Sunday, September 30, 2012
SUNDAY! Great and beautiful morning, even with toot ache! I had to go to the E.R. for pain, and I have a very high pain threshold.. They gave me a morphine shot... could not even tell I had one.. probably the worst pain on a toothI have ever had,,, can't wait until Monday,, then (even though I will have to set in a waiting room for how long?, ) I will get to see the dentist....
Prayer Requests: JoAnn Samples , and her family,. JoAnn lost her brother Friday at 8:30 a.m. please say a payer for her and family.
Arlene Smith, from Moultrie, Ga. who lost her mother, Kay to cancer Kay had seven kids, and none of them knew she had cancer...takes a lot of a "MOM" to hide this... Pray for all seven kids....
Folks ,. I am soaking wet with sweat, and this is as much as I can get out this morning,,, I hope all have a great day, and may God bless you all richly...
John HIcks
Saturday, September 29, 2012
SATURDAY! Today, I pray all will have a great day, with God at your side, by request! I do, even though I have problems as tall as a sky-scrapper,,, I know,,, He is at my side, warm hands upon my sweaty brow... for that is just my faith! I pray that you start your day off with this faith , that He is there, at your side also, and will have a hand in what-ever you do, if you invite Him to do so..but it does take the invitation, and if He takes over without the invitation, well....!
Prayer Request : Unusual request today.. It is for me,,, I have an abscessed tooth,, and it is one of the worst I can remember having, and a pain like no other that I have ever had...1 to 10, a 15... yes, that bad. I am on antibiotics, and the pain pills just don't touch it, but I know, I must give it time.. and I will,,, I have been sweating profusely, so something in working....please pray that God will see fit to touch that old tooth, heal it, and put me back into service! Thank you all , for I know prayers will be pouring out...
You know, I am guilty of using too many "I's" in my conversation, when it should be "God and I"..and when in pain, I, like others , forget the pain that others are suffering, much, much more terrible that ours.. so I also ask that any prayers today, include and put those first,,, the ones who are serving us against terrible enemies, and paying the price,,& all those sick in hospitals.. and under urgent care at this very time...
I found out that most of our problems incurred in our lives,, is the worrying and the using of the one little word,,,"I"! So today, "I" am going to put a word before this one, and pray that all will do the same and let's all pray , not to a mirror of us,,,who can do nothing without Him, but pray to ,and have faith in Him,,
QUIT,,, BEING SORRY FOR "ME"!!!! and put God before all requests, all announcements, all words!!!
Lord, thank You for being my help-mate in times of good, and in times of bad... amen
John HIcks
Friday, September 28, 2012
FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! Good morning! Here it is, another week-end coming up, and most all are excited, as if it was a morning of Christmas, or your birthday....for the week-end to you is like a special time, and it rolls around every week! For those who are out of work, most still enjoy the week-end, it is just an American tradition,, and I am glad that God has given this to us,, oh yes, He did, and He does! Who do you think is rolling this world around, and holding it up,, YES, be thankful this great day, God is still in charge, and still the head of the planning department,,, so smile, and have a great Friday, and may He bless you real good!
Let's all do a big celebration,, and that is a little dance of joy,, for this Nation, and that it is free(while it is).. and that God has chosen to give us this nation of milk and honey... Please pray a prayer of thanks to Him each day, twice if you will.. He loves to talk as much as me,,, and some will say wow! that much! Yes, that much!!!,,,
God has given "MAN" so many lands, lands of beauty, flowing with milk and honey,,, and most of the time , "MAN" has let the milk sour, then killed the bees off, all by being sinful, and inviting satan in to live... and then cry out, when God destroys them or scatters them all over, "Hey God, what did we do wrong?",,and His answer is "Well I had thought you had forgotten my name, until now, and now you need me, where is that guy you been running with, you know satan? Can't he help?" What will be our answer when our time comes and it wil, unless we change!
Now as we celebrate the freedom, and this great Nation, are we including God with our celebration, and celebrating Him as the one in charge, or are we jumping in a circle around satan and chatting his name?
I say, as we celebrate, let's cry out in a loud voice of THANKS TO GOD, FOR ALL ! He is the only one who can continue this Nation..and He will,,, if we ask Him , and live like He has instructed us to live! So , now
and cast satan out,, and back to hell,, where he belongs!
God,. I thank YOU for this nation, and I ask YOU to preserve it, and to forgive US all of the many , many sins, and hear our cry, to YOU, and to YOU alone.. amen
John HIcks
Celebrating Him this day, and for the rest of my days, will you join me in this celebration, each day?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
THURSDAY! Waking up to another beautiful day with my Lord! You know, even if it is raining, lighting, cold, hot, wind blowing, dry, no wind, cloudy,, sun bright and shinning,, waking up with Him beside me, and knowing that He was with me through the night,, ,is absolutely a beautiful day! Now , how did your day start off. with or without!!! Your Choice, and yours alone!!
I made a choice at the age of 12, and it is one that I would not, and have never regretted making! I ask Jesus into my heart, gave Him my soul.. and then I walked right on out into this life.. and although I gave Him my all, and He gave me His all, He let me walk ,,, making decisions on my own, and today,,, I am the most thankful person on this Earth. Why am I so thankful,,, for when I made this choice, I thought, wow , all will be great, did I know what would I do as I walked out of that church, and then up out of that water,,, for I walked with Him, then leaned to satan, and leaned hard...for satan was there waitng , ready to dig into me,,, and I let him,,, just ask those who knew me... I would have bet , I would not be here today... for the decisions I made, was not all good.... some were wonderful, MOST was self centered,,and sinful... but I rolled on, and on,, with Jesus by my side, and he never left me,, and at times I would have to kneel and ask Him to pick me up, hold on to me, and carry the load of sins, that I had committed.... and HE ALWAYS DID!!! And I would always go back,,, back-slide to ole satan, as he was working on a weak me, and I was listening, I ahd lost all of everything, but my big mouth....until finally, I awoke one morning in 1964,,, and Jesus said, I have had enough of you,, it is time,,, and then HE stated grooming me, first with a help-mate, that would stand me tall, and made me accountable to Him, and to her.. this was just the beginning,, and for what I did not know, just what my calling would be, and then slowly, but surely, i realized ,, it was to live for Him, and to show how good and forgiving He is,,,and now, after being as bad as bad could be then, God took re-command of me back then(for the 100th time), and He and Jesus put me to working at something that gives me the blessings of a life time, and that is working for HIM, ,in "The Cross" Ministry, and I love it, and these Thoughts For Today, that I let Him do the talking, and for me to shut up and let someone else do the talking in hard to do!!,, For I talk of Him, about Him, and the interactions with Him, pray to Him, then the writing starts, and then I get to give a symbol of His ever enduring love of us, the symbol of a Son's death on an Old Rugged Cross,, only to rise from that death, and is now alive, and walks with all of us, guiding us hand in hand,, ,believe it or not, but I am here to testify of a Great and Living God, and a Living Son of God, a tstimony that I give each adn eveery day,,
He walks with me, and will walk with you,, and the only way to have this walking, from here and right on into eternity, is by making a choice and the choice is yours, that of accepting Him as your own personal Savior,, and once made, He will be there for you , forever,, for I know, He put His hand on me many, many times, ,and guided me to where He wanted me,, and beat the heck out of satan!!! Now , will you make it,, that one, that only real
God, thank You for holding my hand, and carrying me through all those places of sin, and keeping my head up and a-float, for I can ask for no more, but only to serve you, and I pray for all to follow suit, and serve You. amen
John HIcks
Servant, by choice,, and by His forgiving Grace,, do I now have that chance, and so can you, if you will search your heart, pray, and ask, He will come, I can guarantee this!!!! How? For He has told us all so!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
WEDNESDAY!!! HUMP DAY!!! Now that you are fully awake this morning,,, making plans for the rest of the week and the week-end, make it so that He, your God, will be very proud of you,,, and as for thanking Him, and taking Him with you, I hope and I pray, that decision has already been made by you, for with me, it is made, and the smile within is still there, and will be forever, and ever... if you have not made that choice of Him, do so today, for it is your choice to do it... happy middle week-day!!!!
Prayer Request: Unspoken prayer for the Blanks family,,, for they believe in Him, and they know His will is to be done in all things.
Lots of words, will explain a lot, but sometimes a few old words are of a greater importance to us than the complete dictionary, and they are:
God, thank You for all we have, I give You the credit , and the glory for all,, and I pray that man will increase his faith in You, amen
John HIcks
Lack of faith, and quick to challenge, why not me Lord, and when I really stop, and look around, I see so many blessings, already, I can not count them. So why am I asking for more and more, why??? For I am man, and blind in faith!!! We must pray to God and we must be faithful, that He is doing the right thing, for He is never wrong...thank about that for a minute or two!!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
TUESDAY!!! Waking up is hard to do,,, for that ole bed feels sooo good! I open my eyes, rub that sleepy out, best as I can, lazily crawl out of that bed,, stand, to get the kinks out, take a step to get the dizziness out and make sure I can walk and not fall over something, then!!! LOOK OUT!!!! I am wide open ,,,like on the Indy 500,. where, WHERE ELSE ? To the coffee pot, and that great cup of java!!!!
Oh my, my, ain't God good??? For as much as I love it, the coffee, I love Him more, for He gets me up, and gives me the insight to see Him, and know that He is always right beside me,,, loves me, and will care for me through this day,,, and He starts that routine of getting up ,, EVERY DAY! Now , again, ain't God good?
What is that sound? Not one, but many!!! It is the sound of the times, telling us , the time to watch the EAST is at hand, and this can be in two ways,,,,for the times say to us,, the time is nearer for (1) our Lords return, for He has set these sighs,, (2)the other one, is the raging of the ones who live in the east who vow that we should be killed or hung out to die on a rope , beheaded, or some awful death... and our country seems to be still apologizing for it, and letting them do just what they want in OUR nation!!!!
They can say what about our Bible, what about our God, and they expect us to say nothing,,but let us say one word about theirs,,,, and that is our freedom in this Nation to do so,, and they go ballistic,,,,this is not right, it is completely wrong!!! Folks, I served for this freedom to say ,,,, and I stand beside Her, that is Her our Nation, and that God given freedom..and folks our Embassy's' are our land, jsut as if it was right here in the USA!!!... so let's pray for our Marines who defends her today,, and pray that our Commander In Chief.., if He has the stomach for it.... send over more of those Marines, as back up, give them open orders to shoot to kill, when our walls are broken over,, and defend Her ,,, against those who choose to defile her, there,,, and here also! It is time we , AMERICANS, TAKE A STAND, AGAIN!
