Thursday, December 1, 2011


THURSDAY! This early morning,, welcome to December, and I pray that this month is as good to you , as you are good to it! As an email said to me,, God, please keep my feet on the right path, and a hand over my mouth! Ha! This is a great saying, and I must be critical, and say,, amen,, especially to the last, that is one of my biggest enemies! Have a great 1st, and may your request be, for God to go with you,, for He will be on the sidelines anyway...God bless!

Prayer Request: Little Joseph was rushed to the ER, he was having trouble breathing, and having siezures. After cat scan, they found fluid build up on the brain,,and after drilling and relieving the fluid, the good news is the fluid showed clear,, then after draining, a stunt was installed,, and yesterday morning , his vital signs had returned to normal durning the night, and he rested well.. please continue to pray for this little boy!


I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, but it is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!

But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.

We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"

Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !

Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"?

Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen

John HIcks
Yes, we all listen at the wall,, if you don't hear anything,, it may be that you have not called out first, for once you do, then the voice of Jesus will come rolling into your heart , and He will place a hold on your soul, and their will He be, on that day of days.. right there be-side you...will He be! Wow!

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