes... thank you!

Prayer Request: Ruth Mullings, who is still in the hospital in Macon. She had a stroke, and they discovered that she had three,,, she never even knew of the others.. this is something,, but she will be going to a speech doctor soon..

Tommy, Ruths' husband, who had eye surgery,, the patches are off and he can see a little better,, and is at the bedside of his wife.. praise God that he can do this,, Tommy has been through a lot also. I ask all to pray much and often for these two,, both are deserving.


Well, I have found out , through my friend, Wanda Hilley,, that the X factor is also a real way one can write Christmas, and not leave Christ out of it... I have believed all these years that if you put an x before Christmas,, you left the reason out! Now I find out that the X is the Greek letter that stands for Christ!
I wonder why no one has taken the time to look this up and tell us? I guess everyone was like me, and was intimidated by not seeing Christ before "mas". I now can say, I won't say to myself anymore when I see this, that the one who wrote it ,,,left Christ out But , how many really know this, and one more time,, who really knows this X factor,, and who is just too lazy to write CHRIST? Well, even thought it is perfectly a right thing,, I will go with Wanda, that for me,, I will continue to write it


For I am an American,, and I can! Will you join me?

Lord, thank You for all that we have here in America, and I ask that all give a helping hand to the ones who have a hand out ,,, and those who are too proud to put it out,,, amen

John HIcks
Love the season for the reason,,, and for all the children,, for I love their innocent... ! Yours? Yes I love all of you also! God bless you all as you as you come closer to the day of our Saviors birth.....

Thursday, December 22, 2011


THURSDAY! THREE DAYS TILL OLE ST. NICK! Have you been nice or naughty? We will all see soon! Until then, let's continue to pray for a completely combined of all who are breathing, right now.. to make this a Christmas of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ,,,, and nothing else... for God so loved the world......

PRAYER REQUEST: For a spiritual Christmas and the reverence of the season!

You took my clothes of sadness, and clothed me in happiness! Psalm 30:11


The first step to joy is a plea for help. Those who taste God's presence have declared spiritual bankruptcy and are aware of their spiritual crisis. They ask God to do for them what they can't do without Him. The have seen how Holy God is and how sinful they are and have agreed with Jesus; statement. "Salvation is impossible."
Oh, the irony of God's delight . Admission of failure is not usually the admission of joy. But then again,,, God has never been governed by what is common. So , when you come to Him,, accept Him,, then do you feel real


Lord, thank You, for Your "gift of joy",, by just confession to You and acceptingYour Son as our Savior from this life, . amen

John HIcks
For now in this season,, make joyful noises,, and come to Him who was born on this coming day, and lived , and died for us,, and rose for us, and is alive today,, waiting to save those who just open their mouth, and ask for Him to come to them within,,, will you ask Him and make a joy-ful noise....,,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Middle of the week,, ole hump day! This week as we have climbed to the top,, now we are not sliding down to the week-end for "just a week-end",,, but to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Now, stop and think, if you could have been at this birthing,, knowing what you know.. and how the royalty felt about this type of worshiping,, would you have celebrated as the Shepperd's,, slowly after viewing go and tell the story to all.. the three wise men,, gifts and then fled to the parts of their homeland,,, as God had instructed them to do.. would it not be almost unbearable to hold it within.. but as we all know,, they all did exactly as God commanded, but in this world today,, would they?

Prayer Requests: Please , at the middle of the week,, let's keep those who are sad, hurt, sick, with nothing to give a gift , except their love, those who are lost,, those in uniform protecting us,, abroad, and home,,, all in uniform... let's keep them in our prayers that all goes well with them over this great celebration of Jesus' birth.. our Savior, for all to keep the reason for this holiday season out in front of them.. the birthing of our Jesus Christ ... Our Lord and Savior!


Grace is created by God, and given to man.... On the basis of this point alone, Christianity , is set apart from any other religion in the world... Every other approach to God is a bartering system: if I do this, God will do that, I'm either save by works(for what I do ) , emotions (what I experience), or knowledge (what I know). By contrast, Christianity has no whiff of negotiation at all. Man is not negotiator, indeed , man has no grounds from which to negotiate!


God, this morning, two things,, thank You for You and thank You for giving us your Son for our very own salvation. We do not deserve Him nor You,, and it is an honor serving You as best as we can.. amen

John HIcks
As I walk this earth, I see more and more of God,, by the children,, the trees, the air, the wind, the night, the day,, and all those people , rushing here and there,, late for something,, but you know,, what ,, I have found out in my age of these times,, slow down,, and you too will see God more clearly,, than just rushing right by,,,, like a breeze,,,, slow down and ,,, look around! How about a slow walk today?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


TUESDAY! Five days left until the celebration starts.. The celebration of a Savior born to save each of us! What a day that was, and let's make it special again,, start today,,, Let's make it a great one, and give gifts of the heart with all the other gifts we give! Have a great and blessed day , this day of His , given to us with much, much love!

Prayer Request: For Ruth Mulllings, who had a stroke yesterday, pray for her and her husband Tommy and family.


Let's stop this day,,, and think,, while we are out buying, packing for traveling,,let's just stop if not but for a minute,,,and think of why we are celebrating... for as we all get caught up in this time.. the real reason, sometimes falls to second place...
It is fine to go out, buy gifts,,, prepare foods for the eating on this coming day,, there should be great celebrations,, gifts given , back and forth to our love ones.. our friends,,, help those who are not as fortunate as we... show our great love for one another. It is a great time of the year...
But as we do all this,,, we need to just remember what and why we are doing it... this is the gift,, the day of our salvation,,, born to us by our God,, so as we go to the stores,, or just set by the tree,,, lets,,


Lord, thank You for this up-coming day of the birth of our Salvation,, born in a manager, and called Jesus,, yes , thank You for your starting of one of the biggest events of our lives.. amen

John HIcks
Looking forward to the joy of all ,,at this greatest of celebrations of a birth,, in man's history.. join me in the reason for the season!

Monday, December 19, 2011


MONDAY! Only five days left till that ole jolly fat man arrives,, leaving goodies fo all who have been good and nice,,, This is the season, that all are feeling the coming of seeing kids opening presents... and above all,, seeing naivety scenes,, of remembrance of why we are celebrating this season... as we should be,, for without this Saviors' birth,, we would not have any celebration,,, and no life, nor hope.. love Him this season, for He is the best, and biggest gift we will ever receive here on this earth!


Webster defines it : preservation from destruction,, or danger. We build all kinds of structures to keep us safe from tornado's, hurricanes, earthquakes, bomb shelters, floods.. you name it,, we do our self-preservation.

BUT SELF-PRESERVATION , simply does not work. Man may try,, but in all reality,, when these things come, all do not survive,,for man has NO way to save himself,, only attempts.. BUT Paul announces that God has a way, for where man fails ,, God prevails!

Salvation comes from Heaven downward,,, and not earth upward. "every good action and every perfect gift is from God" James 1:17.

Please note: Salvation is God-given, God-driven, God-empowered , and God-organized. The Give is not from man to God,,, but


Lord, may we all realize just where our real salvation comes from. amen

John HIcks

I swing on the hinges of salvation for I know what door swings where, and it is my Lord who is the door to my savation... and He opens it to me ,,, by my request....what is your request today as you talk to Him?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

SUNDAY! THE DAY OF OUR LORDS! He made it, He gave it,, Now enjoy it as He wants you to do.. get the part ,,"as He wants you to", and also let all you come in contact with also know who made it, who gave it to them also... testifying is the main reason for the tongue,, not just eating, and spitting out gossip,, did you know all the great information? Have a great day ,,, this another of Gods gift to us.

Prayer Request: For the Ruffin family, as they celebrate the life of their dear, dear,,, Joan at church this afternoon .. please God continue to wrap them in your arms.
Millie is home,,, still in cronic pain,, but home.. please continue to pray for her to get well and up walking and driving again..