So , folks , we have two choices in looking to the East, one will be a pleasure, one will be a nightmare!
Listen for both,
Lord, I pray for Your protection on our Embassy's, and on our Marines, who protect them, and all those in uniform that protect us here at our borders, also..amen
John HIcks
Concerned citizen,, about our leaders of this term! How do you feel? Opinions are our all,,, so state yours, it is your freedom to do so, also!! Choices, choices!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
MONDAY! Good morning, and welcome to God's world! I am enjoying the Fall weather! How about you, the cool, and crisp air, and the changing of His world, little by little as we watch, it is amazing, and thank God for doing it, and giving us the privilege to do just a little, in the keeping and gardening of His great world!
Prayer Report: Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers - Gerald is recovering-they took his drainage tube out last Monday ,,, he is going to try to work tomorrow(this Monday)-The Dr. gave him the OK since he does not have to do heavy lifting-he is still weak but is getting stronger every day-Thank you Lord Jesus!!!
Please all keep praying for Gerald...
Today's thoughts is short, but I think big on facts. How big is a hummingbird? Not very big, one of the smallest birds I know of. The eggs are so small , you can hardly even see them and the nest they build is also so very small. They come , fly at a standstill, move from one side to the other with a quick and precise movement..... amazing what God has created, so small, yet a living thing. They are so small , yet have the instinct(faith) provided by God to survive.
Do we have the faith,,, are we bigger than the hummingbird and have enough faith in God to speak out and work for Him with the vigor of a small bird? Let's build our faith and work more for Him than ourselves.....How about it,,, do you have the faith in our God and Son?
Lord, thank You for the inner faith You have given us and I pray that You release it in all of us for Your glory. amen
John HIcks
Faith in Him!!! Do you have it???
Sunday, September 23, 2012
SUNDAY! Good morning to all!!!! and may you wake up with the Lord Jesus in your heart, and on your tongue!
Prayer Request From Millie: Please pray for Bobbie Jo Laws. She is a friend of mine. She is 31 years old and is having a complete hip replacement early Monday morning. She has many medical complications such as severe bleeding problems and strong allergic side effects to anesthesia. She accepted the Lord as a young girl, but doesn't walk with Him now. She is very scared. She will be at Baltimore Sinai Hospital.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help! ~ Ronald Reagan
There is a movie of this title on the T.V., and I love it... I like all of these "clean" type movies , that are "tear-jerk-ers"...for there are far too little of them...
We must all realize, that Jesus' love does abound all around us,,, but we may miss it by moving too fast... so slow down, take a deep breath, and just say, yes Jesus, and I love you back.... He loves sooo much, and who else do you know that has gave His life of ANYTHING, he wants,,, even to having this world, this universe, but HIS love is so great, and so wide spread, and sooo of I want to give it to you, arms always outstretched to receive you back from some,, of a catastrophe,, or just to grab hold of you and give a great big hug of love!!!
o you give back to Him,,, to those who love you,,, give to that special you? or are you one of those "just a receiver" and you are not "broad-casting" return love, or any love to most,,, , then stop, for without love, your are really without life!!!!
Now , He gives love endlessly to all, then practice this, ,,, give it back to Him, give it to that someone special, (let them know),
it is the easiest phrase to say,,and the hardest "to mean it!"... so remember this
Lord. thank you for your enduring love, and your patience with us, in our return love, amen
John HIcks
"Paint Fest", was a sucess, thanks for all those prayers... we still will need a lot of help to get to where we need to be... so plaese continue to pray for us all ,,,at "The Cross", Ministry,, thank you again... may God bless each one of you this day, and all the days of your life!
Friday, September 21, 2012
FRIDAY! TGIF-TGED! Wake up! and welcome to God's world... for yes, He still rules, even though we think we do, we don't, not really. we just have choices, and , wow, do we make them! Let's vow, to make them for God, and not "I"... O.K.?
Prayer Requests: For all those in need, and for all those in recovery and in healing ..and God knows who, and what, so pray for Him, to take the reins and do the driving!
What is more important on this earth than God, Jesus, and the Bible?? PARENTS!!!!! YOU are the ones who lay the foundation to the future of all, especially the church and word of God. Beware, you have an an awesome job, and you will be tested on this, by your children's actions.
You have control to do your best to the age of accountability, then it is up to them to continue, but just keep in your mind, as a parent,(raising a child by Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle, Aunt, or whatever designated part of raising that child ), you are bound by God to teach them the Christian way until that time. It takes a lot of time on our knees and then you can see how God takes them when the time comes for them to be on their own.
Are you successful ? Look around and see if they are attending church or doing God's work in their way, if so, you have laid a
Lord , I ask that you be with the parents of all the children in this world and I ask for help to those children who need you so much. Let us all be an example to these children by our example. Guide us all. In your Son's name we all pray! amen
John HIcks
A proud parent by the grace of God, and the Fire for God burns in each of them!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
YES, now, today, or anytime...
Thoughts For Today-Thursday-09/20/12
Show Details
THURSDAY! My eyes open to the new morning, I yawn, blink my sleepy eyes, stretch my rested body, my toes cannot go any further down the bed, my arms can stretch no further above my head, then the smile breaks,, upon my mouth.. and I feel Him,, yes, Him,, oh my,, my, is it not a great feeling to wake with this feeling? ,,, Yes, waking up with the Lord Jesus ,,, and know that our , and His Father, is there also, watching us wake, and with smiles on both of their faces too. for the Love they are giving , for they are so proud of not only me, but all of you too!
But did you wake up with that inviting smile, and welcome to them both,,, right after your waking stretch? I pray that you did, and do each waking time!,,,,
Now, off to the day, with them, and the family!!! You are taking them with you also ,,, aren't you? Have a great day to all!!!!!
Yes, now, today, or anytime!,,,,,
With just a statement to a sinner, then a revealing request,,, and off to Heaven! Yes, Jesus accepts , and accepts at any time, of day, night, or at any event, even saving a soul at His own "killing", we call the Crucifixion.. for it was God's plan to save us all.. do you know what I am saying? You can be saved at any time you choose! There it is,, that "choice",,, that you,, yes you,,, can only make!
He does not make you come to Him, He has sent the invitation, then He gives you two choices, yes two, not multiple choice, nor one out of ten,, but that of two.. His Son, Jesus, or satan.. so you see ,,, Jesus was forgiving someone to His Father, taking the thief's sins uppon Himself ,,,there ,, while being put to death, on the Cross!
Luke 23: 39 - 43.. read these verses.
There was three crucified at one time , two criminals, and Jesus in the middle, and as one hurled insults at Jesus,, calling out, if you are The Christ, then save Yourself, and us!,,,,but the other criminal, rebuked him, and said , "We are punished Justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. , but this Man has done nothing wrong!",, then He turned to Jesus, and said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom", and Jesus answered "I tell you ,, today, you will be with Me in paradise!"
Yes, right there on a cross,, dying one of the most cruelest deaths,,,,He was busy at His fathers work... what love, what a blessing for us!!! What more of this, our creator , our God, who made us , can we ever think of asking,,, for now we know that
God, thank You, for the ultimate sacrifice,, Your Son, for us, amen
John HIcks
Blessed, beyond my deserving, and saved, by His grace, and love.... please make the choice, and join Jesus, by confessing your sins to Him, and asking Him for His hand... a choice of yours, and yours alone!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
WEDNESDAY! I hope as your eyes open this great day,,, that you are as excited as I! For to wake up, with all we have to wake up with,,, and for, is for me the most exciting thing one can have, .... that is Jesus to do the day with,, and His Father to bow down to and thank for tis world, and all He ahs gvien to us, no matter how big, or how small, , if from Him,,,It is big , in any form! Wake, up, go your way, but first, stop,, give a thank you to our Father, and then jsut say,, come on Jesus, let's go , and enjoy this day! and off you go!!!!!!!
Do you ever look in the mirror and see anything, like a "chip" on your shoulder? No , I have never seen one on mine either,,,,but,, I have been told, I, at times do have one perched right up there in plain sight! I go to a mirror,,still, I can't see it, but then I can feel it,, and it is not up on my shoulder, it is in my heart,, I have let the worst thing of all happen to me,, I have let ole satan ease in.. and he climbs up on that shoulder for all to see by coming into my heart and then working my mind and tongue.. We all have that little chip on our being at one time or another , and some refer it as something else on your shoulder, but all in all it is just satan, working away on our faith , and trying to root Jesus out,, but you know , he can't ,, if Jesus decides to slap him right back into hell. Jesus will use that terrible swift slap of His, and bamn, satan is gone, but only when we ask for it! Yes, Jesus is just waiting, God has given Him to us , then why do we let satan in? I am in awe that we do, with the Prince of Peace, and Salvation within us, and we make way for that little worm of satan to ease in.. to put that chip of dismay on & in us,, when we should be shouting about that little cross we project on our shoulder, the one we show with our actions of good , not sin.... So let's all re-vamp,, ask Jesus to come in "PERMANENTLY".. put a anti-satan gate up on our soul,, and kick that chip on our shoulder right back to hell... and let us shine the gospel light of salvation to all we see.. come on ,,
God , thank You for Jesus, and Your choice of You over all else.. amen
John HIcks
I have to have that little "chip" knocked off very often,, and I wear out my knees doing it, for I go to the "chip knocker" , Jesus a lot, how about you , any wear on those knees of yours?
Do you ever look in the mirror and see anything, like a "chip" on your shoulder? No , I have never seen one on mine either,,,,but,, I have been told, I, at times do have one perched right up there in plain sight! I go to a mirror,,still, I can't see it, but then I can feel it,, and it is not up on my shoulder, it is in my heart,, I have let the worst thing of all happen to me,, I have let ole satan ease in.. and he climbs up on that shoulder for all to see by coming into my heart and then working my mind and tongue.. We all have that little chip on our being at one time or another , and some refer it as something else on your shoulder, but all in all it is just satan, working away on our faith , and trying to root Jesus out,, but you know , he can't ,, if Jesus decides to slap him right back into hell. Jesus will use that terrible swift slap of His, and bamn, satan is gone, but only when we ask for it! Yes, Jesus is just waiting, God has given Him to us , then why do we let satan in? I am in awe that we do, with the Prince of Peace, and Salvation within us, and we make way for that little worm of satan to ease in.. to put that chip of dismay on & in us,, when we should be shouting about that little cross we project on our shoulder, the one we show with our actions of good , not sin.... So let's all re-vamp,, ask Jesus to come in "PERMANENTLY".. put a anti-satan gate up on our soul,, and kick that chip on our shoulder right back to hell... and let us shine the gospel light of salvation to all we see.. come on ,,
God , thank You for Jesus, and Your choice of You over all else.. amen
John HIcks
I have to have that little "chip" knocked off very often,, and I wear out my knees doing it, for I go to the "chip knocker" , Jesus a lot, how about you , any wear on those knees of yours?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
TUESDAY! Waking up with the Lord? If you do have Him in not in your heart,, remember , He is there, just waiting for you to ask Him,, the other one standing there? Well, he does not need an invitation, he is very impolite, aggressive, belligerent.. and carrying death forever in his hand, he is satan, the devil! Now, to eliminate satan, just ask Jesus into your heart, and give Him your heart and soul,, tell Him , and mean it, that you give Him your all,, and then,,,,satan is kicked clean out, not just your bedside, but your home, your body, your life. All you have to do after that request and receiving your Lord and Savior,, is keep Him close by talking to Him daily, more than just once,but multiple times, for He can hear all, and at one time,, pretty good , huh? So, now re-wake , if needed , if not ,, have a great God's day, and be sure and give Him the thanks!
