Saturday, September 15, 2012


SATURDAY- Wake up with a heart full of God! Then get up , have a cup of java, or what-ever you like, then go out and give some of your heart to everyone you meet,, for if you do, just remember this,,, you will never run out,,, for God is forever,,and He loves it when we do this!!! Now , go out there in this world ,and give God some happiness!!! O.K.?

Prayer Request: Louise Fryes, daughter in law, Sherry, who is in the hospital, and the diagnose is ,,, they think, staph infection, tests have been ran, and they are waiting on results. Please pray , that it is not, and that she will be diagnosed with something simple, and be treated, and get to go home...

Word received , Eloise Ellington is doing great, came through the heart surgery very good..


I write about how bad our Nation is, and it is in bad shape, but compared to other countries, we are still the best! I am really hurt that we let our Embassy's be run over,,and someone does not give the direct order to the Marines, to shot the ones who breach out fences.. it is our soil, and they let us know it when they have broken a law here, and they go to their embassy,,, and we respect that,, but I say to those who have breached ours, their embassies get thrown out of this country on their butts... with no apologies!

Also, no apologies to those breaching ours, just "shoot'em", and then back those Marines up,, with more Marines... then let all know... for now,,,, (first, make sure we have a sufficient amount of Marines there in the first place!)


Lord, protect those in harms way, and Lord be with those who families who have lost love ones in our Embassys', and our battle fields. amen

John HIcks

Still want our Government to be strong,,, and I will say, if Reagan had been here when this happen............ Yes, he would have!!!!!! Have a great day, and may God go with you and comfort you all.

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