Prayer Report: Jonathan, and Joy,, Little Joseph parents,, are celebrating his life ,by jumping right in and helping others ,, here is a picture of Jonathan, their other son, and the one little boy they are going to champion with all their help to him and his parents..Pray for their cause and that they will make the difference,, for I know they will,,, God bless you all in this pathway of your travels..

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.


Jesus goes from heart to heart asking if he might enter..... Every so often, He is welcomed! someone throws open the door of his or her heart and invites Him to stay. And to that person, Jesus gives this great promise... "In my Father's house are many rooms"... What a delightful promise He makes us! We make room for Him in our hearts, and He makes room for us in His house! Where is your heart today,, do you have a room? Have you made your reservations.... If you have not made that decision as to where you will live your eternity ... then make it now,, and I pray , it will be the acceptance of our living Lord and Savior,, the Son of the Almighty living God, Jesus Christ.. giving of your heart,, and He of a room ,, with your name on it... make the choice,, don't let it go by,, until it is too late. for God loves you,, but He wants to hear you give your love back,, and that is the choice He gave all of us.. so make it ,now!

Almighty, be with those who have made the decision ,,of You, and Lord,, please give those who have not,, a little push , so that they will make the choice too,, for Lord, I love them also.. amen

John HIcks
Not even close to being good.. but working to the good of my God each and every day,,, and if I become a bore with it.. good.. I will of have done my job... come join me in the travels of a road,, that is more marvelous than any I have ever put my foot on.. Will you walk with me,, and ask Jesus to walk with you also... will you?

Saturday, December 17, 2011


SATURDAY! 7 days left better be nice or... When you wake up, and are fully conscience,, Please , take the time to praise God! Hug your children, tell a love one ,and a friend, that you care and love them! STOP! and smell the flowers.... LIFE IS TOO SHORT,, not too! (jl)

Prayers request: Please remember the Ruffin family as they need this comfort from the Lord,, for the lost of a very special part of all of their lives... for the lost of Joan Ruffin, will be felt through out this town, and surrounding areas for a very long distance, she was known and loved by many! God , may you bless this Christian family.

God has given a son to us.. His name will be Wonderful, Counselor, Powerful God.. Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Long before Jesus was born,, He was predicted, as you can see by the scripture,, and here is why, He was sent....

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator.

If out great need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist.

If our greatest need had been money,, God would have sent us an economist..

BUT,,,, since our greatest need is forgiveness,, God sent us a Savior,,,, and His name is Jesus!

Lord , thank You for all ,,, and foremost of all,,, is Your Son,, may we remember not the bought gifts, but Your gift of this coming day,,, Your Son, Jesus , as He entered this world ,, for us.. Thank You God! amen

John HIcks

Listening,, and hearing more this year "of the season, and why for the season", than any other,, in a long, long time... I pray , that we keep coming,,, BACK.. to where we belong,, pray with me,, will you...? Are you for the real reason? If not,, then re-charge your Jesus battery, and celebrate the Season with me! Have a great day, and may God bless you with more than you can imagine...

Friday, December 16, 2011


FRIDAY! TGIF-TGED! When you woke up this morning,, did it start with a big "Good Morning, my Lord! Thank You for the nights sleep, and the wonderful day, that I am going to have.. for I already know it is good, for I have put you in charge,, just as I did yesterday, last night, and all the days ahead,,and again,, thanks and good morning!"

Prayer Request: From April Stevens on her Nana, in her own words 8 hours ago:
A more Godly woman I have never met... my Nana is the tie that binds our family and tonight we learned that she won't be with us for much longer than hours or a few days. There are no words to explain how much we all love Nana. Please pray for our family, especially our Papa, as we try to pull together the strength to let go. And pray that my Nana will feel no pain or no fear and is able to let go and meet her Heavenly Father who she has always praised in the storms.

Millie,,, talked to her yesterday,, she has little feeling in her leg , from the knee down,, and blisters on her leg.. also pain when she stands on it right now... If she improves,, the doctor has said he would let her go home on Saturday... please pray for her recovery first,, and then at her request,, please pray hard for her to go home on Saturday,, she is ready to get out of that hospital and finish recovering at home, so please pray for her..


The above is not from "JOB" working,, but God working! Young or old,, some seem to either choose, to never enter this "job" market, or enter and coast, or enter, then just don't do anything, and let everyone carry the load.. this is called,,, "spiritual retirement". Now , things that need your answer here,, is 1. have not accepted Jesus, 2. accepted , but coasting 3. not even coasting, but completely silent and . letting all others take the stand,, out loud and testify, and finlaly 4. standing tall and testifing every chance you get to all, about your God and your Jesus. Now this is answers that only you can answer,, which category you are in... and the category no matter which you choose that is the most important,, is ACCEPTING JESUS,, and as for as if you are


Lord, thank You for giving the chance to make a choice,, and for giving us the choice of Your Son. amen

John HIcks
I see some who profess belief, but run at the first time it is asked of them to stand,, for ever what the reason,, but lately,, it seems , that I see more standing, than sitting,, is my vision becoming somewhat straight with no side vision,, or are we making head-way? What is your opinion, ,, I would love to know,,,

Thursday, December 15, 2011


THURSDAY! As you open your eyes on this great day,,, blink once, then twice,, and say,,, "good morning God! It is so glad to see you this morning, and I would like to just say,,, thank You for this day!" Now, this is the way to start a day! If you do it,, I guarantee you a good day,, within your heart,, and we all need one of these every once in a while... and remember,, YOU are one of HIS favorite people... and yes ,, He has a lot of favorites! May all have a great, happy Thursday!

Prayer Report: Millie had a good operation,,, having pain and numbness from knee to ankle,, cannot walk yet.. but keep praying.. for Millie, you have the faith ,, so I know you will improve... and please all keep praying for her..

Keep praying for Joan, and Johnny,, Joan is still in ICU, but improving some. so keep those prayers coming.

Special prayers to all the pastors of this nation and this world.. for they have a task that to do that only most would run from and hide,, so pray for their continued strength and faith they have and Gods' continue hand on them all.


We all had special inner feeling that we can't explain.. it is called "that special feeling". We all have heard this statement from time to time. It can be something given, something that has happened un-expected, a touch, a look, a word, an overheard word of praise... a note.. an un-expected call... a hug,, or just a symbol someone uses that means something special from them to you,, there are millions of things one can have that gives them that special feeling..... but the best one a person can have is a statement from someone who says to you ,,, "I was going to ask you if you had been saved by Jesus when I came to meet you,,, but after talking to you,, I don't have to.. I can see it". This is the ultimate special feeling one can have! I have had this happen to me only three times.. and it is a feeling I will savor for ever,, but as I feel great on this statement... and I am sincere in what I do,,, we all should have these statements daily as we run into new people,,, and even from older friends.... by accepting Jesus as your Savior and then putting your life in His hands. and listening to what is in your heart,, and do it... the good things.. the harsh things,, hand them off to the running back beside you waiting to back you up,, yes,, hand off the harsh and the bad to Jesus,, that is what He wants,, and let Him carry you from here to there.. and listen,, for when you do good in His name,, then He will whisper in your ear also.. "I can see you are one of my flock, and I love you for being here with me",, then that will be the ultimate feeling of something special.. so close your eyes,, and listen,, and then


Lord , thank You for Your Son, our Savior , and the ability to have Him talk to us through our mind and heart,, and I ask that for those who cannot hear ,, that you will open not only their ears for hearing , but their eyes for seeing,, and their hearts for feeling. amen

John HIcks
Every day,,, and never passing up a chance to wittness for Him,, how about you? Speaking up or just wishing to do so... I pray that answer is speaking up and out loud,, for that also is a great ultimate feeling,,, each time you do it.. it is just something you feel,, hard to explain.... have a great Gods' day!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


WEDNESDAY- HUMP DAY! Just where are you this week as you the top of the hump for the slide down to the week-end? How about life,,, have you a ready and workable plan to slide and not pick up any splinters on this wooden slide? Other than putting something smooth and splinter proof under you,, you are bound to pick up a few splinters as you slide... but if you take the Lord Jesus and sit in His lap,, you guessed it,, no splinters at all..and wow!!! ,,, what a more beautiful slide,, if just to the week-end ,or how about through life? Well ,, how about it ,, life? A few bumps, maybe, but no real splinters??? I will take the "lap ride" any day,, join me,, will you?