We need to do more looking up! For two things,
First: I hope and pray , never comes, but it looks like , if we stay on the same "leaders" course, we might see, and that is an invasion of our Homeland,,, for it is happening now at our embassy's..... (give the Marines the order to defend, and shoot when needed, defend our land),,, If we keep apologizing,, what do you expect?
Second: The time is ripe , for our Savior to come, (no one knows this time , except my Father in Heaven, quote by, Jesus),, but I look at the things that are happening,,, and I start wondering,, isn't it near... My Mom, and my Dad, and all the preachers, said in the 50's.. the time is at hand,, but we just don't know, for they had seen two world wars,, we have seen so much more.
We have send the biggest decay of Morals in this nation, ever!!!!
So, I just say,,, pray for the HEALING of the United States, ,the forgiveness of our sins, and let God back in 100%, and keep Him in the front of our path of life, not being, ,nor even side by side, but in front of our all....and also,, keep your Faith, and your eyes to
Lord, forgive us, heal us, and watch over us all, for we all have sinned,, & ask for forgiveness, amen
John HIcks
Just trying to be a servant, not real good at it, but with faith, we all will be better wittiness's.. a choice we all must make,and it is individual.. right? Made one yet?
We need to do more looking up! For two things,
First: I hope and pray , never comes, but it looks like , if we stay on the same "leaders" course, we might see, and that is an invasion of our Homeland,,, for it is happening now at our embassy's..... (give the Marines the order to defend, and shoot when needed, defend our land),,, If we keep apologizing,, what do you expect?
Second: The time is ripe , for our Savior to come, (no one knows this time , except my Father in Heaven, quote by, Jesus),, but I look at the things that are happening,,, and I start wondering,, isn't it near... My Mom, and my Dad, and all the preachers, said in the 50's.. the time is at hand,, but we just don't know, for they had seen two world wars,, we have seen so much more.
We have send the biggest decay of Morals in this nation, ever!!!!
So, I just say,,, pray for the HEALING of the United States, ,the forgiveness of our sins, and let God back in 100%, and keep Him in the front of our path of life, not being, ,nor even side by side, but in front of our all....and also,, keep your Faith, and your eyes to
Lord, forgive us, heal us, and watch over us all, for we all have sinned,, & ask for forgiveness, amen
John HIcks
Just trying to be a servant, not real good at it, but with faith, we all will be better wittiness's.. a choice we all must make,and it is individual.. right? Made one yet?
Monday, September 17, 2012
MONDAY! Now, the W/E is gone, what lies ahead for this week? For those who are off to work, for those on vacation, for those who are retired, have homes, food , and clothing..well, all have a great day, and a great week!! Stop, now, and think of your fellow man, the one who does not have a job to go to,, out of money, losing their home, their car, no clothes, except the ones on their back, homeless, children crying for clothes, school, and food...please, stop, pray for them, and if you know someone who is like this,drop off something to them, it might, just might make their Monday the first day of a better week,,, how about it, will you,,, after reading this, or , will you not?
Prayer Request: For my good friend , Gerald Turner, who is recovering from a great and serious operation... He is at home, but , far, far from "over" it... so pray many, many prayers for Gerald , and his wife Paula who stands beside him daily.
What is life? It is more than just existing. It is more than just breathing. It is more than just slowly counting your birthdays while your body gets older and weaker. It has taken me many years of learning and growing, but I think that now I am finally beginning to understand what life is and what life isn't.
Life isn't some frantic race towards some distant goal. Life is a leisurely walk you take each day seeing all the wonder and beauty around you. Life isn't some tightrope balancing act where you must be perfect or lose everything. Life is a joyful stroll down some old railroad tracks where if you fall off you just smile, laugh, and jump right back on. Life isn’t some worrisome counting of every penny you make. Life is smelling flowers, smiling at sunrises, playing with laughing children, and collecting priceless memories. Life isn't what happens to you. Life is rather the many wonderful choices that you make all through the day and all through your life.
It is these many wonderful choices that bring you the joy you seek. It is these many loving choices that bring you the love you need. It is these many Heavenly choices that bring you the oneness with God you desire. It is these many choices that allow you to smile and forgive instead of stewing in your anger when someone hurts you. It is these many choices that allow you to laugh and love instead of despair when things go wrong. It is these many choices that allow you to give joy and goodness to others instead of always trying to get things from them.
All of life comes down to the many wonderful choices we make each day.
Let's use them to choose a lifetime of love, joy, peace, happiness, goodness, delight, and oneness with God for ourselves. Let's use them to bless the world, help others, and bring truth, joy, love, and light to everyone we meet.
Thank You God for Life its' self,, for You are life, without You there would be none. Amen
Thanks Lori for the thoughts, from 09/17/2010!
John HIcks
Living life with my God, Who is that with you? As I started these thoughts this morning, this is what I kept seeing, "Life", and then to my memories of another day, and their it was on this day in2010, for a good friend of mine, whom I have only meet through the heart and networking,,, may she continue to influence my life, so again, God Bless You Lori Mays!
Prayer Request: For my good friend , Gerald Turner, who is recovering from a great and serious operation... He is at home, but , far, far from "over" it... so pray many, many prayers for Gerald , and his wife Paula who stands beside him daily.
What is life? It is more than just existing. It is more than just breathing. It is more than just slowly counting your birthdays while your body gets older and weaker. It has taken me many years of learning and growing, but I think that now I am finally beginning to understand what life is and what life isn't.
Life isn't some frantic race towards some distant goal. Life is a leisurely walk you take each day seeing all the wonder and beauty around you. Life isn't some tightrope balancing act where you must be perfect or lose everything. Life is a joyful stroll down some old railroad tracks where if you fall off you just smile, laugh, and jump right back on. Life isn’t some worrisome counting of every penny you make. Life is smelling flowers, smiling at sunrises, playing with laughing children, and collecting priceless memories. Life isn't what happens to you. Life is rather the many wonderful choices that you make all through the day and all through your life.
It is these many wonderful choices that bring you the joy you seek. It is these many loving choices that bring you the love you need. It is these many Heavenly choices that bring you the oneness with God you desire. It is these many choices that allow you to smile and forgive instead of stewing in your anger when someone hurts you. It is these many choices that allow you to laugh and love instead of despair when things go wrong. It is these many choices that allow you to give joy and goodness to others instead of always trying to get things from them.
All of life comes down to the many wonderful choices we make each day.
Let's use them to choose a lifetime of love, joy, peace, happiness, goodness, delight, and oneness with God for ourselves. Let's use them to bless the world, help others, and bring truth, joy, love, and light to everyone we meet.
Thank You God for Life its' self,, for You are life, without You there would be none. Amen
Thanks Lori for the thoughts, from 09/17/2010!
John HIcks
Living life with my God, Who is that with you? As I started these thoughts this morning, this is what I kept seeing, "Life", and then to my memories of another day, and their it was on this day in2010, for a good friend of mine, whom I have only meet through the heart and networking,,, may she continue to influence my life, so again, God Bless You Lori Mays!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
SUNDAY! Late today! Slept till 7:00 a.m.! Yes, and that is late for me, but so sore, tired,, for I worked a little too much in my shop yesterday...but productive for the Lord, and that is what counts, the pain, for Him is worth more than one can imagine.. for with His works, the thought of doing it , is reward enough! I give thanks to my God for all we have, and will have , for I know it comes to us,,, by what we have sent to Him,,, what are you sending ?
Today, I will ask for all of you to say many prayers for "The Cross" Ministry, that we can get the needed crosses made, & painted for the big Sunbelt Ag Expo, in Moultrie, on the 15th... It is great that we are struggling to get then done... Jimmy had a church in Griffin , Ga. request, and picked up 300 for a special meeting.. and as Jimmy and all of us, we will not refuse to give one out, if we only have a few to take to Moultrie.. but we also have the faith , that we will make all of our goals... so please this morning, on God's rest day, I ask you to work,, yes work your mouth, your mind in the praying for God's will to be done... and also, don't forget to thank Him for all you have received,, yes, that glass of water, that candy bar, that hug, that little kiss, that "I Love You!" from someone special... our everything!
Yes , He has already gave us His ,the world, His Son, so let's be just as thankful and just as big as "our wants"!!!!
Enough,,, for this great God's day,, Have a great one, and do it with Him and in His Name!!!!
John HIcks
Going to rest , all day long!!!
Today, I will ask for all of you to say many prayers for "The Cross" Ministry, that we can get the needed crosses made, & painted for the big Sunbelt Ag Expo, in Moultrie, on the 15th... It is great that we are struggling to get then done... Jimmy had a church in Griffin , Ga. request, and picked up 300 for a special meeting.. and as Jimmy and all of us, we will not refuse to give one out, if we only have a few to take to Moultrie.. but we also have the faith , that we will make all of our goals... so please this morning, on God's rest day, I ask you to work,, yes work your mouth, your mind in the praying for God's will to be done... and also, don't forget to thank Him for all you have received,, yes, that glass of water, that candy bar, that hug, that little kiss, that "I Love You!" from someone special... our everything!
Yes , He has already gave us His ,the world, His Son, so let's be just as thankful and just as big as "our wants"!!!!
Enough,,, for this great God's day,, Have a great one, and do it with Him and in His Name!!!!
John HIcks
Going to rest , all day long!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
SATURDAY- Wake up with a heart full of God! Then get up , have a cup of java, or what-ever you like, then go out and give some of your heart to everyone you meet,, for if you do, just remember this,,, you will never run out,,, for God is forever,,and He loves it when we do this!!! Now , go out there in this world ,and give God some happiness!!! O.K.?
