WEDNESDAY! I hope as your eyes open this great day,,, that you are as excited as I! For to wake up, with all we have to wake up with,,, and for, is for me the most exciting thing one can have, .... that is Jesus to do the day with,, and His Father to bow down to and thank for tis world, and all He ahs gvien to us, no matter how big, or how small, , if from Him,,,It is big , in any form! Wake, up, go your way, but first, stop,, give a thank you to our Father, and then jsut say,, come on Jesus, let's go , and enjoy this day! and off you go!!!!!!!
Do you ever look in the mirror and see anything, like a "chip" on your shoulder? No , I have never seen one on mine either,,,,but,, I have been told, I, at times do have one perched right up there in plain sight! I go to a mirror,,still, I can't see it, but then I can feel it,, and it is not up on my shoulder, it is in my heart,, I have let the worst thing of all happen to me,, I have let ole satan ease in.. and he climbs up on that shoulder for all to see by coming into my heart and then working my mind and tongue.. We all have that little chip on our being at one time or another , and some refer it as something else on your shoulder, but all in all it is just satan, working away on our faith , and trying to root Jesus out,, but you know , he can't ,, if Jesus decides to slap him right back into hell. Jesus will use that terrible swift slap of His, and bamn, satan is gone, but only when we ask for it! Yes, Jesus is just waiting, God has given Him to us , then why do we let satan in? I am in awe that we do, with the Prince of Peace, and Salvation within us, and we make way for that little worm of satan to ease in.. to put that chip of dismay on & in us,, when we should be shouting about that little cross we project on our shoulder, the one we show with our actions of good , not sin.... So let's all re-vamp,, ask Jesus to come in "PERMANENTLY".. put a anti-satan gate up on our soul,, and kick that chip on our shoulder right back to hell... and let us shine the gospel light of salvation to all we see.. come on ,,
God , thank You for Jesus, and Your choice of You over all else.. amen
John HIcks
I have to have that little "chip" knocked off very often,, and I wear out my knees doing it, for I go to the "chip knocker" , Jesus a lot, how about you , any wear on those knees of yours?
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