WEDNESDAY! Yes, "Hump Day" for most... another day for me! Each day we have on this earth, MUST be for the Lord! Now, as you awake , and go off to "your day", what ever that is,, take the Lord with you in your heart, in your mind, and on your tongue. This is the only way we will survive in this great nation... for if we leave God out of it, this Nation, it will shut down, as we know it, and if we let those run it, that have, it will be called "socialism", and not Independence! Are you prepared for "socialism"? Look it up in the dictionary, then look up independence, then look at our news reporting, and see which way we are headed,,, Folks, it is way past time , but not to late to bend some knees, and bending them for prayer to Almighty God, starting NOW!
Prayer Request: Prayers for Eloise Ellington, who is having heart problems, and is scheduled , if I am correct , for heart surgery this morning, so please pray for her for all her health problems.... Eloise is from Yatesville, Ga.
Millie reported that yesterday, on her trip to the hospital , two went and three came back,, Melody has been release and is home, and please pray that she continues to get better, and does not have this recurrence.
Pray for "The Cross" Ministry, as we make crosses, and paint them. They are going out fast, and we need painters , so pray for two things, that God will continue to bless us with the giving out of these crosses, and that He will send painters! Thank you all!
I think the above first paragraph gives us enough to think about... I just want to add another quick nostalgia note from "kinda" of "Yesterdays, Yest-er-years".
When picking cotton back in Alabama, in 1943, and 45... I was only 2 in 1943.. and when picking cotton paid less than 50 cents per 100 punds, the sacks for an adult was approx. 6 feet in length, and would hold about 75 pounds of packed cotton, if not a little less. and my Mom would pick two rows at a time to get more cotton, faster, and this meant those little burrs or stickers on a bow of cotton, will bring blood to the tips of ones fingers, no matter how good you are,, well here it is,, my Mom, bless her heart , would make us walk and play behind her as she picked, and when we got tired, we could get on her sack , and she would pull us as she picked! Two things here, love of her child, and the "have to pick" no matter, for there was no other money for our clothes, and some other odd things,,,,now here is the question, WOULD A MOTHER DO THIS RIGHT NOW,,, IN THIS DAY AND TIME?
You answer, for this is still , a mothers country, no matter what you guys say. Mothers of today,,,are you as strong as my Mom was? I would like to know, and I will bet on the answer... and that will be YES, for a MOTHER is a MOTHER, no matter the time nor the era!
Lord, bless this Nation from the present leaders, and send us ones of You Lord, and Lord, , bless all those Mothers here on this earth, for they have their work cut out for them. amen ,
John HIcks
Change is good, but I have had all I can stand...., so let's get political today and keep our Nation, and YES, let's do have change , JUST NOT THE SAME! As the reporters say, Your Choice ,, something I have said for quite awhile... do you agree? Lot to digest today,, can you? Have a great day with the Lord, and again, that is by choice!!!!
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