Prayer Request: Louise Fryes, daughter in law, Sherry, who is in the hospital, and the diagnose is ,,, they think, staph infection, tests have been ran, and they are waiting on results. Please pray , that it is not, and that she will be diagnosed with something simple, and be treated, and get to go home...
Word received , Eloise Ellington is doing great, came through the heart surgery very good..
I write about how bad our Nation is, and it is in bad shape, but compared to other countries, we are still the best! I am really hurt that we let our Embassy's be run over,,and someone does not give the direct order to the Marines, to shot the ones who breach out fences.. it is our soil, and they let us know it when they have broken a law here, and they go to their embassy,,, and we respect that,, but I say to those who have breached ours, their embassies get thrown out of this country on their butts... with no apologies!
Also, no apologies to those breaching ours, just "shoot'em", and then back those Marines up,, with more Marines... then let all know... for now,,,, (first, make sure we have a sufficient amount of Marines there in the first place!)
Lord, protect those in harms way, and Lord be with those who families who have lost love ones in our Embassys', and our battle fields. amen
John HIcks
Still want our Government to be strong,,, and I will say, if Reagan had been here when this happen............ Yes, he would have!!!!!! Have a great day, and may God go with you and comfort you all.
Prayer Request: Louise Fryes, daughter in law, Sherry, who is in the hospital, and the diagnose is ,,, they think, staph infection, tests have been ran, and they are waiting on results. Please pray , that it is not, and that she will be diagnosed with something simple, and be treated, and get to go home...
Word received , Eloise Ellington is doing great, came through the heart surgery very good..
I write about how bad our Nation is, and it is in bad shape, but compared to other countries, we are still the best! I am really hurt that we let our Embassy's be run over,,and someone does not give the direct order to the Marines, to shot the ones who breach out fences.. it is our soil, and they let us know it when they have broken a law here, and they go to their embassy,,, and we respect that,, but I say to those who have breached ours, their embassies get thrown out of this country on their butts... with no apologies!
Also, no apologies to those breaching ours, just "shoot'em", and then back those Marines up,, with more Marines... then let all know... for now,,,, (first, make sure we have a sufficient amount of Marines there in the first place!)
Lord, protect those in harms way, and Lord be with those who families who have lost love ones in our Embassys', and our battle fields. amen
John HIcks
Still want our Government to be strong,,, and I will say, if Reagan had been here when this happen............ Yes, he would have!!!!!! Have a great day, and may God go with you and comfort you all.
Friday, September 14, 2012
FRIDAY! I agree with a friend of mine this morning, to awake in a nation , free, and able to express our thoughts, is a blessing in it's self...
Think on this.....How would you like to wake up, grab your coffee or whatever, walk out onto your deck, see your wife, daughter, or look across the way at your neighbors wife, and daughters, setting against the wall almost secluded, or walking around the yard to go to a store, completely covered, from head to foot, with only their eyes barely showing,,, and if they show anymore , are beaten, run off and even killed. So as you watch the news, see these woman, look at your wife, your daughter, your girl friend, or just a female friend, and say "out-loud",, thank You God, for this freedom, you have given to our help-mates here on this earth, in this nation,, for we are living it as "mates", like You , God, intended, well most of us! God bless all this day!
We, Christians, worship our God, in prayer, on our knees, heads bowed in silence, and in voice,,,and we vow to the world, we are Christians, and our God is the most and foremost in our lives,,,, YET................
Can you leave your cell phone, your IPod, your whatever talking or texting machine you have, for let's say just an hour, a half day, a whole day, two days, a week,,, AT HOME,,CAN YOU?
How do you feel, when you are talking to someone, and you look at them, and they are texting, reading, and their eyes are going from you to the phone, back to you, a little nod, ,and not much of an expression, UNTIL, they hit on something that stirs their insides on that blame device they are holding! Then a big laugh,, or big smile,,,as they look at it,,,and maybe, just maybe they will wait long enough to let you finish your words, or maybe not, just interrupt you, than say, "now what was it you were saying?" Has this happened to you? Now can you really and truly say,,, yes I can leave it at home.. or do you say, no, I might miss something,,,like a real life!!!!! and can you say that
Lord , I pray that all will bow down , and turn to You, and thank You, and make you foremost, and first in their life...amen
John HIcks
Thanks for the return response from those who did make a response on yesterdays "Thoughts", they are appreciated...God Bless You All, and God Bless our Nation, for as a Pastor friend of mine said , "IF WE WILL TURN TO HIM, HE WILL HEAL US !!!!
Think on this.....How would you like to wake up, grab your coffee or whatever, walk out onto your deck, see your wife, daughter, or look across the way at your neighbors wife, and daughters, setting against the wall almost secluded, or walking around the yard to go to a store, completely covered, from head to foot, with only their eyes barely showing,,, and if they show anymore , are beaten, run off and even killed. So as you watch the news, see these woman, look at your wife, your daughter, your girl friend, or just a female friend, and say "out-loud",, thank You God, for this freedom, you have given to our help-mates here on this earth, in this nation,, for we are living it as "mates", like You , God, intended, well most of us! God bless all this day!
We, Christians, worship our God, in prayer, on our knees, heads bowed in silence, and in voice,,,and we vow to the world, we are Christians, and our God is the most and foremost in our lives,,,, YET................
Can you leave your cell phone, your IPod, your whatever talking or texting machine you have, for let's say just an hour, a half day, a whole day, two days, a week,,, AT HOME,,CAN YOU?
How do you feel, when you are talking to someone, and you look at them, and they are texting, reading, and their eyes are going from you to the phone, back to you, a little nod, ,and not much of an expression, UNTIL, they hit on something that stirs their insides on that blame device they are holding! Then a big laugh,, or big smile,,,as they look at it,,,and maybe, just maybe they will wait long enough to let you finish your words, or maybe not, just interrupt you, than say, "now what was it you were saying?" Has this happened to you? Now can you really and truly say,,, yes I can leave it at home.. or do you say, no, I might miss something,,,like a real life!!!!! and can you say that
Lord , I pray that all will bow down , and turn to You, and thank You, and make you foremost, and first in their life...amen
John HIcks
Thanks for the return response from those who did make a response on yesterdays "Thoughts", they are appreciated...God Bless You All, and God Bless our Nation, for as a Pastor friend of mine said , "IF WE WILL TURN TO HIM, HE WILL HEAL US !!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
THURSDAY! Good morning all, with God in my heart, by my side, and my coffee in hand, I will start this day with a big ole smile, and thank Him personally for this great nation, and the freedom He gives us all..... will you do the same,,,,, that is ,,,the thanks to Him and the smile,,, coffee is optional!!!
YES,,, we are! And you might as well get use to it, if this present, so called president is re-elected..AND if you are Democrat , or Republican..Independent, Tea party, and you don't see it, then you are of another world,and it is called muslim!!!!! He acts like one,, so he must be one! and are they going to burn more over there if I Say I don't like their god, their religion, or just look at them wrong,,,for I don't believe in them, for they have said , and they are taught to KILL NON-BELIEVERS.... CUT THEIR HEADS OFF,,,and folks , they have,,,,
I don't apologized for anything in this Nation , except our weak and non-knowledgeable "presidenti",, for the last I heard , this Nation is still free, but for how long? It is as the sorry news media says, "it is your choice , your vote"!
Burning our Embassy, our land, and YES it belongs to us,,, and our Flag again, is the last straw,, kick their embassy butts out of our country, cut off their aid, tell them to go to hell, (or get on their knees not for be-heading, but to confess to OUR GOD)!
YES, I am hot, for this Nation has never bowed it's head to another power, except the POWER OF OUR LIVING GOD, AND GLORY TO THAT,,,AND YOU, AND I HAD BETTER WAKE UP AND DO MORE OF IT!!!!
Be a United States Citizen, and a child of God, or get out, and go live with them, I stand up for God , and Country, just who do you stand up for, and if you would like to comment on these thoughts today, good or bad , go ahead, for I still stand for those two first two, God ,& Country!
I say put the hose of freedom at our embassies, and that folks is:
Now that is enough for today,,, but not enough to do the job,,,,it is up to you to join me in taking this country back from
Lord, I ask that YOU to guide this nation, and Lord, I ask for YOUR defense from the disbelievers of YOU, and Lord, I name them, the muslim world, the atheists" ,, and I also pray for You to forgive us all, me for my many, many sins... amen
John HIcks
YES,,, we are! And you might as well get use to it, if this present, so called president is re-elected..AND if you are Democrat , or Republican..Independent, Tea party, and you don't see it, then you are of another world,and it is called muslim!!!!! He acts like one,, so he must be one! and are they going to burn more over there if I Say I don't like their god, their religion, or just look at them wrong,,,for I don't believe in them, for they have said , and they are taught to KILL NON-BELIEVERS.... CUT THEIR HEADS OFF,,,and folks , they have,,,,
I don't apologized for anything in this Nation , except our weak and non-knowledgeable "presidenti",, for the last I heard , this Nation is still free, but for how long? It is as the sorry news media says, "it is your choice , your vote"!
Burning our Embassy, our land, and YES it belongs to us,,, and our Flag again, is the last straw,, kick their embassy butts out of our country, cut off their aid, tell them to go to hell, (or get on their knees not for be-heading, but to confess to OUR GOD)!
YES, I am hot, for this Nation has never bowed it's head to another power, except the POWER OF OUR LIVING GOD, AND GLORY TO THAT,,,AND YOU, AND I HAD BETTER WAKE UP AND DO MORE OF IT!!!!
Be a United States Citizen, and a child of God, or get out, and go live with them, I stand up for God , and Country, just who do you stand up for, and if you would like to comment on these thoughts today, good or bad , go ahead, for I still stand for those two first two, God ,& Country!
I say put the hose of freedom at our embassies, and that folks is:
Now that is enough for today,,, but not enough to do the job,,,,it is up to you to join me in taking this country back from
Lord, I ask that YOU to guide this nation, and Lord, I ask for YOUR defense from the disbelievers of YOU, and Lord, I name them, the muslim world, the atheists" ,, and I also pray for You to forgive us all, me for my many, many sins... amen
John HIcks
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
WEDNESDAY! Yes, "Hump Day" for most... another day for me! Each day we have on this earth, MUST be for the Lord! Now, as you awake , and go off to "your day", what ever that is,, take the Lord with you in your heart, in your mind, and on your tongue. This is the only way we will survive in this great nation... for if we leave God out of it, this Nation, it will shut down, as we know it, and if we let those run it, that have, it will be called "socialism", and not Independence! Are you prepared for "socialism"? Look it up in the dictionary, then look up independence, then look at our news reporting, and see which way we are headed,,, Folks, it is way past time , but not to late to bend some knees, and bending them for prayer to Almighty God, starting NOW!
