THURSDAY! 16 days, and it's Christmas! As I set drinking my good ole hot cup of coffee,, this great morning,, warm and snug, I stop and think,, how many are setting in the sand, on a mountain ledge, drinking water out of a canteen,, holding a cold or hot gun,, wearing heavy packs, and clothing,, in the hot sun, or in the cold mountains, but the gear is the same,,, and wishing they were also drinking hot coffee, holding their love one, wearing their favorite pair of pj's.... but to no avail,, they are just dreaming,, doing their job, defending this nation,,,but I am doing it.. freely,, why? Because of these defenders of our nation, and our way of life, the belief in not just country,,,,but God and country, yes I was able to say this, because of them also... think about it today ,,, while you do your thing, and they do theirs!!!! God bless our troops, where-ever they be!
As you are wrapping your gifts this season,, stop , every once in a while,, think upon the reason for this season.. for now is the time,, shopping is being done, and presents are being wrapped as more to buy,, more to wrap,, mounting up under the tree! I watch our tree,, and when we put it up,, decorated it,, it is beautiful,, but shy of gifts,,,, off to the paper goes my wife,, and wraps some,, just to put them under the tree,, makes it look more like Christmas! Yes, gifts to buy,, gifts bought,, crowds, lots of stress, lots of smiles also,, and satisfaction of finding "that" special gift... oh yes , time is flying by, and it will go fast and furious, but hopefully,, full of laughter from children, relief from parents, and a great feeling of fellowship to all , and from all.. and the best thing of all,, after you have wrapped all the gifts , that as you wrap,, you stop , wrap you arms around yourself, and say "thank you God , for this season,, for without it,, we would never really have a life to live,, for with this birth,, you not only gave Jesus life here ,,, but you gave us life , renewed also... and eternal, just as this Baby was born, and rose,, so will we when that time comes... so just stop,,, close your eyes, and envision,,, the manager, the birth,,, the baby Jesus,, and you stop to
And that is why you smile , when you wrap,, if you think of why you are wrapping!
Lord, thank You for this season, of joy, for us,, and for the love You gave us,, Your only Son. amen
John HIcks
I feel the season,, and I will wrap for life,, how about you,,, are you wrapped in the arms of Jesus,, Have you called out, asked Him in? IF not,, stop and do it right now.. and then see how much you will enjoy this season.. for without Him,, there is no season, just a man-made holiday!
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