Prayer Request: Continue to pray for Joan Ruffin, who as to now, is still in ICU,,, please pray for her and her husband,,, recovery for her, and stamina for husband , Johnny..

Prayer for Margie Purdue, who lost her brother , Jimmy Gooden,, pray for her and the family.

For Millie , who is recovering from knee surgery,, I have not heard how she is doing,, but she had it on Tuesday,, pray all went well for her, and that she is doing good..


The shepherd knows His sheep. He calls them by name. When we see a crowd, we see exactly that.. a crowd. We see people, not "persons", but people. A herd of humans,, a flock of faces,, that is what we see,, as we walk down a busy street. But not so , with the Shepherd, for to Him every face is different. Every face is a story. Every face is a child of His, and every child , has a name! The Shepherd knows His sheep , and He knows each one by name. The Good Shepherd knows you, He knows your name,, and He will never ,, ever, forget that name,, He loves you,, and He calls out to you ,,, by name,,, do you hear Him calling,, if not,, listen more closely, and if you have not answered the call,, to come to Him and accept Him ,, as your Shepherd,, then do so...for the cliffs are high and empty all the way to the bottom,,, but with Him, the meadows are full,,flat, green grass, with water, and full of love and care,, and as you "graze " through this meadow of life,,, He will guard you on all sides and like a lullaby ,,



Lord thank You for that voice that You gave us to hear and to follow through this life and eternity. amen

John HIcks
I listen, and I am glad of the sound I hear as my Savior gives me direction.. who is directing you? I pray it is He , Jesus !

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


TUESDAY! Sorry for the no thoughts until now...I had no internet access all morning,, or up till I had to leave for an appointment at the Drs.. Been a while since I had been,, Took a while to get to see him,, then took a while for him to beat me up for not doing what I am supposed to do,, ha! You all know how men are,,and old men are even harder to deal with! But anyway,, I finally got all done, and here are the thoughts... not much today,, but sometimes you just don't know wHat God has in store for you... for today... as I was getting ready to come home,, I got a call from a friend who I had not seen since 93.... and he is a great Christian,, and oh wow,, did we have a re-union,, I done most of the talking,, and he got in a word or two.. but we did some real "God " talk,, and folks ,, that is a blessing,, each and every time it happens.... a few tears,, lots of laughs.. and then as he left,, I had started missing him already,, and you know what his words were as he departed,, and they are the words we all should have the confindence to say out loud on lots of our departures..

for with a smile,, and a confident one,, he said


God , thank You for my friends , like all who reads these thoughts, and all the friends I have here on this earth.. and the ones waiting on me in Heaven... amen

John HIcks

Late , but still got it out,, may God bless each of you all...

Monday, December 12, 2011


MONDAY! Rise up this great morning ,that God has bestowed upon us with His blessing! He giveth,, and He can taketh away,,, and while you have it,, be sure you use it! Words,, yes,,, but do they ever speak the truth,, and the truth will set you free,, right?

Prayer Requests: Joan Ruffin, who is in the hospital.

The troop of young men and women who made the trip to Hatti.. may their missionary work be successful.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Precious family and friends - Joseph is healed... He entered the arms of Jesus an hour ago. — Joy Scott Mother(Five hours ago)


Yes, I put all my trust in that symbol,, that symbol that bore my Savior, with arms stretched and nailed to it, and His feet also nailed tightly to that ole splintered wood.. the spear wound in the side, with blood running down his waist and legs,,, a crown of thorns pressed firmly in His head,, more blood running down his face,,, yes His blood staining that piece of crossed wood pieces,,and then given some vinegar to drink,, mocked by soldiers,, & crowd,, but there was some bowed down, with tears in their eyes,, but in His ,,, NO.. no tears,, for He was still forgiving, and asking His Father , God of all,,, to forgive,, even those who are putting Him to death,,, in such an awful way! Yes, I look at that cross within my mind,, and I trust that symbol for it bore Him,, and I know that why it is empty! It is a symbol of our Christ dieing on a Cross ,,, and then rise from the dead,,, for He Arose in three days, and when He closed His eyes on that Cross,,,,,the Heavens rocked, the earth went black with claps of thunder and lighting,, as God hollered, but still He put His Son to death for our sins to be wiped cleaned,,, and as He has arose, and alive again,, we can also be forgiven,, if we will only ask Him to come to us,, for He will ,, for He lives,, and I look at this ole rugged cross,, a symbol of how pitiful man is, and how great our God is,, and I will cherish this old cross.. and for what it symbolizes to me.. the beginning of the forgiveness of my sins, and the victory over death, by my Savior,, Jesus Christ!

Yes, I trust the symbol that held our Christ ,, only because He died for our sins upon it.. but I worship my living God, and His living Son,,,

How About You? Who Do You Worship?

Lord, I ask that you hold Little Joseph's family tightly in your arms to give them relief from their grief, and the knowledge that he is in Your arms for sure.. for you know how it is to lose a Son, and then regain Him,, and let them know that they will also,,, in time... amen

John HIcks
Have a great God's day!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

SUNDAY! YES! HIS DAY! as I awoke on this morning, I stop,, to say to my God, "thank You for all I have, and especially You , for without You ,, I know their is just life,, without meaning"... and I hope all , when they get up this morning, that at some time , they will say the same.. and also believe, not just say! Have a great and lovely day!

Prayer Request: Little Joseph is still at last report was barely hanging on.. please pray for all the family, and we know that God has His hands on Little 4 year old Joseph, for I know He watches over them and the why is not to be question.. but the thanks for the time is what we need to ponder at this time.. and remember this:
We believe God's Word, and though sometimes we can't understand everything, the Scripture in Rom 8:28 assures us that ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord, to those who are the called according to His purpose!!! Though we don't always understand now, as the old hymn says, "We Will Understand It Better By and By." (from the family)
Lori and Frank Lori has coughed and ruptured the sutures in her throat,, so radiation has had to be postponed until this can re-heal.. for the radiation was to completely kill off any cancer, if there was any left.... on the other hand,,, Frank , her husband , is not doing good. They cannot do anymore radiation.. on him but pray , and make him comfortable.. please pray that God will shower more healing down on these two,, they have been through a lot.. pray real hard, for all..
On the 13th Miracle Millie will have knee surgery,, please pray in advance for this wonderful lady,, who loves the Lord,, and puts her faith in Him daily,, and a joy to know...please pray for her surgery to be a success,, and she will be up and around quickly...Millie, we all love you and are praying for you!


Today is short,, and to the point,,, this is my belief.. and mine to write, but I believe more,, than less,, believe as I do..... THE ONLY ROAD TO HEAVEN AND GOD, IS BY THE BLOOD, BELIEF AND ACCEPTANCE OF JESUS CHRIST, INTO YOUR HEART AND SOUL,, AND THEN TO LIVE BY HIS LAWS.. AND REPENT OF ALL YOUR SINS, TO HIM... Once this is done,,, I believe you are bound for Heaven,, for there is only two ways to go. in this life,, and that is UP or Down...and folks I have chosen my path,,, and have the faith of my convictions.... and now I ask you to pick yours , if you have not already picked,, and I pray for all to come forward and pick


Yes, folks this train can fly,, when our engineer Jesus,pulls the throttle back ,, up,,up and away!

