Tuesday, September 11, 2012


TUESDAY: Well, I woke with the Lord at my side and in an


A story of the above, you might not believe, some will , ,some won't, but as I went outside, still dark and real cool, I started to remember of my childhood(we do this when we get 70+, why? because we can). I would get up early , do my chores, and walk down to catch the school bus... and by then it would be light,,if we caught it coming back from the other school, instead of doing the loop, for you see we had schools, that you went to that was the closest..but the bus took kids to both schools,, so I would catch it on the back flip... and as I went out the front door,, I could see coming out of that old house, the old cow ,bellowing, waiting for Moma to milk; the old mule(Bony), grazing in the pasture, for his job was over until the harvest, and he had to pull the that harvest to the barn or the cotton to the gin,, he was safe, for now... & I could hear the chickens clucking in the fenced in "chicken yard, one wing clipped to keep them in and safe from the foxes,and the weasels..and we could gather the eggs from the hen house,and not have to look for them... the old dogs climbing out from under the house to folllow us to the bus, then be there when we got home,, , for our house was not under-penned, and even though if was painted, it did not look painted,, I would look at the cotton growing as I walked down that drive-way, growing on both sides, owner of those two fields by two others for our drive-way ran through their land to the road... and I would slide over to the cotton,, look it over, and start to dream... yes dream!!!!
for you see, then we started to school the first of August, and got out for the month of October for "cotton picking", for all the farmers needed their kids at home to pick their harvest,,and when we had picked our own, we hired out to pick others BIG farmers cotton,,, picked up early in the dark of morning , Mom and all the children loaded on the back of a big ole farm truck, with our own personal cotton picking sacks , a biscuit and ham or sausage lunch, sometimes just boiled eggs, with salt and pepper... but good,,, for what we picked,, at 59 cents a hundred(have you ever seen how much cotton it takes to make a pound?)....was made by us to buy our school clothes, for the first of November was the day we all got to show off our new overalls,, the girls their printed dress, and new hair bows.... yes, I could see this on that morning walking down the driveway,, the leaves on those cotton stock's starting to turn the color of green , mixed with rust brick, thus showing me that those "bows" of cotton were about to burst open, and be picked, and yes, Lord thank you, new clothes to come, but those clothes to earn after we picked that cotton, so as that morning when I was six , and in this long story of then, today , I thank God for that era, and I thank God for this day, of my making "Crosses" for Him, as He made my way for new clothes then, Yes, I do with much love of my Lord, today , as all days have


Lord, thank You for all You have given me, and I ask that You bless this world now , as You did then,, amen

John HIcks
Just a small dot in this world, but that dot is registered and counted by God, by my request to His saving Son, ,, are you registered with Him?
Now , to get off this computer, and go make some "Crosses"..have a great day in the Lord!!!!

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