Prayer Request: Prayers for Eloise Ellington, who is having heart problems, and is scheduled , if I am correct , for heart surgery this morning, so please pray for her for all her health problems.... Eloise is from Yatesville, Ga.
Millie reported that yesterday, on her trip to the hospital , two went and three came back,, Melody has been release and is home, and please pray that she continues to get better, and does not have this recurrence.
Pray for "The Cross" Ministry, as we make crosses, and paint them. They are going out fast, and we need painters , so pray for two things, that God will continue to bless us with the giving out of these crosses, and that He will send painters! Thank you all!
I think the above first paragraph gives us enough to think about... I just want to add another quick nostalgia note from "kinda" of "Yesterdays, Yest-er-years".
When picking cotton back in Alabama, in 1943, and 45... I was only 2 in 1943.. and when picking cotton paid less than 50 cents per 100 punds, the sacks for an adult was approx. 6 feet in length, and would hold about 75 pounds of packed cotton, if not a little less. and my Mom would pick two rows at a time to get more cotton, faster, and this meant those little burrs or stickers on a bow of cotton, will bring blood to the tips of ones fingers, no matter how good you are,, well here it is,, my Mom, bless her heart , would make us walk and play behind her as she picked, and when we got tired, we could get on her sack , and she would pull us as she picked! Two things here, love of her child, and the "have to pick" no matter, for there was no other money for our clothes, and some other odd things,,,,now here is the question, WOULD A MOTHER DO THIS RIGHT NOW,,, IN THIS DAY AND TIME?
You answer, for this is still , a mothers country, no matter what you guys say. Mothers of today,,,are you as strong as my Mom was? I would like to know, and I will bet on the answer... and that will be YES, for a MOTHER is a MOTHER, no matter the time nor the era!
Lord, bless this Nation from the present leaders, and send us ones of You Lord, and Lord, , bless all those Mothers here on this earth, for they have their work cut out for them. amen ,
John HIcks
Change is good, but I have had all I can stand...., so let's get political today and keep our Nation, and YES, let's do have change , JUST NOT THE SAME! As the reporters say, Your Choice ,, something I have said for quite awhile... do you agree? Lot to digest today,, can you? Have a great day with the Lord, and again, that is by choice!!!!
Prayer Request: Prayers for Eloise Ellington, who is having heart problems, and is scheduled , if I am correct , for heart surgery this morning, so please pray for her for all her health problems.... Eloise is from Yatesville, Ga.
Millie reported that yesterday, on her trip to the hospital , two went and three came back,, Melody has been release and is home, and please pray that she continues to get better, and does not have this recurrence.
Pray for "The Cross" Ministry, as we make crosses, and paint them. They are going out fast, and we need painters , so pray for two things, that God will continue to bless us with the giving out of these crosses, and that He will send painters! Thank you all!
I think the above first paragraph gives us enough to think about... I just want to add another quick nostalgia note from "kinda" of "Yesterdays, Yest-er-years".
When picking cotton back in Alabama, in 1943, and 45... I was only 2 in 1943.. and when picking cotton paid less than 50 cents per 100 punds, the sacks for an adult was approx. 6 feet in length, and would hold about 75 pounds of packed cotton, if not a little less. and my Mom would pick two rows at a time to get more cotton, faster, and this meant those little burrs or stickers on a bow of cotton, will bring blood to the tips of ones fingers, no matter how good you are,, well here it is,, my Mom, bless her heart , would make us walk and play behind her as she picked, and when we got tired, we could get on her sack , and she would pull us as she picked! Two things here, love of her child, and the "have to pick" no matter, for there was no other money for our clothes, and some other odd things,,,,now here is the question, WOULD A MOTHER DO THIS RIGHT NOW,,, IN THIS DAY AND TIME?
You answer, for this is still , a mothers country, no matter what you guys say. Mothers of today,,,are you as strong as my Mom was? I would like to know, and I will bet on the answer... and that will be YES, for a MOTHER is a MOTHER, no matter the time nor the era!
Lord, bless this Nation from the present leaders, and send us ones of You Lord, and Lord, , bless all those Mothers here on this earth, for they have their work cut out for them. amen ,
John HIcks
Change is good, but I have had all I can stand...., so let's get political today and keep our Nation, and YES, let's do have change , JUST NOT THE SAME! As the reporters say, Your Choice ,, something I have said for quite awhile... do you agree? Lot to digest today,, can you? Have a great day with the Lord, and again, that is by choice!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
TUESDAY: Well, I woke with the Lord at my side and in an
A story of the above, you might not believe, some will , ,some won't, but as I went outside, still dark and real cool, I started to remember of my childhood(we do this when we get 70+, why? because we can). I would get up early , do my chores, and walk down to catch the school bus... and by then it would be light,,if we caught it coming back from the other school, instead of doing the loop, for you see we had schools, that you went to that was the closest..but the bus took kids to both schools,, so I would catch it on the back flip... and as I went out the front door,, I could see coming out of that old house, the old cow ,bellowing, waiting for Moma to milk; the old mule(Bony), grazing in the pasture, for his job was over until the harvest, and he had to pull the that harvest to the barn or the cotton to the gin,, he was safe, for now... & I could hear the chickens clucking in the fenced in "chicken yard, one wing clipped to keep them in and safe from the foxes,and the weasels..and we could gather the eggs from the hen house,and not have to look for them... the old dogs climbing out from under the house to folllow us to the bus, then be there when we got home,, , for our house was not under-penned, and even though if was painted, it did not look painted,, I would look at the cotton growing as I walked down that drive-way, growing on both sides, owner of those two fields by two others for our drive-way ran through their land to the road... and I would slide over to the cotton,, look it over, and start to dream... yes dream!!!!
for you see, then we started to school the first of August, and got out for the month of October for "cotton picking", for all the farmers needed their kids at home to pick their harvest,,and when we had picked our own, we hired out to pick others BIG farmers cotton,,, picked up early in the dark of morning , Mom and all the children loaded on the back of a big ole farm truck, with our own personal cotton picking sacks , a biscuit and ham or sausage lunch, sometimes just boiled eggs, with salt and pepper... but good,,, for what we picked,, at 59 cents a hundred(have you ever seen how much cotton it takes to make a pound?)....was made by us to buy our school clothes, for the first of November was the day we all got to show off our new overalls,, the girls their printed dress, and new hair bows.... yes, I could see this on that morning walking down the driveway,, the leaves on those cotton stock's starting to turn the color of green , mixed with rust brick, thus showing me that those "bows" of cotton were about to burst open, and be picked, and yes, Lord thank you, new clothes to come, but those clothes to earn after we picked that cotton, so as that morning when I was six , and in this long story of then, today , I thank God for that era, and I thank God for this day, of my making "Crosses" for Him, as He made my way for new clothes then, Yes, I do with much love of my Lord, today , as all days have
Lord, thank You for all You have given me, and I ask that You bless this world now , as You did then,, amen
John HIcks
Just a small dot in this world, but that dot is registered and counted by God, by my request to His saving Son, ,, are you registered with Him?
Now , to get off this computer, and go make some "Crosses"..have a great day in the Lord!!!!
A story of the above, you might not believe, some will , ,some won't, but as I went outside, still dark and real cool, I started to remember of my childhood(we do this when we get 70+, why? because we can). I would get up early , do my chores, and walk down to catch the school bus... and by then it would be light,,if we caught it coming back from the other school, instead of doing the loop, for you see we had schools, that you went to that was the closest..but the bus took kids to both schools,, so I would catch it on the back flip... and as I went out the front door,, I could see coming out of that old house, the old cow ,bellowing, waiting for Moma to milk; the old mule(Bony), grazing in the pasture, for his job was over until the harvest, and he had to pull the that harvest to the barn or the cotton to the gin,, he was safe, for now... & I could hear the chickens clucking in the fenced in "chicken yard, one wing clipped to keep them in and safe from the foxes,and the weasels..and we could gather the eggs from the hen house,and not have to look for them... the old dogs climbing out from under the house to folllow us to the bus, then be there when we got home,, , for our house was not under-penned, and even though if was painted, it did not look painted,, I would look at the cotton growing as I walked down that drive-way, growing on both sides, owner of those two fields by two others for our drive-way ran through their land to the road... and I would slide over to the cotton,, look it over, and start to dream... yes dream!!!!
for you see, then we started to school the first of August, and got out for the month of October for "cotton picking", for all the farmers needed their kids at home to pick their harvest,,and when we had picked our own, we hired out to pick others BIG farmers cotton,,, picked up early in the dark of morning , Mom and all the children loaded on the back of a big ole farm truck, with our own personal cotton picking sacks , a biscuit and ham or sausage lunch, sometimes just boiled eggs, with salt and pepper... but good,,, for what we picked,, at 59 cents a hundred(have you ever seen how much cotton it takes to make a pound?)....was made by us to buy our school clothes, for the first of November was the day we all got to show off our new overalls,, the girls their printed dress, and new hair bows.... yes, I could see this on that morning walking down the driveway,, the leaves on those cotton stock's starting to turn the color of green , mixed with rust brick, thus showing me that those "bows" of cotton were about to burst open, and be picked, and yes, Lord thank you, new clothes to come, but those clothes to earn after we picked that cotton, so as that morning when I was six , and in this long story of then, today , I thank God for that era, and I thank God for this day, of my making "Crosses" for Him, as He made my way for new clothes then, Yes, I do with much love of my Lord, today , as all days have
Lord, thank You for all You have given me, and I ask that You bless this world now , as You did then,, amen
John HIcks
Just a small dot in this world, but that dot is registered and counted by God, by my request to His saving Son, ,, are you registered with Him?
Now , to get off this computer, and go make some "Crosses"..have a great day in the Lord!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
MONDAY- and a very big Good Morning! A cup on coffee in my hand, and the Lord in my heart, is a combination of waking up and starting a day, that none other or anything else can even come close to!
Did you wake up with Him in your heart,, the one and the only that will get you through this day, with a smile, and a love of the day, that He gives so freely? Have a great day with Him, and all others you may meet up with!
As you take on a job, of any kind, do you have the faith, that you will complete it with all the i's dotted, and all the t's crossed, a job well done, and with no, that all can look upon and be you be proud that they saw your accomplishments for that job? If and when you do ,this called "self assurance",, to do it when the odds are against you in all circumstances, then you have "blind faith" that it will happen!