Lord , thank You for Jesus and the way to you... may all climb aboard on that train,, amen

John Hicks
Do you have your ticket for the glory train,, get one now,, for we never know when our whistle will blow.. so get yours in advance,, the ticket-master at the ticket counter is named,, Jesus Christ ,, He will give you your ticket by just asking,, for free too!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Thoughts For Today-Saturday-12/10/11

SATURDAY! Welcome to another one of Gods' days! Yes, His, He made them, before , today, and all those of tomorrow.. come and join the celebration of these days ,,, by just giving a "thank you" to to Him.. and then by spreading his word to all you see..

Prayer Requests: Brian Sanders and group who will be traveling to Hatti today to do work for all those thousands and thousands who are still suffering from that large earthquake on 01/12/10. Pray they have a safe and successful trip.

For Little Joseph, who looks like he is in his final fight for this life here.... he has been rushed back to the hospital.. and is not doing good.. pray for his family,, for Little Joseph is in the hands of God,, and He will be just fine,, believe me.. he will..



The "freedom from religion foundation" out of Wisconsin, is at it again... they have declared that this town of Athens , TX take down their nativity scene. This is satan at his best,, for he has formed this foundation, and they have put the money forth for lawyers.. who are coming by the 100's to defend their prey,,,, which is God.. and what He stands for.. folks,, it is time we fight these demon who are organized, and dollar plentiful to do these things.. such as the cross on top of the water tower in TN.. and the small town had to take it down,, for they were not big enough to fight them in court.. but they did take it down, and as in Michigan,, they put it on a piece of land, owned by a private sector... and the cross stands now for all to see as they drive by,,but it should have stayed on the water tower...
Athens has vowed , the nativity scene will stand, until after Christmas,,, but what about next year,, here will come satan and his bunch of lawyers again,, either there or somewhere! We must fight! How!
PRAYER! That is the first way,, and do it earnestly, and often,, that means daily,, and live like you pray ,, humble,, but steadfast , and a solider of His Masters army,, for with Him with us,,, satan can by law of this earth remove a cross or scene, but by faith,,, he cannot remove God or Cross from our bodies.. as long as we stand for God... even when we are on our knees,, satan cannot touch us... and also vote in some people that believe the same as us,, and pray that they change the laws so we can show our love of the Lord on any building , patch of land, or body of water, that we choose .... not matter who owns it, for if anyone will look at how these "government building" was built,, they will find out that "WE" with our "tax money" is the one who built them and own them ,, so why ? So ,let's all follow with combined prayer and vote, and let's change the


Lord, may you intervene and stop these satan fighters , and let us put forth what we want to put up, or out of You and the Son... amen

John HIcks
For every Cross we give out,, and every prayer that you say,, we will overcome satan and his so called command of you can not portray your god... for we will PUT OUR GOD FIRST AND FOREMOST IN OUR MINDS, HEART, MOUTHS AND YARDS.. Will you join me this day?

Friday, December 9, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF- When I awoke,, I sat up, and thought,, wow! The Lord has been good to me.. and the front runner of this decision, was I could smell the coffee,,,Libby was up,, coffee was ready, and I was on my way with finger already crooked for that cup handle,, now for a coffee drinker,, no other sight, nor smell is better to wake up to than that.. will you agree , if you are a wake up and reach for a cup person? Have to have fun for God wants us to be happy,,, and what better way to wake up ,, than with God by your side,,, some wake up and don't realize He is there,, but He is,, and if not invited,, He just hangs around waiting for an invitation to come on in.. now how about that for a morning awakening?

Prayer Request: I found out today that a couple had a tragedy in their life some days ago,,, it was one of the greatest a couple could have, they lost a son.. I would like to ask all to pray for this couple for relief ,, for it will take God to help them on through this.. so I ask ,,, many , many prayers for them..

When a believing person prays,, great things happen. James 5:16

Prayer is that whole process that reminds us of who God is and who we are. I believe there's great power in prayer. I believe God heals the wounded, and that He can raise the dead, for He did it with Lazarus. But I don't believe we tell God what to do and when to do it,, God knows that we, with our limited vision, don't even know that for which we should pray. When we entrust our request to Him, we trust Him to honor our prayers with Holy judgment.

When we pray,, pray from the heart.. pray for God to take your troubles in hand,, give Him the reins of guidance of your life, and never,,never cease talking to Him,, you know,, you can pray,,, and ask something of God or just give thanks,, and then there is also the time to just talk to God.. He listens to all,, and if you talk, set your mind to it,, it is just as if you can hear Him talking back,,, and if you don't hear,, look around at the wind, rain, sunshine,, and at least be able to see Him.. for He is all...

Lord, thank You for giving us this day, and Lord thank you for listening. and give us the patience to wait of Your answers to what we pray for, and be able to recognize the signs of them being done.. and Lord I ask that you take the blinders off the people who are running for office, and the ones who are voting also.. and may we all "Restore You" back to full power in these United States of America, and for us to help Israel in the fight for Her continued freedom. amen

John HIcks

Continuing the stand of "FOR GOD " and I only ask the answers from all ,, is to answer yourself,, am I standing,, ? or am I setting? Make a stand,,, with me.. please , it is a choice,, and it is yours and yours alone.. will you? Today!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


THURSDAY! 16 days, and it's Christmas! As I set drinking my good ole hot cup of coffee,, this great morning,, warm and snug, I stop and think,, how many are setting in the sand, on a mountain ledge, drinking water out of a canteen,, holding a cold or hot gun,, wearing heavy packs, and clothing,, in the hot sun, or in the cold mountains, but the gear is the same,,, and wishing they were also drinking hot coffee, holding their love one, wearing their favorite pair of pj's.... but to no avail,, they are just dreaming,, doing their job, defending this nation,,,but I am doing it.. freely,, why? Because of these defenders of our nation, and our way of life, the belief in not just country,,,,but God and country, yes I was able to say this, because of them also... think about it today ,,, while you do your thing, and they do theirs!!!! God bless our troops, where-ever they be!


As you are wrapping your gifts this season,, stop , every once in a while,, think upon the reason for this season.. for now is the time,, shopping is being done, and presents are being wrapped as more to buy,, more to wrap,, mounting up under the tree! I watch our tree,, and when we put it up,, decorated it,, it is beautiful,, but shy of gifts,,,, off to the paper goes my wife,, and wraps some,, just to put them under the tree,, makes it look more like Christmas! Yes, gifts to buy,, gifts bought,, crowds, lots of stress, lots of smiles also,, and satisfaction of finding "that" special gift... oh yes , time is flying by, and it will go fast and furious, but hopefully,, full of laughter from children, relief from parents, and a great feeling of fellowship to all , and from all.. and the best thing of all,, after you have wrapped all the gifts , that as you wrap,, you stop , wrap you arms around yourself, and say "thank you God , for this season,, for without it,, we would never really have a life to live,, for with this birth,, you not only gave Jesus life here ,,, but you gave us life , renewed also... and eternal, just as this Baby was born, and rose,, so will we when that time comes... so just stop,,, close your eyes, and envision,,, the manager, the birth,,, the baby Jesus,, and you stop to


And that is why you smile , when you wrap,, if you think of why you are wrapping!

