SUNDAY! Good morning to all. I hope you all have a great God's day, ,,, as they all are!!
The object of education, is to prepare the young to educate themselves through the rest of their lives!
How many"favors" has God given to you lately? Have you even stopped to count them? If you do, it will be more than you count even using both hands and your toes.. much, nuch more!!!
We are too busy using our favors, asking fo r more and more, instead of stopping ,, counting our blessings, and then giving thanks for them,, and never do we look back and sount allthose he has given taht we asked for , for others also,,,,
Folks, we all had better stop, count our blessings,, and also watch what we think , for you know God can read minds also... so stop asking, and wanting so much, and start enjoying and thanking Him for what you have...and that is more
FAVORS ,,,,than we deserve!!!!
Lord , thank You for the all we have. .amen
John HIcks
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