Sunday, September 16, 2012


SUNDAY! Late today! Slept till 7:00 a.m.! Yes, and that is late for me, but so sore, tired,, for I worked a little too much in my shop yesterday...but productive for the Lord, and that is what counts, the pain, for Him is worth more than one can imagine.. for with His works, the thought of doing it , is reward enough! I give thanks to my God for all we have, and will have , for I know it comes to us,,, by what we have sent to Him,,, what are you sending ?

Today, I will ask for all of you to say many prayers for "The Cross" Ministry, that we can get the needed crosses made, & painted for the big Sunbelt Ag Expo, in Moultrie, on the 15th... It is great that we are struggling to get then done... Jimmy had a church in Griffin , Ga. request, and picked up 300 for a special meeting.. and as Jimmy and all of us, we will not refuse to give one out, if we only have a few to take to Moultrie.. but we also have the faith , that we will make all of our goals... so please this morning, on God's rest day, I ask you to work,, yes work your mouth, your mind in the praying for God's will to be done... and also, don't forget to thank Him for all you have received,, yes, that glass of water, that candy bar, that hug, that little kiss, that "I Love You!" from someone special... our everything!

Yes , He has already gave us His ,the world, His Son, so let's be just as thankful and just as big as "our wants"!!!!

Enough,,, for this great God's day,, Have a great one, and do it with Him and in His Name!!!!

John HIcks
Going to rest , all day long!!!

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