Sunday, August 26, 2012
SUNDAY! Hey! Daylight has come,,, and on a cool day, I sat, and thanked my Lord, for the day, and closed my eyes , just for a moment , and felt the time, of Him! Just who have you thanked this great morning, and who have you felt next to you? It is a wonderful feeling! Try it , and you will like it!!!!
The best thing about the future , is that it only comes one time a day!!!
If you have ever played baseball,(and watched the game)you know what a slide is. You are running from one base to the other base, at neck-break speed , trying to beat that little ole white ball being thrown from one of the opposite team players. You get just about to the plate, you see it is going to be sooo close, you throw out the right foot and leg, go air borne, and hit the ground with a slide into the base of destination. You are so close, it takes an umpire to call you safe or out. Everyone wants to be safe, but the ones on the opposite team , who is throwing the ball, wants you out. They want the win!!!
Life is a lot like that play!!! We are trying to out run the sins of our life. We want to win, and we are playing in sin, and hoping we can play, and out run the one who is pursuing us on that other team, play, and have fun now, then ....what? Slide, just in the nick of time?
You look , and we can see Jesus down the lane, and we don't want to put off going to Him, but we want to have our cake and eat it at the same time! We just don't realize, we can, with Him, and it tastes much better with, than without!!!!
Then you see, time is here to go to "home plate",, and you are without Him, but you know , that with out Him, you can never make it to "home plate", safe,, & you , without Him, will miss it, and lose the game of life!
Then you start that run, and ole satan sees you, and he starts to run ,, to stop you before you get to "home plate",, but you call out to Jesus, and He puts the speed into your legs, covers "home plate", and as satan catches the ball of your life, he drops it. for Jesus has ran a block for you, and Jesus picks it up, tosses it in the air, with a smile on His face, for He is so glad..even at the last minute, you came, you had that last minute, that last second to call out,,,,SOME DON'T!!!! SO DON'T WAIT!!!!.
If you are running with no commitment, then I am afraid you will be called out, and satan wins!!! Don't wait ,,,,,,and have to run at all! Just go ahead now, and ask Jesus to come into your heart ,and give Him your soul. Then you can TAKE THE WALK, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BUNT, JUST TAKE THE WALK WITH
Lord, thank you for Jesus, and I pray that all will come t Him, and not wait, amen
John HIcks
Made my commitment, and took the walk,, have you, or are you rounding third,,, on the way to "home plate" with only "I hope I make it" ,, but without Jesus, there is no way, nor hope!!!! "Pre"-prepare, now, and accept Jesus, don't wait for the final run!!! Choice!!!
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