FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! Yes , this , to me was a quick week! A lot of laziness,, setting around,, got to get up... you know the saying,,, and idle mind is the devils workshop,, and some say,, mine is so empty and idle,, well ,,, you know the saying, Ha! Always start your day off with a smile,, when you wake up,, no matter how you feel,, once you have smiled, and thank God for this very day,,, and all you have.. you will feel better... try it,, I just did it for the third time since I have been up,, for 22 minutes,, and I am loving this day... try it on for size, for one size, smile, fits all... right? And "my friend" , smile!
Prayer report from Christy Hicks-last 2 weeks in a nutshell since i have not updated you all... had 2nd of 3 colon sugeries on Nov. 17 (to remove last 4 inches and create j-pouch out of small intestine, spent 4 nights in SICU due to heart rate being high but really liked it there, moved to regular room, got really, REALLy sick (you don't want details), had to get tube up nose/down throat (BAD BAD BAD), meant no food or water for days, got tube out Tuesday, slowly drinking and eating now... on the mend... THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!
Lots of people do this.. for many reasons.. mostly to see if they are being followed,, and not just from their consciences, but safety when alone and walking to and fro,,,, we call it our second set of eyes, or eyes in the back of our head.. and at times, this pays off.... now when we do it because we are in a place we should not be ,,, then we call that a look of conscience.. yes.. wrong place ,, don't want to get caught... but beware of something,, there is this see all camera,, records our ever move.. called the camera of life,, and it forms into the "book of life",, now you probably know what I am referring to.
So , this morning,, all I am asking is,,, are you looking just to see where you have been,, who, if anyone is behind you, or are you in the wrong place of life? If the latter part,, then there is someone right behind you whom you don't see but can make sure you are safe,, and not in the wrong place,,, if you are just looking back, and not worried,, I say,,, to both things,, if you are doing it without Jesus,,, then you need to know that there is one other walking right at your back also.. he goes by the name , satan.. now he will cause you much, much trouble,,, and even death with all the trimmings,, the trimmings of fire, much , much hurt... but if you call out that one name,, "Jesus, I am here,, and I want you not behind me, but within me,", and you will have re-moved satan, all the chances of a death,, and be on the road to life forever , even after death here,,, and on this road, if you choose it. the road with Jesus... then you will not have to walk and
God, thank You for giving us the path of looking forward and not backwards, with out pathfinder, Jesus,, amen
John HIcks
I walk,, straight,, and I pick up some dis-concern from some,, of my beliefs,, but that , I do not appolize for.. for what I see, ahead,, definitely is the same one within,, leading me on.. and that is my Jesus, and He can be yours too , if you have not asked Him to lead you... a choice given to you, and by your choice,, will determine, which way you are looking... behind? or to the front? Choices,,, choices!
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