Lord, thank You for this season, of joy, for us,, and for the love You gave us,, Your only Son. amen

John HIcks
I feel the season,, and I will wrap for life,, how about you,,, are you wrapped in the arms of Jesus,, Have you called out, asked Him in? IF not,, stop and do it right now.. and then see how much you will enjoy this season.. for without Him,, there is no season, just a man-made holiday!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


WEDNESDAY- On this day , in 1941, 70 years ago,,, people was screaming at Pearl Harbor, bombs from Japan,, being dropped on U. S. land..... YES, the United States of America had been attacked! WE WERE AT WAR, !!! By the imperial army of Japan!..Many, many men of our armed forces lost their lives in this war,,, but they won and secured our freedom till this day, and our flag flies high on this day,,, showing the scarafice of these who fought,, who died on this day, for you and for me,, to keep these United States of America free,, God bless this nation, and again, fellow soliders of each force,, thanks!

Prayer Requests: For those who are going through testing today,, may they all have the results of your prayers.
Prayer of Thanks: For all those who died to keep us free,, then, and until this day,, God we thank you for our defenders of this nation,, and most of all , we thank You , God, for this freedom as our flag flies high and free this day!


When you have a dirty floor in your house or your porch has leaves, dirt, etc. on it... what do you do? You pick up your broom,, and sweep it clean! A broom will clean even where a vacum will not... so with that one sweep you can clean a floor, so clean that when you walk barefoot across it.. it will feel slick and smooth,, no little inratiating pieces under foot , to make it a real pleasure to just walk across....
What do you grab hold of when your soul is dirty,,grity,, and not very comfortable to even substain.. much less walking around carrying such a large load of sin within your heart? Yes, you grab the greatest "soul cleansing " thing that exists,, and the only one,, Jesus.. for He is the only one who can sweep your sould clean, make it pure and sweet,, and when He finishes with His sweep,, people can even see the difference when they glaze at you passing by,, yes , there is "that" glow,, He cleans that good! He gets all the dirt,,(sin), and once in the house of your body,, all sin is gone... how about that, so call out,,, and make your choice of the sweep of your lifetime!


God thak you for your son Jesus, and our only way from sin to You,, amen

John HIcks
I have my Jesus in my heart,, and He is sweeping still today, for I am not perfect, and with Him , within, I can stay clean of sin,, and not fall to the hand of satan,, You can have this too, by just calling out, Jesus, come into me,, and pow! It is done, the sweep ,,,,,, complete!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


TUESDAY! Welcome to another of God's gift of days to us all... and may we show today,, some of the love that He gives so freely,, we give back,, freely... let Him know, YES, WE LOVE YOU GOD, AND THANKS FOR THIS DAY, AND ALL YOU HAVE GIVEN TO EACH OF US!

Prayer Requests: For the family of that little girl who lost her life due to one of satans angels.. I ask that you pray that the family finds refuge from all the tears, the suffering of their hearts,, in God,, and that they will seek Him,, and I pray , that God will let the officials find this disturbed, crazy, satanist.. and deal with him,,, as he dealt with this little girl!

I ask all to pray,, that they find each person that puts a syringe in children's clothes or in any other personal thing of a child, a teen, or an adult.. and yes , I know that vengeance is His,, saith the Lord,, may I say that when they find them,, they let them hold the needles by the point within their bodies to the station,, is that asking too much,,, God forgive me, and God forgive this nation, and give us the strength,,, that You must have with the sins in this world... Let's all pray hard ,,now!


How many of us have in our lives had something,, that someone else picked up, a toy, a tool,, something,, and you said to them.. "hey that is mine". Mine,,, meaning, from Webster- "belonging to me!". Yes,, you mean it is yours and no one else,, it is yours.. "that is mine"!,, and you have no problem in saying it. Now , how would it feel to see this item.. if it was something you loved and treasured very much,, just float away,, because you never claimed it.. never could prove it? Maybe we should put our mark on all of our loved ones,, for they are the greatest of "belonging" than any other item in this world, or should be,, I pray it is! For gold nor silver will never go through the eye.. understand? Take out insurance on items,, give lots of love and commitment to love all times... close your eyes and see if you can comprehend this losing!
Now, this is the way Jesus would feel,, just like you are feeling,,, when you don't have His "insurance" for life,, when you die and go before the Throne of Judgment of Almighty God... When you walk up,, and God pulls out your book of life,, and you do not have Jesus for your defendant,, I believe He cries,, for there He has been , all the time,, free,, cost of nothing,, an insurance policy of a lifetime, with no ties, except love and forgiveness from Him,, He cries, for He can not step forward, unless you have stepped forward here, before this big meeting at the throne,,,and ask Him to take you as one of His,,, and then and only then can He step up beside you in front of His Father and your God.. and said , "No Father,,, I have paid the price of this ones sins.. and this soul is


Will this happen to you,, it is your choice, and I pray that you take it now!

God, Help the parents of that little girl , that You now have in Your arms, and give them this sight so they may go on with life as You want,, and as hard as it will be for them. amen

John HIcks
I would like to just say,, if this keeps happening to our children,, and we don't do something drastic to these sick people, this world cannot stand,,, for I feel like they need to be dealt with,, and I mean "dealt" with! Dealt with as to make those other sickies , think before they act! How do you feel? and again, Lord forgive me for my internal thoughts on these sick people out there.

Monday, December 5, 2011


MONDAY! This is the day, if working,,,, the day you just have that has that weighed down feeling when you open your eyes to get up.. just have to make that leg sling over to the side of the bed,, set up, then stand ,, wow,, what a hard move to make,, called waking up and getting up out of that comfortable bed..but get up you do... for you must! Jobs are hard to come by.. so you make this effort! Now for all of us.. we, retired , at sometime , get up also,, With me, it is early.. sleeping late is 6.. but the effort is still there,, where is this going? If we can wake up, with this super effort to get up,, start our day,, let's start it off with the opening of our eyes and thanking God for the day,, then swing up like it's the gift it is,, and then kinda jump up and down, and then grin real, real big.. and say ,, "thanks God, for one more", for you are not guaranteed anything,, unless you have accepted Him.. and you know that guarantee!

Prayer Report: Little Joseph, will not have the shunt put in,, there might be an infection, so antibiotics first, then they will see.


Yes, a great song.. and a great meaning.. to take to heart... When you go to a party,, or any function, most try to pick something appropriate to wear.. usually not what you have on at the time of the function. Now there is the one party,, that people call, kinda a surprise,, called ,,come on now, and come as you are if you dare! Most will,,,,, if at home or close to home,, will swing by and change,, if you are at work , clothed clean , then you might go on then... kind of a time for decision, if it is a short time line.
Now,, when God calls,, and says , come! It really is a statement of "come, just as you are" , and there is no time to run by the house to change, or run out and but a new dress or a new suit, or jeans.. or even run down to the church and join real quick.. or drop to your knees and accept Jesus as your savior,, nope,, now listen to this, and listen now... this you had better do now, and not latter ,,, for when that call,, the call of God,, to come home.. folks be ready before,, and be glad you are ,, for at that call from Him ,, it is definitely


I pray that all will read this story, and not smile or laugh at it.. but will fall to their knees , if they are not prepared,, and accept Jesus as their personal Savior. and if they are, it does not hurt , Lord , that they might do it again... this is my prayer for this day,, amen..

John HIcks
Look in the mirror,,, just for a second,, look at yourself, and ask that person you see reflecting back, am I ready ,,, really , really ready, for when that call comes,, and trust me,, it will come.. please be prepared.. be a good scout.. for believe it or not , God wants you, but He wants you,,, to want Him! and the question is ,,,do you, and will you profess this in public?

Sunday, December 4, 2011


SUNDAY- Welcome to the sabbath! In what ever you do this day,, remember who made it for you,, who gave it to you, and who loves you more than one can ever imagine in this world...and also, as you amber through it... don't forget to give back some of this love,,, in quaintly,! May God bless you this day and all days...........

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young!

Where is the line to see Jesus?