Take God for your God, do you see Him? Do you actually reach out and touch Him, like touching someones arm? Do you feel Him touch you? Do you actually know that there is a God? Do You worship this God? Do you expect an answer even thought you can't see , touch, feel , hear Him? If you answer all of the above, with a big ole YES,, then folks , you know that God real, and you have seen Him , in somewhat of a fashion, you have touched Him, and been touched, many, many times, and you knew , deep down inside of you,,,,this is God,, and He is real! The ? disappears, and you know for real, that yes there is a God, and He lives in my heart, in this world, He walks and He talks to us all, and He lives with us each day, and sleeps with us at night , YES THERE IS A GOD AND HE IS REAL....if you can say all of this, opver and over,,, then you do have faith, and some may call it
God. thank You for opening our eyes wide enough to actually see you, feel you, touch you and to be touched, and to have you in our hearts, and to walk and talk, to always.. amen
John HIcks
Servant to Him, and to no one else will I ever bow to....HE is my Rock, and on Him ,will I stand and proclaim His name to all I see....will you climb upon the Rock of Ages with me? Please do, and do not sink down into the sand of the outgoing tide! Yes, it is your choice. As someone told me on Face-book, that it was their choice, and for me to quit making them and everyone feel ashamed,,,but it is my choice to tell you about Him, and so I will, and if you feel ashamed, then your choice! ....will you join me upon my ROCK, un-ashamed with me?
Did you wake up with Him in your heart,, the one and the only that will get you through this day, with a smile, and a love of the day, that He gives so freely? Have a great day with Him, and all others you may meet up with!
As you take on a job, of any kind, do you have the faith, that you will complete it with all the i's dotted, and all the t's crossed, a job well done, and with no, that all can look upon and be you be proud that they saw your accomplishments for that job? If and when you do ,this called "self assurance",, to do it when the odds are against you in all circumstances, then you have "blind faith" that it will happen!
Take God for your God, do you see Him? Do you actually reach out and touch Him, like touching someones arm? Do you feel Him touch you? Do you actually know that there is a God? Do You worship this God? Do you expect an answer even thought you can't see , touch, feel , hear Him? If you answer all of the above, with a big ole YES,, then folks , you know that God real, and you have seen Him , in somewhat of a fashion, you have touched Him, and been touched, many, many times, and you knew , deep down inside of you,,,,this is God,, and He is real! The ? disappears, and you know for real, that yes there is a God, and He lives in my heart, in this world, He walks and He talks to us all, and He lives with us each day, and sleeps with us at night , YES THERE IS A GOD AND HE IS REAL....if you can say all of this, opver and over,,, then you do have faith, and some may call it
God. thank You for opening our eyes wide enough to actually see you, feel you, touch you and to be touched, and to have you in our hearts, and to walk and talk, to always.. amen
John HIcks
Servant to Him, and to no one else will I ever bow to....HE is my Rock, and on Him ,will I stand and proclaim His name to all I see....will you climb upon the Rock of Ages with me? Please do, and do not sink down into the sand of the outgoing tide! Yes, it is your choice. As someone told me on Face-book, that it was their choice, and for me to quit making them and everyone feel ashamed,,,but it is my choice to tell you about Him, and so I will, and if you feel ashamed, then your choice! ....will you join me upon my ROCK, un-ashamed with me?
Sunday, September 9, 2012
SUNDAY! Waking up with God is soooo good, and lots better than waking up with the devil,,,and don't say "oh, not me I have never woke with the devil!", but we all have at some time of our life, and I am just glad to say, "have at one time", BUT NO MORE! Right? I said , "RIGHT"! So , now go out and give out this cheer of waking with the Lord to all you meet, for that is why He was there with you , so you would be able to tell this story, of Him and His goodness,, on this Sunday morning, and all mornings!
Prayer Reports/Requests: Christine is doing better, and all hopes , she will get to come home from the hospital today!
Upon coming home from a wedding last night, I had a phone message, and there was "Miracle Millie" in a request of us, Libby and I to join in with her in a trio of Hallelujah with her, and we did, for at the start of the song, she said, Melody's tubes were removed , successfully,,, and then it began, and all should have been here to hear the opera of the "three" of us, singing, two from here , one from Maryland, Hallelujah, praise the Lord, and-yes we done it three times, and then we, Libby and I, laughed in delight of the good news and the sharing with Millie , and the thanking to God of His power..and our praise to Him,,, but that is the love we give to our living and gracious God...!!!!
Another prayer we, at "The Cross" ministry, need, is that a large crowd will be at the "Paint Marathon" at the FBC in Lovejoy on the 22nd of Sept to help paint thousands of crosses...please pray for us, as we journey from yard to yard, in all of His glory!
I think that on this Sunday, we should all bow our heads, and give HIM the thanks of HIS enduring love of us, and this Nation, and ask HIM to continue to forgive us,and bless us!..Just what do you think,,, and then think how fortunate we are to have GREAT GOD of compassion and forgiveness as we have,,, as we look about us, and see how a lot of this nation is being used!!!!
So this morning, I just say this
John HIcks
Have a great day!!!
Prayer Reports/Requests: Christine is doing better, and all hopes , she will get to come home from the hospital today!
Upon coming home from a wedding last night, I had a phone message, and there was "Miracle Millie" in a request of us, Libby and I to join in with her in a trio of Hallelujah with her, and we did, for at the start of the song, she said, Melody's tubes were removed , successfully,,, and then it began, and all should have been here to hear the opera of the "three" of us, singing, two from here , one from Maryland, Hallelujah, praise the Lord, and-yes we done it three times, and then we, Libby and I, laughed in delight of the good news and the sharing with Millie , and the thanking to God of His power..and our praise to Him,,, but that is the love we give to our living and gracious God...!!!!
Another prayer we, at "The Cross" ministry, need, is that a large crowd will be at the "Paint Marathon" at the FBC in Lovejoy on the 22nd of Sept to help paint thousands of crosses...please pray for us, as we journey from yard to yard, in all of His glory!
I think that on this Sunday, we should all bow our heads, and give HIM the thanks of HIS enduring love of us, and this Nation, and ask HIM to continue to forgive us,and bless us!..Just what do you think,,, and then think how fortunate we are to have GREAT GOD of compassion and forgiveness as we have,,, as we look about us, and see how a lot of this nation is being used!!!!
So this morning, I just say this
John HIcks
Have a great day!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
SATURDAY! First thing this morning, "thank You , God, for this day!" I hope all of you get to start your day off happy, and have one of your great days ever, and if you will just take Him with you today, and every day,,, you will have a great day, so start with a big ole breath of fresh air, furnished free, by Him, and Yes, His world, for , again, YES, HE DID MAKE IT!!!!! Have a great Saturday, y'all....
PRAYER REQUEST: For a friend of mine, and most of this little town, and joining towns, Christine Hilley has been suffering from a real bad case of the shingles, and is now in the Upson Reginal Medical Center. Please all pray for this woman who does so much for everyone, and NEVER asks for anything in return, but only things for others.
Just a brief one on this Saturday,, The above was a big trademark of the late Elvis, and he placed it around all of his belongings,, and let his staff know of it at all times, and the media also. He claimed to have done this, until his death.... now I ask you all,,,,, are you, me,,,taking care of business, as we should? That taking care of our business with God,, is first , or are we bending to those "so called" popular ones,,, are we following to be seen, and heard, or are we following Good first, and foremost,,, the one that is worth following and that we want to really be seen with, and talked about? Don't be timid when it comes to God, & Jesus, be BOLD, and say what comes to your mind, and if someone takes it wrong, just smile, and ask God to clarify it for you, don't even try..for most times it will make it worst, but HE can do it in a great way, so just trust in Him!!!
Now I said brief, and for now I will stop, but just for now, for my life, my voice, my journey, is for Him, and for anyone in doubt, or disagrees,,, well, as I always say,, your choice, but mine is for Him, and yes,,, I will be trying hard, to
Lord, I say thank You for all we have , here in this Nation, and all the love You have given to us...and I pray that all will take care o Your business, before their own. amen
John HIcks
PRAYER REQUEST: For a friend of mine, and most of this little town, and joining towns, Christine Hilley has been suffering from a real bad case of the shingles, and is now in the Upson Reginal Medical Center. Please all pray for this woman who does so much for everyone, and NEVER asks for anything in return, but only things for others.
Just a brief one on this Saturday,, The above was a big trademark of the late Elvis, and he placed it around all of his belongings,, and let his staff know of it at all times, and the media also. He claimed to have done this, until his death.... now I ask you all,,,,, are you, me,,,taking care of business, as we should? That taking care of our business with God,, is first , or are we bending to those "so called" popular ones,,, are we following to be seen, and heard, or are we following Good first, and foremost,,, the one that is worth following and that we want to really be seen with, and talked about? Don't be timid when it comes to God, & Jesus, be BOLD, and say what comes to your mind, and if someone takes it wrong, just smile, and ask God to clarify it for you, don't even try..for most times it will make it worst, but HE can do it in a great way, so just trust in Him!!!
Now I said brief, and for now I will stop, but just for now, for my life, my voice, my journey, is for Him, and for anyone in doubt, or disagrees,,, well, as I always say,, your choice, but mine is for Him, and yes,,, I will be trying hard, to
Lord, I say thank You for all we have , here in this Nation, and all the love You have given to us...and I pray that all will take care o Your business, before their own. amen
John HIcks
Friday, September 7, 2012
FRIDAY, TGED- And thank Him every day, indeed we should, but do we, no, we go on down the road, adn only say thank You God, when we feel like it..and yet , we are walking, down a road, free, and alive...soooo, this Friday, andfrm now on, start your day off with a big "THANK YOU GOD, FOR MY ALL!"
Update: Melody is still in the hosital, and Millie is enroute to her house, to take care of pets, and taking care of the grand-daughter, which she loves, but not under these circumstances..and the home, and back to the hospital..... so keep on praying for all.
The following is something I recieved from Joni , a good friend of mine, and Libbys, and she sends these articles out ,, and this one stirred my heart today, for it is about what we are actually are in the"happening" of it , now, and our votes can actually make a differeence, so read it with an open mind, but making your first vote to Jesus, God and then Earth!
Choose Your Leaders Wisely!
Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. Hebrews 13:7 NKJV
We are to keep our eyes on godly examples around us.God places people in our path to help us along the way.We each have our own gifts from God, and the gifts He gives one helps another.Your strength will help my weakness and my strength will help your weakness.Plug into your godly connection.
