TUESDAY! I , as most, and you may say, oh no! not me! but I will say,, oh yes! WE,, walk around most of the time, with all the things of this world on our minds, and God?,,, , only when we need Him, and I say, we need to walk around with God on our minds, and rarely think of these worldly goods, except when we absolutely need them! Do you get it? GOD FIRST AND FOREMOST, IN FRONT, NOT BEHIND, not keeping Him lagging behind for a safety net to throw OUT, only in times of need,, What do you say? It is your "Choice"!
Prayer Request: For JoAnn Samples bother, Edward House, who has cancer, and for Bobby Samples, who has had a stroke.
For all those people on the Gulf Coast, who are facing a fierce hurricane! May all make it through it safe, and may the rain go all the way up to those dry areas in need and also re-fill "ole big muddy"!
Do we , and I include myself, profess to be Christians, and act like a bunch of conceited nuts.. only touching on our merits, and not on our surroundings,, our gifts from above, the waking of a morning with a cup of coffee, tea, milk, orange Juice,, a soda, to drink,, and food to eat,,, and the freedom to drink & eat it , with who-ever, and where-ever we want,,, to look around at the environment, and SEE,, not just look,,, but look as a painter does in their pictures... and put our thanks in prospective... and really , and I mean really put God in our hearts, not a need to need situation, but as a branded steer.. permanently , with our heart,, & soul completely given, commitment completely given, yes
Lord, I thank You for my all, and I give to You, my God, my all, and I pray , that all will follow suite,. amen
John HIcks
Should we not be on the campaign trail,, ahead of the "candidates" , telling the "OLD , OLD STORY, OF OUR SAVIOR"? or do we just keep setting around and using as needed, for one day, the need will be reconciled,,, and I pray that all will be ready,, and that folks is your choice... so make it or lose it, and lose it,,, means your soul,, too much and too bold of words? Too bad!
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