As I walk through the Malls, the biggest retail stores.. I see the big Christmas Trees,, all decorated, lights glowing,, tall,, huge,, can see from a distance, lower floor, or upper floor.. kids, teens, adults, all looking in awe,, at this sight... and right there under that tree,, is "Ole Saint Nick" ,, yes Santa Claus, all decked out in his red and white suit.. children in line to set on his knee,, give him that magic list of "what I want for Christmas",, with the dreams to come.. of the things all scattered around their tree at home,, IF they have one... maybe you might see the Mom and child, that may be ragged ,,or not cloth real great,, standing in line,, what of that Mom, when that magical night gets here? There is nothing wrong with this scene, if you play it right,,and let the kids, know, that all asked for ,, may and may not be under that tree,,, let the dreams go,, but fix those dreams , so that they don't become nightmares. to some..... and even to the wealthy or the semi-wealthy,, don't give them YOUR own dreams,, and all they put on their
list... give with a clear head ,, not all of your heart,,,Let them know the biggest gift given on this night,, is the Son of God, who was born,, to a virgin,, on this very night 2011 years ago... about the star that shone all around the world,, the guests ,, invited to visit , not by mail, nor note,, but by real live angels ,, from Heaven,, sent by God Almighty, himself.. just as He has sent His Son through a virgin birth... the Son,, our way,,, our Savior , this baby who will grow and give His all , His life on this earth,, FOR US,, this baby,, this Son of God sent to us to be born as we, and die like us, but to arise again!
I see,,, His Manger,,, covered over with more and more ribbon packages.. and only a small sight of this little baby's head showing through... rather than open, as it was in the beginning,, with love and affection and worship.
Has the United States gone to the Christmas day,, with packages only in their hands and heart,, or do they first get in line,, & with their children ,, to see and worship that little baby,, the one called Jesus? If you tear the packages away,, and really look,, folks,, He, is still there,, there for you and I,, our only way through this life.. yes,, it is Little Baby Jesus ,, lying in a manager ,, just for you and I.. sent by the God of all,, the Father of all.. the angels still on guard and shinning as He is, just as the star, over this world, and all over Heaven!,, Now,,, do we stand in line first to see Santa,, or do we stand in the line of the true meaning of Christmas,,,,,


I can see Him,, can you?

God , forgive this retail nation, and may all hear ,, see and remember the reason for this season that is coming,,, and that is the birth of Your Son,, our Jesus Christ, and Savior! amen

John HIcks
I can add nothing more, except ,, please remember,, as you stress to buy,, don't worry about presents. just "pre-sent" to all,,, the present God gave to all,, Jesus!... Will you celebrate "the reason for this season",,, with me?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


SATURDAY! Now , you have made it to the week-end,, did you make good plans.. or just a week-end of shopping,, beating the crowd... then collapse at the end of the day? Me,, I think I will just look around the house, the yard,, maybe the shop,,, and thank God,, that I don't have to go out and fight it today. If you do,, be careful, keep a cool temper, when people bump you, push you, or cut you off... just say,, Lord , give me strength to keep on loving, and to keep smiling at them,, for who is watching besides you... all the little children, and let's not let some of their parents ruin their Christmas by swearing back... will you? Just for them, for they are still forming their adult opinion of how to act.. and whether you like it or not,, it is us.... that they are watching... so?

From the mouth of Christy Hicks:
HOME... Home... home... and so glad to be here!!!! but boy do I really feel the full effect of what has really happened to my body!!!! Thank you all for your prayers!!


Last night I watched Extreme Makeover, where Ty and his crew was more about , against "bulling", than building a house... and I was impressed of the kids that are bullied in this day.. It is awful of the hands I saw raised , when asked this question,,"Have you ever been bullied?" I saw more hands that said yes, about 80% of the classes asked.. Folks this is terrible,, and it needs to be fixed! Is this the way these bullies are raised.. some of the time.. it is,, some is the social ladder they are put on...
In my time there were a few big guys who bullied some,, and then we had our "bunch" ,, and this was in school and guess who.. not all but just six of the "lettered" football players... Now I was not one of these,, for I didn't have transportation from school to home,, and believe me it was too long a walk and not enough cars to hitch-hike( you still do that safely then also).. but I at that time could not stand a bully.. and I was built to re-taliate if need be, and those times did arise.. I am going to give you an example of how to stand up agains bullies,, and not have to have your children have to set in a lunch room with one of the staff.. teach your children to stand up and stand together... here goes one,, and Judy,, you will know who I am talking about... one warm day as I walked to the ag building,, I saw a group of people gathered in front of the gym... as I walked up I could see one of my "friends",, not run around ,but a friend... He had long hair , slicked back like Elvis.. those were the days.. the guys on the teams,, had crew cuts.. well yes, I had mine combed back also.. jeans and a t-shirt.. and these crew-cuts, had my "fiend Dickie" backed up to the top of the steps,, he had tears running down his cheeks,, and Dicky was not one to mess with also..but he was outnumbered and these guys was the bullies... and they had scissors,, going to hold him down and cut that hair... and they meant to do it.. well I just walked up,, beside him,, and spoke to him,, ask what's happening,, and after he told me they were going to cut his hair,, and folks this was taumatic back then,, I just turned, looked at these guys, and said fine, cut it!,, BUT first , cut mine,, for that is the only way you are going to get to him..well those six guys looked like someone had slapped them back to reality,, why, for there stood someone, that was not going to back down.. someone who was standing next to the boy with long slicked hair, and it was someone, they knew, would have more step up if a lick was passed,, and all of a sudden they realized,, they were out numbered,, for my friends had started to the steps,, and then I heard the laughter as they walked off.. and you know,, they never came back,, to me or to Dicky,, so teach your children , and go to a crowd when you see bulling going on... don't stand for it.. for in last night's episode,, a kid was pushed to hanging himself... don't let this happen to any more of our kids.. step up and stand next to them,, just as Jesus stood up , even to His death for you , and for me... let's show these bullies ,, just who they are messing with also.... let's break them up, and let the bullied know,, they have someone to talk to,, and stand with.. will you tell your kids this? I will,,, and stand I will..


God , put a hold on these bullies in our schools, our job places. our lives, and let those bullied, live for the good You gave us all to enjoy.. amen

John HIcks
I can say no more this day,, for I am still amazed at the problem we have at our schools. from grade one to the last day of graduation.. we need to spread some Jesus sunshine on this problem.. yes we do!

Friday, December 2, 2011


FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! Yes , this , to me was a quick week! A lot of laziness,, setting around,, got to get up... you know the saying,,, and idle mind is the devils workshop,, and some say,, mine is so empty and idle,, well ,,, you know the saying, Ha! Always start your day off with a smile,, when you wake up,, no matter how you feel,, once you have smiled, and thank God for this very day,,, and all you have.. you will feel better... try it,, I just did it for the third time since I have been up,, for 22 minutes,, and I am loving this day... try it on for size, for one size, smile, fits all... right? And "my friend" , smile!

Prayer report from Christy Hicks-last 2 weeks in a nutshell since i have not updated you all... had 2nd of 3 colon sugeries on Nov. 17 (to remove last 4 inches and create j-pouch out of small intestine, spent 4 nights in SICU due to heart rate being high but really liked it there, moved to regular room, got really, REALLy sick (you don't want details), had to get tube up nose/down throat (BAD BAD BAD), meant no food or water for days, got tube out Tuesday, slowly drinking and eating now... on the mend... THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!


