Wednesday, December 28, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is hump day today,, the time of climbing to the middle of the week, done,,,, now for the journey to the Week-end of the New Year! As you slide,,, make some resolutions of the up-coming New Year,,, before you make the ones for the coming year,,, Make sure that you plan your celebration to be in a safe place,, a sober place, a good place with other good people.. watch the fireworks in wonder of what the new year will bring,, planning,, of good things, not how much you can drink, or any of satans celebrating.. but the celebrating of thankfulness of what is to come........ and if you have to be intoxicated,, be that of the "spirit " of the Lord.. good planning for this important slide from now to then.... make a good and wise one!

Prayer Request: For all those unsaved souls,, that they may open their eyes, and see Jesus,, and call out to Him,, and be saved by His good and great grace of forgiveness and love,,,, and may God forgive us all, and those who have sinned so great, and that you and I find the time to forgive also. Will you pray with me today?


Did you see the news on this question? Yes,, our "Representatives" , the whole Congress are ,(well 95%) millionaires or almost there!

Not all was , but are now,, some self made before, some inherited, some married into.. but money, they have,, "sense" they have , for look at their jobs, compared to ours. for they play on our money .,, to make more... maybe we should have a new re-vote.. and have only a few debates, and no other ad's,, but only personal reports. of religion, worth, charities, history of their morals...and are they actually honest or just liars....

I have asked this question , "how do they make this much,, with so low a salary?",,with the answers already in my mind,, why is it that you see someone who is elected,, (95%) that is not rich,, become rich, married who become married more than once , or have some-one on the side for vacationing with... and I know the answers... and I know the why.. but can they not go to work for the people and not for themselves? Can they not join the club of


God , please continue to bless this nation, and forgive this world, and may we all help keep this nation , UNDER YOU , GOD, AND ALSO MAY WE KEEP ISRAEL AS FREE AS WE ARE! amen

John HIcks

Yes, being a millionaire might be great, I don't know, but being a Christian, is more wealth than one can really expect , for it just flows and flows, and the more you "spend the reason",, the more you make.. so, come with me, and be a Christian, it is so easy to come,, but the road after is easy,, only if you hold the hand of Jesus from the start to the end.. will you come walk with me through this club ,, of millions? Ragged or in a suit,, it does not matter,, what matters,,is on the inside!

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