Study people by looking at their faith, conduct, and belief.People followed the greatest example, Jesus.We learn from Him even today, but we also follow the lead of others too.John the Baptist was a voice that cried in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord. He was a “voice” but he was not theVoice.His voice was to lead you to the “one whose shoes he was not worthy to lace.” It is the Spirit of the Lord within a person we are to follow.You just know when a person has the Spirit of the Lord in them.Their talk, ways, and actions all prove it.That person should lead you into an intimate relationship with the Lord.That is the desire of my soul, I want to lead everyone into a deep intimate relationship with the One I have fallen in love with.More than anything else, I want people to know Him!
We must choose leaders who have a higher purpose, those who are following Christ no matter what happens!The leaders we follow should be faithful in good times and bad.When you find someone who loves the Lord with all their heart regardless of all the tough things that has happened to them, they have a true relationship with Him.Look for people who rise above their circumstances to a higher calling even when everything is falling apart.People who endure all that comes against them and cling to Him see things on a deeper level. They are not looking at the surface stuff.They are usually the people who KNOW they are spirit beings having a human experience! This enables them to go deeper and see higher!
We need to look to our leaders who know where their finances, food, material possessions come from.All things come from above and He owns it, all of it.Nothing belongs to us; it is just on loan from Him while we are here. 3 John 2 says; Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
We will follow what is good and Christ like, not the opposite.We have no business following lazy, poverty stricken, vain people because they will lead us down the same road we have been down. The bible warns us against such. Just read Proverbs.Laziness has no place in the kingdom of God; Jesus served until He had to get in a boat and go to the other side of the lake to rest and eat.Vain people are always looking at our flaws, finger pointing, complaining, Pharisee kind of people.They complain all the time and therefore are in a trap by their own tongues.Remember God sent snakes to complaining, unthankful people.It is like asking for poison.
The wrong leaders lead you into a thick fog, confusion, and uncertainty. The right leaders lead you into the light, clearing away any fog of confusion and a bright and clear future. You will be able to find your purpose and destiny with them.
Father Thank You for this day!Lord give us eyes to see clearly the leaders we need to follow.Thank You Lord for insight and godly leaders!All glory, honor, and praise to You!In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Thank you Joni for this great message today!
Have a great day,,,
John HIcks
Update: Melody is still in the hosital, and Millie is enroute to her house, to take care of pets, and taking care of the grand-daughter, which she loves, but not under these circumstances..and the home, and back to the hospital..... so keep on praying for all.
The following is something I recieved from Joni , a good friend of mine, and Libbys, and she sends these articles out ,, and this one stirred my heart today, for it is about what we are actually are in the"happening" of it , now, and our votes can actually make a differeence, so read it with an open mind, but making your first vote to Jesus, God and then Earth!
Choose Your Leaders Wisely!
Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. Hebrews 13:7 NKJV
We are to keep our eyes on godly examples around us.God places people in our path to help us along the way.We each have our own gifts from God, and the gifts He gives one helps another.Your strength will help my weakness and my strength will help your weakness.Plug into your godly connection.
Study people by looking at their faith, conduct, and belief.People followed the greatest example, Jesus.We learn from Him even today, but we also follow the lead of others too.John the Baptist was a voice that cried in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord. He was a “voice” but he was not theVoice.His voice was to lead you to the “one whose shoes he was not worthy to lace.” It is the Spirit of the Lord within a person we are to follow.You just know when a person has the Spirit of the Lord in them.Their talk, ways, and actions all prove it.That person should lead you into an intimate relationship with the Lord.That is the desire of my soul, I want to lead everyone into a deep intimate relationship with the One I have fallen in love with.More than anything else, I want people to know Him!
We must choose leaders who have a higher purpose, those who are following Christ no matter what happens!The leaders we follow should be faithful in good times and bad.When you find someone who loves the Lord with all their heart regardless of all the tough things that has happened to them, they have a true relationship with Him.Look for people who rise above their circumstances to a higher calling even when everything is falling apart.People who endure all that comes against them and cling to Him see things on a deeper level. They are not looking at the surface stuff.They are usually the people who KNOW they are spirit beings having a human experience! This enables them to go deeper and see higher!
We need to look to our leaders who know where their finances, food, material possessions come from.All things come from above and He owns it, all of it.Nothing belongs to us; it is just on loan from Him while we are here. 3 John 2 says; Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
We will follow what is good and Christ like, not the opposite.We have no business following lazy, poverty stricken, vain people because they will lead us down the same road we have been down. The bible warns us against such. Just read Proverbs.Laziness has no place in the kingdom of God; Jesus served until He had to get in a boat and go to the other side of the lake to rest and eat.Vain people are always looking at our flaws, finger pointing, complaining, Pharisee kind of people.They complain all the time and therefore are in a trap by their own tongues.Remember God sent snakes to complaining, unthankful people.It is like asking for poison.
The wrong leaders lead you into a thick fog, confusion, and uncertainty. The right leaders lead you into the light, clearing away any fog of confusion and a bright and clear future. You will be able to find your purpose and destiny with them.
Father Thank You for this day!Lord give us eyes to see clearly the leaders we need to follow.Thank You Lord for insight and godly leaders!All glory, honor, and praise to You!In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Thank you Joni for this great message today!
Have a great day,,,
John HIcks
Thursday, September 6, 2012
THURSDAY! As I watched the news of the DNC, and saw the "first lady",,, swish and sway to the podium, then the brief remarks of her speech,,, they all switched to the dress she had on vs, Mrs. Romney's pretty red dress,, and I wondered ???? are we electing a dress or a president? And then they had Bill Clinton on, and I will not go to where he has been, and I reflected on the RNC, and am I wrong , but I did not see anyone of this nature there.. oh well, you can tell, I am not as political as I sound, BUT , I am worried about our nation, as the debt rolls on, and all the free outstretched hands are beginning to increase, and I believe in giving to the needy, and I also believe in working for it, also.
Remember the "RR(railroad) Bums" who use to beg for food,, their words,,, "I will cut wood, rake, or work at anything, just for food, a piece of bread",,,now, "OH NO, I will miss my favorite show on my big plasma , big screen"!
Oh well, enough, is enough, and may God forgive me for being so opinionated.. but for my belief in God, I do not apologize for , and I pray,, neither do you, so vote this year , and vote your conscience, your choice!
Above is , as I stated , enough of a "sound off" on all this junk on elections, and I want to add this, that I told my wife I was so impressed with from yesterday on Face-book... it is a tribute to all of our Teachers(and my daughter is one), and after you read it, just think who is really teaching our children , and setting the future... so please pray for all those teachers out there , who do such a great job, here is the statement,,,
"School is a building with four walls,,, and,,,, TOMORROW IS INSIDE!"
Thanks to Dian Summers for this.
Lord , I do pray for all the teachers of this land, and ask YOU,, to please stay in those class-rooms, my prayer to You,, and many more who also requests you to be there, and fill these teachers with much , much heart and knowledge.amen
John HIcks
Have a great God's day, and just give Him the thanks for it!
Remember the "RR(railroad) Bums" who use to beg for food,, their words,,, "I will cut wood, rake, or work at anything, just for food, a piece of bread",,,now, "OH NO, I will miss my favorite show on my big plasma , big screen"!
Oh well, enough, is enough, and may God forgive me for being so opinionated.. but for my belief in God, I do not apologize for , and I pray,, neither do you, so vote this year , and vote your conscience, your choice!
Above is , as I stated , enough of a "sound off" on all this junk on elections, and I want to add this, that I told my wife I was so impressed with from yesterday on Face-book... it is a tribute to all of our Teachers(and my daughter is one), and after you read it, just think who is really teaching our children , and setting the future... so please pray for all those teachers out there , who do such a great job, here is the statement,,,
"School is a building with four walls,,, and,,,, TOMORROW IS INSIDE!"
Thanks to Dian Summers for this.
Lord , I do pray for all the teachers of this land, and ask YOU,, to please stay in those class-rooms, my prayer to You,, and many more who also requests you to be there, and fill these teachers with much , much heart and knowledge.amen
John HIcks
Have a great God's day, and just give Him the thanks for it!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
WEDNESDAY! Yes! It is that ole "hump" day,, we are at the high of the week, the middle day, you have climbed, and you are here, now two questions, real quick, did you climb to this day with dignity, and are you planning to slide to and into the week-end with dignity? If your answer to this is yes, , then o.k. if your answer is no, then you need to stop, right now, and do some praying , and include your God, the one who made you, and gave this life to you, gave you this day, this week, and all days to come.. after you pray and ask,, and your answer is then and now yes,,, you really start your life, and you really start to live!!!
A WORD OF REMEMBRANCE: I would like to say to Lori Mays,a happy birthday to her son, Terry, who went to be with the Lord five years ago ,, a happy 42 nd birthday, for in Heaven, they are forever, and yes, Terry can and does hear,, not only me ,, but his mother also, through our Lord.
As we wittiness the things that are happening in this world, and in this Nation,,, the weather, the politics(getting more and more of lies to one and then another)... the sins we hear, and see, multiple killings, and yes , we hear of good things, too... but the trend is on wealth, the goods of the world, idols of , maybe not statues,, but of worldly goods,,, the trend of not praying for the will of God, but for oneself,, we need to STOP. and read these signs, and HEAR GOD SPEAKING.. get a "GOD" hearing aid,, for we hear , but are not responding, we are looking the other way,, when we must be looking up to Him, and praying to Him to deliver us from all these "things" ,, and put Him back in charge and into our lives 100%.. and quit saying yes we do believe , then do the opposite, it is and has gotten old!!! Are you listening??????
WE, and I repeat, We are HIS missionaries, each and every day, not occasional... remember, the people of Jerusalem, who had been given His all, until the idols, and the separation of themselves from Him, that during the reign of Jehoiakim, King of Judah, at 25 , did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and Nebuchadnezzar, attacked, won, and bound them as the servants of the Babylonians, for70 years? Do we want to be servants to others, or do we want to be FREE, AND SERVE OUR GOD? If your answer this day is yes, serve the Lord, then let's get off our sorry butts, and start doing some real testimony, and tell this Nation, and the world, that GOD IS ALIVE, AND WELL, AND FOR NOW IS STILL WITH US, BUT......for how long will He be?,,,,, If we do not stop and
HEAR OUR ALMIGHTY GOD, as He sends these messages to us... ???
Lord, I pray, all will stop, this minute, and bow down and pray to You for forgiveness,,, of the sins of this Nation, and for us, and Lord, I put myself at the head of these, and ask for you to stay with us.. and keep us free to be Your servants,, and only You.. amen
John HIcks
I just hope all get the message I feel in my heart as I listen to the news, and I observe the surrounding of my journeys through this life.. and if I am too bold this day, tough, I mean it!!!!