Lots of people do this.. for many reasons.. mostly to see if they are being followed,, and not just from their consciences, but safety when alone and walking to and fro,,,, we call it our second set of eyes, or eyes in the back of our head.. and at times, this pays off.... now when we do it because we are in a place we should not be ,,, then we call that a look of conscience.. yes.. wrong place ,, don't want to get caught... but beware of something,, there is this see all camera,, records our ever move.. called the camera of life,, and it forms into the "book of life",, now you probably know what I am referring to.
So , this morning,, all I am asking is,,, are you looking just to see where you have been,, who, if anyone is behind you, or are you in the wrong place of life? If the latter part,, then there is someone right behind you whom you don't see but can make sure you are safe,, and not in the wrong place,,, if you are just looking back, and not worried,, I say,,, to both things,, if you are doing it without Jesus,,, then you need to know that there is one other walking right at your back also.. he goes by the name , satan.. now he will cause you much, much trouble,,, and even death with all the trimmings,, the trimmings of fire, much , much hurt... but if you call out that one name,, "Jesus, I am here,, and I want you not behind me, but within me,", and you will have re-moved satan, all the chances of a death,, and be on the road to life forever , even after death here,,, and on this road, if you choose it. the road with Jesus... then you will not have to walk and


God, thank You for giving us the path of looking forward and not backwards, with out pathfinder, Jesus,, amen

John HIcks
I walk,, straight,, and I pick up some dis-concern from some,, of my beliefs,, but that , I do not appolize for.. for what I see, ahead,, definitely is the same one within,, leading me on.. and that is my Jesus, and He can be yours too , if you have not asked Him to lead you... a choice given to you, and by your choice,, will determine, which way you are looking... behind? or to the front? Choices,,, choices!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


THURSDAY! This early morning,, welcome to December, and I pray that this month is as good to you , as you are good to it! As an email said to me,, God, please keep my feet on the right path, and a hand over my mouth! Ha! This is a great saying, and I must be critical, and say,, amen,, especially to the last, that is one of my biggest enemies! Have a great 1st, and may your request be, for God to go with you,, for He will be on the sidelines anyway...God bless!

Prayer Request: Little Joseph was rushed to the ER, he was having trouble breathing, and having siezures. After cat scan, they found fluid build up on the brain,,and after drilling and relieving the fluid, the good news is the fluid showed clear,, then after draining, a stunt was installed,, and yesterday morning , his vital signs had returned to normal durning the night, and he rested well.. please continue to pray for this little boy!


I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, but it is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!

But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.

We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"

Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !

Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"?

Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen

John HIcks
Yes, we all listen at the wall,, if you don't hear anything,, it may be that you have not called out first, for once you do, then the voice of Jesus will come rolling into your heart , and He will place a hold on your soul, and their will He be, on that day of days.. right there be-side you...will He be! Wow!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Thoughts For This Day-Wednesday-11/30/11

WEDNESDAY! Middle week-day, "hump day"! Are you ready? For the slide to the week-end? Ready or not here you and I go! I grabbed my "have a great day" pass,,, did you? Where was it? Right there beside you,, don't you see Jesus! and it is a "forever pass",, and not a stamp,, but something that will stick with you ,,,, wherever you go... reach out,, grab, before you slide,, there is plenty of "have a great day" passes left.. and Jesus is having a ball passing them out.. flip Him a smile and a thank You, as you grab,, have a great slide! Oh, He goes on with you pass this day, and all the days of your life , once you choose Him! Have a great Wednesday, and life, slide!

The Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. Ephs. 6:8 NIV


Are you today, a slave? If you look around on T.V. movies, other habitual services of this new age... you would have to say,, there are a big percentage of "slaves".. yes to the above,, and not mentioned , but to the two biggest,, which go together.. wealth(the love of it), and greed!" This is a sad awakening! How do you feel about yourself, and when you answer , include all you believe in, what you usually do daily, your treatment to all,, the love you give to the most.. the one you depend on the most.. what can you do with, and what can you do without.. what are your addictions......quiet a list,, huh? and it goes on, and on. so when you say the words, "what am I a slave too,, nothing at all, that I can think of", re-think, and if you are just clear of all the above,,, think hard,, for we all are ,, a slave of something,, and that is why we pray for forgiveness to Jesus , for our "sins",,, yes that is the "slave of us all".. sins.. and we all are sinners,, under the whip of satan, and are doomed,,, unless we come forward and except forgiveness from Jesus Christ ,, and if you call out to Him,, and ask for this forgiveness of all your sins,,, and your acceptance of Him,, then and only then will you be completely


God, thank You for the pass of freedom , from You to us,, Your Son,, Jesus Christ! amen

John HIcks
Slave? Daily, I ask for my freedom,, and forgiveness ,, for I am a sinner, and saved by the grace of Jesus Christ..and he repels satan and the chains of slavery,,, Now where do you stand? In chains , or do you walk with a full stride?... You know the rest,, whether you do or not,, is strictly up to you... so make the decision,, for walking with a full stride is better.. believe me,, I have walked with both. Will you join the "freedom walkers",,,,, today?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


TUESDAY! When those feet hit the ground,,, praise God for giving you this day,, than thank,, just what can I do that will make others smile today,,, make it a "for someone else day", instead of a "my self only day",, it just might put a bigger perspective in your outlook,,,, that is ,,, after you do it! You just might want to do it again, and again, for there is nothing like doing something for "somebody else other than thyself"!

PRAYER UPDATE: Little Joseph has taken a turn for the worst,,, He is having major respiratory problems, and seizures,, they have taken him to the Lady of the Lake Hospital, in Baton Rouge. Please continue to pray for this young man, he is a fighter,, and with Gods help, he will win this fight.


Yes, today,, start your Christmas celebration.. with the reason for it all.. the birth of Jesus Christ. Make this celebration all about Him,, and not the "physical things of this world" , nor the parties,,, Forget the gifts that you must buy, just to make someone happy,, but remember the ultimate gift that was given to you , to me, and all those in this world of His Fathers,, yes,, believe me,, as much as you claim it,, this is not your world, but a loan of it,,.
My son, Rick said in a message,, "let's get out and enjoy this time, ,,this time of Christmas,, let's go look at the celebration of the lights, the great decorations,, and forget to cheapen our Holiday with "things".. Yes it is alright to buy gifts for Christmas,, if they are given in "love and affection" , and not in , look at what I got you,, and guess how much I paid,,, maybe not in words ,, but sometimes that is the look you see on some faces when you get it... but give so that when you are looked at,, the smile is genuine, and there is fun in giving,, really ,, if from the heart,, it is!
So, celebrate,, and don't make it a dark cheapen Holiday,, make it a real one,, to remember.. not forgotten the next day,,, will you do this ,,, at the early start of our celebration.. of "THE REAL CHRISTMAS SEASON"... will you , with me,,


God,, thank You for the birth of Your Son,, Jesus,, for without Him, we would be doomed of a death, and not of a reborn-ed life.. amen

John HIcks
When I write some of these things that I write, I first pray,, and you know , things come to me by mail, computer,, that when I read them,, are high-lited by my maker,, then when I am at a stand-still for something to write,,, He takes the keyboard,, then I am not at a standstill anymore,, words and meaning come,,, and you know what,, I believe just that,, and if you do or not,, is really up to you,, just as accepting Jesus as your Savior,, it is strictly up to you , and only you.... have a great day, and don't forget to carry God with you on your daily quest of this and all other days of your life....o.k.?

Monday, November 28, 2011


MONDAY! I woke up excited today... first , I woke with the Lord,, and His saving and forgiving grace,, and then I walked into the kitchen and their came through the door to get her morning coffee, non other than my bride of 47 years ago today... and then there,, I knew that God had been so great to me.. for this was His sending a saint to help a sinner... and all through these 47 years , she has had her hands full, but by the grace of God,, she has been there for me.. and I give her an applause for the love she has given out to me and my dear, dear children... THANK YOU LIBBY FOR JUST BEING LIBBY AND MY WIFE! and may God continue to bless you and me for many , many more years together!


