THURSDAY! THREE DAYS TILL OLE ST. NICK! Have you been nice or naughty? We will all see soon! Until then, let's continue to pray for a completely combined of all who are breathing, right now.. to make this a Christmas of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ,,,, and nothing else... for God so loved the world......
PRAYER REQUEST: For a spiritual Christmas and the reverence of the season!
You took my clothes of sadness, and clothed me in happiness! Psalm 30:11
The first step to joy is a plea for help. Those who taste God's presence have declared spiritual bankruptcy and are aware of their spiritual crisis. They ask God to do for them what they can't do without Him. The have seen how Holy God is and how sinful they are and have agreed with Jesus; statement. "Salvation is impossible."
Oh, the irony of God's delight . Admission of failure is not usually the admission of joy. But then again,,, God has never been governed by what is common. So , when you come to Him,, accept Him,, then do you feel real
Lord, thank You, for Your "gift of joy",, by just confession to You and acceptingYour Son as our Savior from this life, . amen
John HIcks
For now in this season,, make joyful noises,, and come to Him who was born on this coming day, and lived , and died for us,, and rose for us, and is alive today,, waiting to save those who just open their mouth, and ask for Him to come to them within,,, will you ask Him and make a joy-ful noise....,,
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