A WORD OF REMEMBRANCE: I would like to say to Lori Mays,a happy birthday to her son, Terry, who went to be with the Lord five years ago ,, a happy 42 nd birthday, for in Heaven, they are forever, and yes, Terry can and does hear,, not only me ,, but his mother also, through our Lord.
As we wittiness the things that are happening in this world, and in this Nation,,, the weather, the politics(getting more and more of lies to one and then another)... the sins we hear, and see, multiple killings, and yes , we hear of good things, too... but the trend is on wealth, the goods of the world, idols of , maybe not statues,, but of worldly goods,,, the trend of not praying for the will of God, but for oneself,, we need to STOP. and read these signs, and HEAR GOD SPEAKING.. get a "GOD" hearing aid,, for we hear , but are not responding, we are looking the other way,, when we must be looking up to Him, and praying to Him to deliver us from all these "things" ,, and put Him back in charge and into our lives 100%.. and quit saying yes we do believe , then do the opposite, it is and has gotten old!!! Are you listening??????
WE, and I repeat, We are HIS missionaries, each and every day, not occasional... remember, the people of Jerusalem, who had been given His all, until the idols, and the separation of themselves from Him, that during the reign of Jehoiakim, King of Judah, at 25 , did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and Nebuchadnezzar, attacked, won, and bound them as the servants of the Babylonians, for70 years? Do we want to be servants to others, or do we want to be FREE, AND SERVE OUR GOD? If your answer this day is yes, serve the Lord, then let's get off our sorry butts, and start doing some real testimony, and tell this Nation, and the world, that GOD IS ALIVE, AND WELL, AND FOR NOW IS STILL WITH US, BUT......for how long will He be?,,,,, If we do not stop and
HEAR OUR ALMIGHTY GOD, as He sends these messages to us... ???
Lord, I pray, all will stop, this minute, and bow down and pray to You for forgiveness,,, of the sins of this Nation, and for us, and Lord, I put myself at the head of these, and ask for you to stay with us.. and keep us free to be Your servants,, and only You.. amen
John HIcks
I just hope all get the message I feel in my heart as I listen to the news, and I observe the surrounding of my journeys through this life.. and if I am too bold this day, tough, I mean it!!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
TUESDAY! I hope all had a great Labor Day week-end! Ours was great! Slept late this morning, and even thought that is unusual, it was a treat, and I kinda liked it!!!! I feel like when you wake up, and have to rub that ole sleepy out of those eyes, God has given you a great nights sleep,,, and you can rest assured, He was right there with you, so the next time you wake up, and have to rub your eyes, just smile, and say, "thanks for the great nights sleep"...and He will hear you... and He will like what He hears!!!
You "young-uns" don't remember at the movies, when they would put on the screen, "Short Subjects",, but it was entertainment as we new it then, for it gave us some type of information we would not have received, and we did not boo it while waiting on the main feature.. we just agreed that these "short subjects" was a gift to us to give us some entertainment,, and an extra pre-ceeded all the "movies".
Well , here is my idea on this, "LIFE". It is the short subject here, and it is given to us by Him, for our pre-entertainment,,,,, and that entertainment is to enjoy this world,,and to serve Him..and He gives us a choice to do this little movie, of us and Him , together.. before the "main feature", and He give us the chance of choice to do it with Him,,, or the other one playing "down the way", and as to which one you choose for your movie before the feature presentation,, is strictly,
Lord, I am picking You for my short subject" production , and know that I will receive the "forever feature" in the end,, of the real beginning. amen
John HIcks
Just a servant , and a voice for Him, & if my voice ever gets to hot or steps on toes, ,, don't get out of the kitchen, just have a seat next to Him, and He will cool you down, and cover your toes!!!
Again , it is a choice, and it is yours!!!
You "young-uns" don't remember at the movies, when they would put on the screen, "Short Subjects",, but it was entertainment as we new it then, for it gave us some type of information we would not have received, and we did not boo it while waiting on the main feature.. we just agreed that these "short subjects" was a gift to us to give us some entertainment,, and an extra pre-ceeded all the "movies".
Well , here is my idea on this, "LIFE". It is the short subject here, and it is given to us by Him, for our pre-entertainment,,,,, and that entertainment is to enjoy this world,,and to serve Him..and He gives us a choice to do this little movie, of us and Him , together.. before the "main feature", and He give us the chance of choice to do it with Him,,, or the other one playing "down the way", and as to which one you choose for your movie before the feature presentation,, is strictly,
Lord, I am picking You for my short subject" production , and know that I will receive the "forever feature" in the end,, of the real beginning. amen
John HIcks
Just a servant , and a voice for Him, & if my voice ever gets to hot or steps on toes, ,, don't get out of the kitchen, just have a seat next to Him, and He will cool you down, and cover your toes!!!
Again , it is a choice, and it is yours!!!
Monday, September 3, 2012
MONDAY, LABOR DAY- Wow, today, we celebrate all of our labors..... how many will really kick back, cook out, or eat cold cuts,, do nothing today, except your own pleasures? It is good that once a year, we all have this day to celebrate! And is it not good, that we get to celebrate God's Labor Day,,, each week or do we celebrate? or just go about our usual business?
Look at what we have done, and then think upon what He did, in six days, and us, a year to tear it down, and yet we go national with ours,,, all over the media coverage,, and stores, yet ,,HIS is just called another ,,,, Sunday!
With Him we succeed,,, without Him we fail,,,
We will know if we are successful when we get there!
Have a great holiday, and may God bless you all very, very much!
John HIcks
Look at what we have done, and then think upon what He did, in six days, and us, a year to tear it down, and yet we go national with ours,,, all over the media coverage,, and stores, yet ,,HIS is just called another ,,,, Sunday!
With Him we succeed,,, without Him we fail,,,
We will know if we are successful when we get there!
Have a great holiday, and may God bless you all very, very much!
John HIcks
Sunday, September 2, 2012
SUNDAY! Good morning to all. I hope you all have a great God's day, ,,, as they all are!!
The object of education, is to prepare the young to educate themselves through the rest of their lives!
How many"favors" has God given to you lately? Have you even stopped to count them? If you do, it will be more than you count even using both hands and your toes.. much, nuch more!!!
We are too busy using our favors, asking fo r more and more, instead of stopping ,, counting our blessings, and then giving thanks for them,, and never do we look back and sount allthose he has given taht we asked for , for others also,,,,
Folks, we all had better stop, count our blessings,, and also watch what we think , for you know God can read minds also... so stop asking, and wanting so much, and start enjoying and thanking Him for what you have...and that is more
FAVORS ,,,,than we deserve!!!!
Lord , thank You for the all we have. .amen
John HIcks
The object of education, is to prepare the young to educate themselves through the rest of their lives!
How many"favors" has God given to you lately? Have you even stopped to count them? If you do, it will be more than you count even using both hands and your toes.. much, nuch more!!!
We are too busy using our favors, asking fo r more and more, instead of stopping ,, counting our blessings, and then giving thanks for them,, and never do we look back and sount allthose he has given taht we asked for , for others also,,,,
Folks, we all had better stop, count our blessings,, and also watch what we think , for you know God can read minds also... so stop asking, and wanting so much, and start enjoying and thanking Him for what you have...and that is more
FAVORS ,,,,than we deserve!!!!
Lord , thank You for the all we have. .amen
John HIcks
Saturday, September 1, 2012
SATURDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER!!!! LABOR DAY WEEK-END! I don't know what happen to August! It just went by, and quickly too.. Ha! Is this an "old" thing, or am I just not paying attention, for all days have the same time table, it is just what you do with "THAT" DAY,,, right? You know , "youngins", a three day week-end,,, go by faster than a speeding bullet,,Ha!
May all,, really and truly, have a great day, week-end, month, year, and rest of your life!!!! God Bless all of you!!!!
Prayer Request: Pam Brunette's Aunt, in Union , S.C. lost her only son, yesterday, please be in deep prayer for this lady!
For many, and I will make this quick,,, and it is not the guy talking to the empty chair, although I thought he was good, and done a good job, and took nothing away from the speaker who did a great job,,, But back to the vote, I have already cast my vote, and I will stick by it, for I vote for God for the top guy on my list, and Jesus for being at His side,,,so am I right or am I wrong?
I can bet , if we had a special convention,,, there would be some down trodden newscasters who would analyze our Gods word,(which they do anyway,everyday),, and use an hour or two telling us what it all meant,,,of course it would be their personal analysis..and would have to go to the liberation union(that is the ultimate of all idiots union),,, probably Rosy, or Jesse(who is without a church, if you know someone who will hire him),,,... oh well, you know the drill...with all of these newscasters, the ones who are the experts???
Just don't forget to vote for God , if you have not, and you don't have to wait on this candidate until November, you can do it now, His network is on, no antenna nor dish needed, just heart, commitment, and faith... so now,,,
Lord, I pray for all those in harms way in the path of Issac,,, and for all those in need of you, and the forgiveness of the sins of this world..amen
John HIcks
Not smart, but wise to satan, that he works 24/7, and pulls at my shirt-tail at all times, and the only way I stay in front, is by the one who has hold of my hand leading me,,, who is leading you
May all,, really and truly, have a great day, week-end, month, year, and rest of your life!!!! God Bless all of you!!!!
Prayer Request: Pam Brunette's Aunt, in Union , S.C. lost her only son, yesterday, please be in deep prayer for this lady!
For many, and I will make this quick,,, and it is not the guy talking to the empty chair, although I thought he was good, and done a good job, and took nothing away from the speaker who did a great job,,, But back to the vote, I have already cast my vote, and I will stick by it, for I vote for God for the top guy on my list, and Jesus for being at His side,,,so am I right or am I wrong?
I can bet , if we had a special convention,,, there would be some down trodden newscasters who would analyze our Gods word,(which they do anyway,everyday),, and use an hour or two telling us what it all meant,,,of course it would be their personal analysis..and would have to go to the liberation union(that is the ultimate of all idiots union),,, probably Rosy, or Jesse(who is without a church, if you know someone who will hire him),,,... oh well, you know the drill...with all of these newscasters, the ones who are the experts???
Just don't forget to vote for God , if you have not, and you don't have to wait on this candidate until November, you can do it now, His network is on, no antenna nor dish needed, just heart, commitment, and faith... so now,,,
Lord, I pray for all those in harms way in the path of Issac,,, and for all those in need of you, and the forgiveness of the sins of this world..amen
John HIcks
Not smart, but wise to satan, that he works 24/7, and pulls at my shirt-tail at all times, and the only way I stay in front, is by the one who has hold of my hand leading me,,, who is leading you
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