I guess we all have our days or times of "wishy , washy" in our life time... but,, we do , almost all, come back to stand straight,, walk with truth and justice for all... not superman, but as close as our limits will allow..
What we need in this nation,, is first to clean out our own house,,, make sure it is in order , then we can talk about our leaders ,,, is that a good word "leaders" in Washington, and talk about them , I do, and will,,,, I served to have that right.. and this is the USA,, and you all have that right to talk,,, and even those elected have a right to talk.. but they need to understand,, they were elected under a campaign,, of promises to the American people... and when they are elected,, if they do not honor these promises, then these promises turn into lies.. and then they must answer in the end to God almighty for them... Do they understand this? NO, I do not think so.. I think they talk of what we want to hear,, then go to Washington,, eat, be merry, and collect all they can,, then start writing promises for the next round... yes more lies.. you just show me the ones in Washington that is really trying to turn this nation around... are you still rubbing the back of your head and saying "duh! come on,, give us a better test than this one.. it is hard!"
What is this all about? It is about us,, taking a step ,, a step to elect good people , so they say,,,,then set back and talking about the job they are doing.. and not taking a stand. How do you take a stand, you write letters ,you vote them out... you don't let them rule you... for you have a choice and the power.. so why not do something.. why? Is it , that you might not be political correct in the eyes of others?
Now answer this..After you have read this,, thank of this nation,, as one nation under satan! A bold statement? Yes it is.. but my brothers,,, my sisters,,, if we do not take a step or commitment to God,, take Jesus to the voting booth with us,, with prayer at our side , instead of political correctness.. ask not once but daily with prayers, to the only one who can rule this nation,,, we will ultimately loose it.. so
I challenge all ... to do your daily prayers,, and to do with earnest , with no gain, but earnest and honest humility before the God that made you ,,,, and will judge you... let's regain America,, with God,, and not without Him... Let's put Him first,, and the "regain" is started and here.. before you know it... so as I write this ,, that you have to read deep for the meaning of both .... with me ,,,let's



God , lead us,, care for us,, give our leaders the right answers that are Yours, and for You, and Lord, give us the courage and the strength to stand up for you in all we do,,, and ask for Your will , instead of ours.. amen

John HIcks
I pray for this nation,, and I have the faith, that it will always say "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", for I believe that God gave it to us,,,and I believe that the Christians of this nation, will come forward,, with God in their hearts and on their tongues,, and then,,, we will prevail..BUT THIS MUST BE DONE! Will you be one of these ,, with courage , and strength and faith in the Lord to be on the army that saves this nation,, Your choice!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


SUNDAY! and ,yes on this the day He had finished making it, the world, and He rested, so unless you have an ox in the ditch , then you too should rest. Do something that is resting,, you do not have to just sit down, and do nothing, He rested and relaxed,, so do what is resting, and relaxing ,, but do in remembrance of Him, and those with the ox,,,, He knows ,, so don't stress,, for He made it , and He planned it... just love Him and pray to Him... have a great day to all, and may God bless you as richly as He has me.

Prayer Request: Christy Hicks, still having problems with her stomach adjusting,, still in the hospital.. so keep on praying.

My niece, Toni,, who is having many troubles, and can sure use the prayers of all for her to have some help and that God will touch the situation, and give this young lady some relief.

Sam, My brother,, still having some weak spells,, so please pray for him to get back to that up and att'em ,,that he has always had.


I ask this question,, when Moses got to the Red Sea,, if he had just stood and stared at that great rolling water of the sea,, then the Israelites,, would still be in Egypt and still be slaves.. but,, Moses had God standing beside him, and when God told Moses what to to,, He did it.. and as you know, they all walked across dry land, and when the last one crossed,, and pharaoh started his soldiers,, and when they got nearly to the other side, then they were drown. Yes, Moses not only listen to God and had faith,, and as all the people , thousands were hollering and already condemning him for leading them to the waters edge,, knowing that it was God who led them,, but in a crisis ,,they condemned,, Moses and God.. but Moses with the faith as our Father instructed him... did not just stare at the sea,, but he acted as God told him,, raised his staff, and parted the waters... and all under God walked on dry land,, then again , there was praise... How does God do it.. help, and forgive nations (back to back)as Israel,, right then and there,,, and ours , the USA, daily ,, and on, and on... ?
Yes, it is a matter of being saved by faith,, and if we as a nation,, do not profess, fall on our knees and pray for forgiveness or this nations sins.. and if we all don't start living like it,, not just a few,,, but from the top on down,,,there are not going to be any parting of the seas in our land,, but only pharaohs,, governing our body of land,, and we will still be , unless we have the faith ,and the change, and do the praying to and of our God, ,,,then,,, yes,, we will


So, don't stand and stare, but kneel and pray!

God, thank You for showing us the way across the seas of life ,,, by having the faith, and then letting you show us the path to take,,and being able to open our eyes and see. amen

John HIcks
Yes, I have been on the sand of many beaches,, and not knowing which way to go.. back or forward, and I thank by accepting Jesus as my Savior,,, I kept forward,,, and although my faith ,being so small,, I got my feet damp,, but I have never drowned,, thanks to the hand that keeps me above the water.. no I don't stare anymore, I walk ahead,,, will you accept Him, and come walk with me.. oh what a journey you will have.... really!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Thoughts For Today- Saturday-11/26/11

SATURDAY! You are lying in bed, your eyes open, they flutter, then open wide,, you sit up, get your bearing, stand, put on a rob or whatever, go get some coffee(that's me) or something to wash the sleep out of your mouth,, you stretch,,, you yawn again , and again, then you realize,, as you reclose your eyes, and say,,, wow! God thank you for that great night of sleep, and thank you for this new day,, and the opportunity to have another ,,,, to serve you with each minute of it.... now folks ,,that's the way to start a day,, and of course there are others.. but this morning,, this is the one I pick,, which one did you pick,, all that matters out of this pick,, is did you state ,,, to serve you with each minute of it! Well?


Well, there are "aftershocks" from earthquakes,, why not "after thanks" from Thanksgiving? I am thinking,, of how we all treat each holiday.... We start walking toward a holiday easy,, with all kinds of plans.. then as it gets closer,, we start to build up a little steam just a little faster,, with each day.. until we realize it is only a few days ahead,, and then clear the road of life, for here we come,, wide open, faster that the speed of sound,, we are approaching landing, and sometimes we do crash... and then we just make the best of the best... ha.. but that is an American with moderate to wealthy means... must out do the last holiday,, why? for someone might visit and you want good tidings to go out to all they see, or someone might just come by your house and the more the cars. the better,, might even be tempted to go rent a few... yes I am over doing this site, but why? Just to show that when it is coming we work to make it work,, to the fullest.. then after the sun goes down on that holiday,, it is the usual... most of the time....
Yes, guilty from all... right after the good times, the good feelings,, the "after-thanks" kicks in... yes they do.... unless you really and truly took or invited God to your holiday,,, and kept Him with you later,,after the day,, and right on into the rest of the days.... for this Thanksgiving,, I received more blessings, than any one could deserve,, surprise visitors, whom I really and truly care about, a phone call of wonder to me... and the thoughts of all my relatives.. and guess what ,, we didn't beat up too many.. ha... where are we going with this today... it is just a reminder, that we just came out of a holiday,, and headed into an even greater one,, and already,, on T.V.,, I see the not walk slowly, but the bull rush of some looking for bargains, some for greed,, maybe you don't see it.. but stop, look, and go into this one coming,, with humility,, love of the reason,, and that is the only reason for this coming holiday of Christmas..
I hope all of you read into what this was all about this morning.... by re looking at your


God, thank You for these days and times of holidays for us,, and may we realize that we celebrate you each and every day... and that is more important of all holidays to us... thank You God for life its-self. amen

John HIcks
Sometimes, we all get off the track , but thank God,, He can "re-track" by just a prayer to Him,, if you are of track, and need to get back on, try it,, that is prayer,, it works... I know for He has His hands full just "re-tracking " me.. Have a great day.. and don't forget to pray, at least once a day!